- Articles
- Real space imaging of transient carrier dynamics by femtosecond time-resolved STM
Yasuhiko Terada; Shoji Yoshida; Osamu Takeuchi; and Hide...
Pico, The Omicron NanoTechnology Newsletter/15(1)/p.6-8, 2011-01 - Imaging of transient carrier dynamics in semiconductors by nanoscale pump-probe microscopy
Shoji Yoshida; Osamu Takeuchi; Hidemi Shigekawa
The Review of Laser Engineering/40(8)/pp.564-570, 2012-08 - Development of Femtosecond Time-Resolved STM -a Method Visualizing Ultrafast Phenomena
Shoji Yoshida; Osamu Takeuchi; Hidemi Shigekawa
J. Electron Microsc./47(1)/p.8-13, 2012-01 - Programmable chirp compensation for 6-fs pulse generation with a prism-pair-formed pulse shaper
Xu Lin; Nakagawa N.; Morita R.; Shigekawa H.; Yamashita M.
IEEE J. Quantum Electron./36(8)/pp.893-899, 2000-08 - Site-selective silicon adatom desorption using femtosecond laser pulse pairs and scanning tunneling microscopy
Futaba D. N.; Morita R.; Yamashita M.; Tomiyama S.; Shige...
APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS/83(12)/pp.2333-2335, 2003-09 - A Note on Electron Transfer to Exoelectron Emission Sources from Scratched Auminum
Shigekawa Hidemi; Fujiwara Yuichiro; Hyodo Shin-ichi
Japanese journal of applied physics. Pt. 1, Regular papers & short notes/23(8)/p.1146, 1984-08 - A Method for Determining the Activation Rates of PSEE Centers in Scratched Aluminum by Varying the Stimulation Intensity
SHIGEKAWA Hidemi; ANDO Yuji; KUMAGAI Akiko; HYODO Shin-ichi
Japanese journal of applied physics. Pt. 1, Regular papers & short notes/24(9)/p.1240, 1985-09 - PSEE-Related Phenomena Indicative of the Meaning of Two-Process Model Parameters for Mechanically Deformed Aluminum : Exoemission Mechanism and Related Phenomena
Japanese journal of applied physics. Supplement/24(4)/pp.122-124, 1986-02 - 5p-T-6 Study of the structure of the Si(111) √<3>×√<3>-Al superstructure by LEED
河津 璋; 西片 一昭; 松本 益明; 吉村 雅満; 重川 秀実
秋の分科会講演予稿集/1989(2)/p.414, 1989-09 - 5p-T-10 Isotherm and flash desorption kinetics of the In/Si(111) surface
西片 一昭; 松本 益明; 柘植 弘志; 清水 均; 吉村 雅満; 重川 秀実; 河津 璋
秋の分科会講演予稿集/1989(2)/p.416, 1989-09 - 6p-T-1 Development of the time-resolved Low Energy Electron Diffraction system
松本 益明; 西片 一昭; 吉村 雅満; 重川 秀実; 川津 璋
秋の分科会講演予稿集/1989(2)/p.437, 1989-09 - 第4回走査型トンネル顕微鏡/電子分光国際会議
吉村 雅満; 重川 秀実; 河津 璋
Journal of the Vacuum Society of Japan/33(1)/pp.p28-30, 1990-01 - 2p-K-1 STM Study of Organic Superconductor (BEDT-TTF)_2Cu(NCS)_2
吉村 雅満; 荒 則彦; 影島 賢巳; 塩田 隆; 河津 璋; 重川 秀実; 根城 均; 小出 昭夫; 森 初果...
秋の分科会講演予稿集/1990(2)/p.326, 1990-09 - 2p-K-2 STM Observation of Organic Cinductors (BEDT-TTF)_2X(X=I_3,KHg(SCN)_4,(NH_4)Hg(SCN)_4)
河津 璋; 吉村 雅満; 荒 則彦; 影島 賢巳; 塩田 隆; 重川 秀実; 斉藤 芳男; 森 初果; 大島 雅...
秋の分科会講演予稿集/1990(2)/p.327, 1990-09 - 3a-K-1 STM Observation of a TTF-TCNQ Surface Prepared on Mica by Vacuum Deposition
荒 則彦; 吉村 雅満; 影島 賢巳; 塩田 隆; 河津 璋; 重川 秀実; 八瀬 清志; 岡田 正和
秋の分科会講演予稿集/1990(2)/p.334, 1990-09 - Resonance Curves Obtained in the Vibration of Fe-3% Si Reeds
YOSHIMURA Masamichi; AKIYAMA Tomoko; SHIGEKAWA Hidemi; TS...
Japanese journal of applied physics. Pt. 1, Regular papers & short notes/30(7)/pp.1432-1433, 1991-07 - 29p-ZF-3 STM Observation of Thin Films of Organic Conductors
吉村 雅満; 重川 秀実; 川端 和重; 河津 璋
年会講演予稿集/46(2)/p.330, 1991-09 - 30p-BPS-8 STM Observation of a TTF-TCNQ Surface Deposited on Graphite Surface
荒 則彦; 吉村 雅満; 影島 賢巳; 塩田 隆; 重川 秀実; 河津 璋
年会講演予稿集/46(2)/p.465, 1991-09 - Intermittent Automodulation Observed in Fe-3% Si Reeds
YOSHIMURA Masamichi; AKIYAMA Tomoko; SHIGEKAWA Hidemi; TS...
Japanese journal of applied physics. Pt. 1, Regular papers & short notes/30(10)/pp.2560-2561, 1991-10 - Observation of surfaces of organic thin films.
河津 璋; 吉村 雅満; 重川 秀実
應用物理/61(10)/pp.1048-1052, 1992-10 - 4.1 有機材料のSTM
重川 秀実; 吉村 雅満; 河津 璋
Nihon Kessho Gakkaishi/35(2)/pp.126-134, 1993-01 - Lattice Matching of α-Cyclodextrin Commensurate with Molybdenum Disulfide Studied by Scanning Tunneling Microscopy
MIYAKE Koji; AISO Yoshiaki; KOMIYAMA Makoto; HARADA Akir...
Japanese journal of applied physics. Pt. 1, Regular papers & short notes/33(6)/pp.3720-3722, 1994-06 - Unprecedentedly Fast DNA Hydrolysis by the Synergism of the Cerium(IV)-Praseodymium(III)and the Cerium(IV)-Neodymium(III)Combinations^1
TAKEDA Naoya; IMAI Takamitsu; IRISAWA Makoto; SUMAOKA Ju...
Chemistry letters/1996(8)/pp.599-600, 1996-08 - Phase Transition between c(4 × 2) and p(2 × 2) Structures of the Si(100) Surface at 6 K Caused by the Fluctuation of Phase Defects on Dimer Rows due to Dimer Flip-Flop Motion
SHIGEKAWA Hidemi; MIYAKE Koji; ISHIDA Masahiko; HATA Ken...
Japanese journal of applied physics. Pt. 2, Letters/35(8)/pp.L1081-L1084, 1996-08 - Dynamics of Phasoms; Phase Defects Formed on Dimer Rows and Related Structural Changes of the Si(100) Surface at 80 K Studied by Scanning Tunneling Microscopy
SHIGEKAWA Hidemi; MIYAKE Koji; ISHIDA Masahiko; HATA Kenji
Japanese journal of applied physics. Pt. 2, Letters/36(3)/pp.L294-L297, 1997-03 - more...
- Real space imaging of transient carrier dynamics by femtosecond time-resolved STM