- Articles
- Direct attachment of double-stranded DNA to gold surface for preparation of nano-structured devices
Sumaoka J; Pan FG; Nonaka A; Takeuchi O; Shigekawa H; Kom...
CHEMISTRY LETTERS/33(6)/pp.700-701, 2004-06 - Characteristic of the Si(100) surface low-temperature phase with two competing structures investigated by rare gas adsorption
Kimura T; Yoshida S; Takeuchi O; Matsuyama E; Oigawa H; S...
JAPANESE JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS PART 2-LETTERS & EXPRESS LETTERS/43(7B)/pp.0-0, 2004-07 - Probing subpicosecond dynamics using pulsed laser combined scanning tunneling microscopy
Takeuchi O; Aoyama M; Oshima R; Okada Y; Oigawa H; Sano ...
APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS/85(15)/pp.3268-3270, 2004-10 - Temperature effect as an essential factor in scanning tunneling microscopy studies demonstrated by the analysis of an oxygen-adsorbed Si(111)-7x7 surface
Konishi Y; Yoshida S; Sainoo Y; Takeuchi O; Shigekawa H
PHYSICAL REVIEW B/70(16)/pp.0-0, 2004-10 - Probe effect in scanning tunneling microscopy on Si(001) low-temperature phases
Yoshida S; Kimura T; Takeuchi O; Hata K; Oigawa H; Nagamu...
PHYSICAL REVIEW B/70(23)/pp.0-0, 2004-12 - Atomic force microscopy on imogolite, aluminosilicate nanotube, adsorbed on Au(111) surface
Ohrai Y; Gozu T; Yoshida S; Takeuchi O; Iijima S; Shigeka...
JAPANESE JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS PART 1-REGULAR PAPERS BRIEF COMMUNICATIONS & REVIEW PAPERS/44(7B:Part 1 Sp. Iss. SI)/pp.5397-5399, 2005-07 - Analysis of time-resolved tunnel current signal in sub-picosecond range observed by shaken-pulse-pair-excited scanning tunneling miscroscopy
Takeuchi O; Aoyama M; Shigekawa H
JAPANESE JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS PART 1-REGULAR PAPERS BRIEF COMMUNICATIONS & REVIEW PAPERS/44(7B:Part 1 Sp. Iss. SI)/pp.5354-5357, 2005-07 - Bond fluctuation of S/Se anchoring observed in single-molecule conductance measurements using the point contact method with scanning tunneling microscopy
Yasuda Satoshi; Yoshida Shoji; Sasaki Jiro; Okutsu Yoshi...
JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY/128(24)/pp.7746-7747, 2006-06 - Dynamic-force spectroscopy measurement with precise force control using atomic-force microscopy probe
Takeuchi Osamu; Miyakoshi Takaaki; Taninaka Atsushi; Tana...
JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS/100(7)/pp.0-0, 2006-10
- Direct attachment of double-stranded DNA to gold surface for preparation of nano-structured devices