OKADA Susumu
- Articles
- Formation of Titanium-carbide in nanospace of C78 fullerenes
Otani Minoru; Susumu Okada; and Atsushi Oshiyama
Chemical Physics Letters/438(4-6)/p.274, 2007-04 - Energetics of ice nanotubes and their encapsulation in carbon nanotubes from density-functional theory
Takahiro Kurita; Susumu Okada; Atsushi Oshiyama
Physical Review B/75/p.205424, 2007-06 - Optical Bandgap Modulation of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes by Encapsulated Fullerenes
Toshiya Okazaki; Shingo Okubo; Takeshi Nakanishi; Takeshi...
Journal of the American Chemical Society/130/p.4122 -- 4128, 2008-03 - Energetics of Carbon Peapods; Radial deformation of nanotubes and aggregation of encapsulated C60
Susumu Okada
Physical Review B/77/p.235419, 2008-06 - Topologically Induced Surface Electron State on Si(111) Surfaces
Yohiteru Takagi; Susumu Okada
Surface Sciences/602/p.2876-2879, 2008-07 - Phase Control of Graphene Nanoribbon by Means of Carrier Doping: Antiferromagnetic, Noncollinear-Magnetic, and Ferromagnetic Phases
Keisuke Sawada; Fumiyuki Ishii; Mineo Saito; Takazumi Ka...
Nano Letters/9/p.269-272, 2008-12 - Electronic Structure of Carbon Nanotubes in Field-Effect Transistor: A First-Principle Study
Kazuyuki Uchida; Susumu Okada
Physical Review B/79/p.085402, 2009-02 - Adsorption and diffusion of Pt atoms on single-walled carbon nanotubes
Dam Hieu Chi; Nguyen Thanh Cuong; Ayumu Sugiyama; Taisuke...
Physical Review B/79/p.115426, 2009-03 - Intrinsic Dipole Moment on the Capped Carbon Nanotubes
Otani Minoru; Susumu Okada; and Yasuharu Okamoto
Physical Review B/80/p.153413, 2009-01 - Formation of Graphene Nanostrctures on Diamond Nanowire Surfaces
Susumu Okada
Chemical Physics Letters/483/p.128-132, 2009-01 - Phase Control on Magnetic State of Graphite Thin Films by Electric Field
Otani Minoru; Yoshiteru Takagi; Mikito Koshino; 岡田 晋
Applied Physics Letters/96(24)/p.242504, 2010-06 - Influence of metallic or semiconducting nanotube walls on encapsulated
-conjugated molecules
Kazuhiro Yanagi; Yasumitsu Miyata; Zheng Liu; Kazu Suena...
Journal of Physical Chemistry C/114/p.2524-2530, 2010-01 - Electronic Structure Modulation of Folded Graphene
Yoshiteru Takagi; Susumu Okada
Journal of Physical Society of Japan/79/p.033702, 2010-01 - Edge states and flat bands of graphene nanoribbons with edge modification
Katsunori Wakabayash; Ryutaro Tomita; Yuhei Natsume; and ...
Journal of Physical Society of Japan/79/p.034706, 2010-01 - Intrinsic Magnetic Moment on (0001) Surfaces of Rhombohedral Graphite
Otani Minoru; Mikito Koshino; Yoshiteru Takagi; 岡田 晋
Physical Review B/81(16)/p.161403(R), 2010-01 - Energetics of ultimate silicon nanowire confined in nanospace
Susumu Okada
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics/49/p.065001, 2010-01 - ntermolecular Interaction between Single-Wall Carbon Nanotubes and Encapsulated C60 Probed by Resonance Raman Spectroscopy
Soon-Kil Joung; Toshiya Okazaki; Susumu Okada; and Sumio...
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics/12/pp.8118 -- 8122, 2010-01 - Growth mechaism of single-walled carbon nanotube from catalytic reaction inside carbon nanotube template
Yoshifumi Izu; Junichiro Shiomi; Yoshiteru Takagi; Susumu...
ACS NANO/4/p.4769 - 4775, 2010-01 - Electron-state Control of Hexagonal Boron Nitride: Carrier Injection into Inter-layer Band
Susumu Okada; Otani Minoru
Physica Status Solidi (C) Current Topics in Solid State Physics/8(2)/pp.500-502, 2011-01 - Gate-Controlled Carrier Injection into Hexagonal Boron Nitride
Otani Minoru; Susumu Okada
Physical Review B/83(7)/p.073405, 2011-01 - Origin of the n-type Transport Behavior of Azafullerenes Encapsulated in Single-walled Carbon Nanotubes
Nguyen Thanh Cuong; Otani Minoru; Yoko Iizumi; Toshiya O...
Applied Physics Letters/99(5)/p.053105, 2011-01 - Effects of Localized Spins on Excitons in Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes with Imperfec- tions
Satoru Konabe; Susumu Okada
New Journal of Physics/13/p.083028, 2011-01 - Two-dimensionally polymerized coronene: A metallic sheet of sp2 C atoms
Susumu Okada
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan/80/p.123704, 2011-01 - Magnetic properties of thin films of rhombohedral graphite
Nguyen Thanh Cuong; Minoru Otani; and Susumu Okada; +岡田 晋
Surface Science/606/p.253-257, 2012-01 - Energetics and Electronic Structure of Diamond Nanoparitcles
Katsumasa Kamiya; Susumu Okada
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics/51/p.015001, 2012-01 - more...
- Formation of Titanium-carbide in nanospace of C78 fullerenes