OKADA Susumu
- Articles
- Energetics and electronic structure of encapsulated single-stranded DNA in carbon nanotubes
Kamiya Katsumasa; Okada Susumu
PHYSICAL REVIEW B/83(15)/pp.0-0, 2011-04 - Energetics and electronic structure of graphene adsorbed on HfO2(111): Density functional theory calculations
Kamiya Katsumasa; Umezawa Naoto; Okada Susumu
PHYSICAL REVIEW B/83(15)/pp.0-0, 2011-04 - Coaxially Stacked Coronene Columns inside Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes
Okazaki Toshiya; Iizumi Yoko; Okubo Shingo; Kataura Hiro...
ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL EDITION/50(21)/pp.4853-4857, 2011-01 - Semiconducting Electronic Property of Graphene Adsorbed on (0001) Surfaces of SiO2
Cuong Nguyen Thanh; Otani Minoru; Okada Susumu
PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS/106(10)/pp.0-0, 2011-03 - Electronic Structure of Graphene with a Topological Line Defect
Okada Susumu; Kawai Takazumi; Nakada Kyoko
JOURNAL OF THE PHYSICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN/80(1)/pp.0-0, 2011-01 - Host-guest interaction between single-wall carbon nanotubes and encapsulated C-60 probed by resonance Raman spectroscopy
Joung Soon-Kil; Okazaki Toshiya; Okada Susumu; Iijima Sumio
PHYSICA STATUS SOLIDI B-BASIC SOLID STATE PHYSICS/247(11-12)/pp.2700-2702, 2010-12 - Method for probing the magnetic state of nanomaterials encapsulated in carbon nanotubes
Konabe Satoru; Okada Susumu
APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS/98(7)/pp.0-0, 2011-02 - Gate-controlled carrier injection into hexagonal boron nitride
Otani Minoru; Okada Susumu
PHYSICAL REVIEW B/83(7)/pp.0-0, 2011-02 - 24aYN-6 Electronic Structure of Nanotubes Adsorbed on Metal Surfaces
岡田 晋; 押山 淳
Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan/60(1)/p.774, 2005-03 - Magnetism of Dangling Bond Networks on Hydrogen Deposited Si(111) Surfaces
岡田 晋; 白石 賢二; 押山 淳
Journal of the Surface Science Society of Japan/26(3)/pp.144-150, 2005-03 - 22aXA-14 Energetics and Electronic Structure of Alkali-Doped Peapods
岡田 晋
Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan/60(2)/p.717, 2005-08 - 28aUA-6 The RBM frequency shift for CNT induced by fullerene encapsulation
岡田 晋
Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan/61(1)/p.826, 2006-03 - 23aYF-14 Quantum Effects of Nano-Scale Capacitor Composed of Carbon Nano Materials
内田 和之; 岡田 晋; 白石 賢二; 押山 淳
Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan/61(2)/p.664, 2006-08 - 25aYB-12 Structures and energetics of ordered ice encapsulated by carbon nanotubes
栗田 貴宏; 岡田 晋; 押山 淳
Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan/61(2)/p.688, 2006-08 - 25aYB-4 Self-healing of atomic defects on highly defective carbon nanotubes
岡田 晋; 河合 孝純; 中田 恭子
Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan/61(2)/p.686, 2006-08 - 23pYB-9 Theoretical Study of Molecules Encapsulated Carbon Nanotubes
岡田 晋
Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan/61(2)/p.670, 2006-08 - 20aRJ-7 Structural dependence of Gap States on Nanotubes
岡田 晋
Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan/62(1)/p.845, 2007-02 - 20pWB-4 First-Principles Calculation and Analyses of Quantum Effects in Nano-Scale Capacitors
内田 和之; 岡田 晋; 白石 賢二; 押山 淳
Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan/62(1)/p.289, 2007-02 - 21pRA-4 Institute of Physics and Center for Computational Sciences, University of Tsukuba
岡田 晋
Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan/62(2)/p.853, 2007-08 - 24aRA-12 Field-Effect Doping in Graphen Nanoribbon
内田 和之; 岡田 晋
Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan/62(2)/p.894, 2007-08 - 24aRA-11 Energetics of Nanographite: Edge Geometry and Electronic structures
岡田 晋
Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan/62(2)/p.894, 2007-08 - 26aTG-8 Design of New Tubular Materials in Carbon Nanotubes
岡田 晋
Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan/63(1)/p.843, 2008-02 - 24pWB-5 Design of New Tubular Materials
岡田 晋
Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan/63(1)/p.824, 2008-02 - 20pTC-5 Energetics and Electronic Structures of Nanotubes Adsorbed on SiO_2
岡田 晋
Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan/63(2)/p.736, 2008-08 - 20pTC-12 Electronic Structures of Nanotubes Encapsulating β-carotene
岡田 晋; 柳 和宏; 片浦 弘道
Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan/63(2)/p.738, 2008-08 - more...
- Energetics and electronic structure of encapsulated single-stranded DNA in carbon nanotubes