OKADA Susumu
- Articles
- 22pTA-3 Electric field induced semiconductor-metal transition of bilayer graphene
大谷 実; 岡田 晋
Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan/63(2)/p.767, 2008-08 - 21aTA-8 Stability of Atomic Edge Structure for Mechanical Tearing of Graphene Sheet : Tight-Binding Molecular Dynamics Symulations
河合 孝純; 岡田 晋; 宮本 良之; 日浦 英文
Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan/63(2)/p.807, 2008-08 - 27aYH-10 Magnetic control of graphene nanoribbon by carrier doping
斎藤 峯雄; 澤田 啓介; 石井 史之; 岡田 晋; 河合 孝純
Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan/64(1)/p.813, 2009-03 - 30aYH-9 Inter-band transition of SWCNT in the UV region
高木 祥光; 岡田 晋
Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan/64(1)/p.861, 2009-03 - 30pYH-2 Energetics of Carbon Nanowires
岡田 晋
Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan/64(1)/p.866, 2009-03 - 29pTE-3 Study on the interface interaction between Pt nano-cluster and graphite surface
近藤 剛弘; 呉 準杓; 綿引 健二; 岩崎 陽介; 和泉 健一; 本間 裕二郎; 畠 大悟; 鈴木 哲也; 関場...
Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan/64(1)/p.895, 2009-03 - 30aRD-9 Electronic structure of Pt nano-particle on HOPG investigated by scanning tunneling spectroscopy
本間 裕二郎; 岩崎 陽介; 高木 祥光; 岡田 晋; 近藤 剛弘; 中村 潤児
Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan/64(1)/p.918, 2009-03 - 26aYE-2 Electronic Structures of Nanotubes Encapsulating Coronene
岡田 晋
Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan/64(2)/p.750, 2009-08 - 27pYE-5 Edge states on graphene induced by Pt absorption
高木 祥光; 岡田 晋
Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan/64(2)/p.782, 2009-08 - 28aYE-1 Electronic structures of folding graphene
高木 祥光; 岡田 晋
Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan/64(2)/p.790, 2009-08 - 28aYE-2 Electric field induced semiconductor-metal transition in bilayer graphene
大谷 実; 岡田 晋
Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan/64(2)/p.790, 2009-08 - Molecular Dynamics Simulation of a Single-Walled Carbon Nanotube Nucleation from a Catalytic Metal Cluster under Confinement(Thermal Engineering)
伊豆 好史; 塩見 淳一郎; 高木 祥光; 岡田 晋; 丸山 茂夫
Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers. B/75(758)/pp.2060-2067, 2009-10 - 20pGS-12 A first principle study for single-walled carbon nanotube on metal surface
高木 祥光; 岡田 晋
Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan/65(1)/p.860, 2010-03 - 21pGP-10 Electron-state Modulation of Graphite on Insulating Substrate
岡田 晋
Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan/65(1)/p.880, 2010-03 - 24aRA-11 Impurity effects on optical absorption in single-walled carbon nanotubes
小鍋 哲; 岡田 晋
Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan/65(2)/p.791, 2010-08 - 24aRA-12 Atomic and electronic structures of single-stranded DNA encapsulated into single-walled carbon nanotubes
神谷 克政; 岡田 晋
Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan/65(2)/p.791, 2010-08 - 26aRA-7 Electronic structure of h-BN : Carrier injection into NFE state
岡田 晋; 大谷 実
Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan/65(2)/p.826, 2010-08 - 25pWS-12 A first principle study for few layerd graphene on metal surface
高木 祥光; 岡田 晋
Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan/65(2)/p.877, 2010-08 - Orientation dependence of magnetic moment on double-walled nanotubes with topological line defects
Okada Susumu; Nakada Kyoko; Kawai Takazumi
APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS/90(10)/pp.0-0, 2007-03 - Effect of encapsulated atoms on the electronic structure of the fullerene cage: A case study on La-2@C-78 and Ti2C2@C-78 via ultraviolet photoelectron spectroscopy
Hino Shojun; Kato Masayuki; Yoshimura Daisuke; Moribe Hi...
PHYSICAL REVIEW B/75(12)/pp.0-0, 2007-03 - Radial-breathing mode frequencies for nanotubes encapsulating fullerenes
Okada Susumu
CHEMICAL PHYSICS LETTERS/438(1-3)/pp.59-62, 2007-04 - Formation of titanium-carbide in a nanospace of C-78 fullerenes
Otani Minoru; Okada Susumu; Oshiyama Atsushi
CHEMICAL PHYSICS LETTERS/438(4-6)/pp.274-278, 2007-04 - Energetics and electronic structure of armchair nanotubes with topological line defects
Okada Susumu; Nakada Kyoko; Kawai Takazumi
JOURNAL OF PHYSICS-CONDENSED MATTER/19(36)/pp.0-0, 2007-09 - Quantum effects in a cylindrical carbon-nanotube capacitor
Uchida Kazuyuki; Okada Susumu; Shiraishi Kenji; Oshiyama ...
JOURNAL OF PHYSICS-CONDENSED MATTER/19(36)/pp.0-0, 2007-09 - Energetics and electronic structures of carbon nanotubes with adatom-vacancy defects
Okada Susumu
CHEMICAL PHYSICS LETTERS/447(4-6)/pp.263-267, 2007-10 - more...
- 22pTA-3 Electric field induced semiconductor-metal transition of bilayer graphene