- Articles
- Synthesis of natural carotenoid-modified pyropheophorbide dyads for investigation of carotenoid-chlorophyll excited state interactions
S. Shinoda; A. Osuka; Y. Nishimura.; I. Yamazaki
Chem. Lett./p.1139-1140, 1995-01 - Synthesis and intramolecular electron- and energy-transfer reactions of polyyne- or polyene-bridged diporphyrins
A. Osuka; N. Tanabe; S. Kawabata; I. Yamazaki; and Y. Ni...
J. Org. Chem./60/p.7177-7185, 1995-01 - UV light and red light chemistry of metallophthalocyanine: wavelength-dependent photochemical reduction of tetrasodium salts of Zn(II) and Cu(II) tetrasulphonatophthalocyanines with amines
Y. Kaneko; Y. Nishimura; T. Arai; H. Sakuragi; K. Tokuma...
J. Photochem. Photobiol A:Chem./89/p.37-44, 1995-01 - LB累積膜中における光合成反応中心の電場効果
化学と工業/49/p.1268-1268, 1996-01 - Sequential electron-transfer relay in diporphyrin-porphyrin-pyromellitimide triads analogous to that in the photosynthetic reaction center
A. Osuka; S. Nakajima; T. Okada; S. Taniguchi; K. Nozaki...
Angew. chem. Int. Ed./35/p.92-95, 1996-01 - Excitation energy transfer in carotenoid-chlorophyll protein complexes probed by femtosecond fluorescence decays
S. Akimoto; S. Takaichi; T. Ogata; Y. Nishimura; I. Yama...
Chem. Phys. Lett./260/p.147-152, 1996-01 - A stepwise electron-transfer relay mimicking the primary charge separation in bacterial photosynthetic reaction center
A. Osuka; S. Marumo; N. Mataga; S. Taniguchi; T. Okada; I...
J. Am. Chem. Soc./118/p.155-168, 1996-01 - External electric-field effects on fluorescence in an electron-donor and acceptor system -ethylcarbazole and dimethyl terephthalate in PMMA polymer-films
N. Ohta; M. Koizumi; S. Umeuchi; Y. Nishimura; and I Yam...
J. Phys. Chem./100/p.16466-16471, 1996-01 - External electric field effects on fluorescence of methylene-linked D-A systems in polymer films: (carbazole)-(CH2)n-(terephthalic acid methyl ester)
N. Ohta; M. Koizumi; Y. Nishimura; I. Yamazaki; Y. Tanim...
J. Phys. Chem./100/pp.19295-19302, 1996-01 - Excitation-energy transfer in the green photosynthetic bacterium Chloroflexus-aurantiacus - a specific effect of 1-hexanol on the optical-properties of baseplate and energy-transfer processes
M. Mimuro; Y. Nishimura; I. Yamazaki; M. Kobayashi; W. Z...
Photosyn. R./48/p.263-270, 1996-01 - External electric field effects on the absorption and emission spectra of 9,9'-bianthryl in a PMMA polymer film
Y. Nishimura; S. Okazaki; I. Yamazaki; and N. Ohta
Asian J. Spectroscopy/1/p.141-148, 1997-01 - Synthesis and photochemical properties of anthracene-polyyne-porphyrin assemblies
S. Kawabata; I. Yamazaki; and Y. Nishimura; +西村 賢宣
Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn./70/p.1125-1133, 1997-01 - An enhancement of excimer formation rate of pyrene by an external electric field in a PMMA polymer film
N. Ohta; S. Umeuchi; T. Kanada; Y. Nishimura; and I. Yam...
Chem. Phys. Lett./279/p.215-222, 1997-01 - Singlet energy-transfer in bis (phenylethynyl) phenylene-bridged zinc- free base hybrid diporphyrins
S. Kawabata; I. Yamazaki; Y. Nishimura; and A. Osuka
J. Chem. Soc., Perkin Trans. 2/p.479-484, 1997-01 - Violet emission observed from phthalocyanines
Y. Kaneko; Y. Nishimura; N. Takane; T. Arai; H. Sakuragi...
J. Photochem. Photobiol A:Chem./106/p.177-183, 1997-01 - A full charge separation over the two same chromophores in a photosynthetic tetrad
A. Osuka; S. Marumo; T. Okada; S. Taniguchi; N. Mataga; T...
J. Photoscience/4/p.113-119, 1997-01 - Energy and electron-transfer properties of methyl pheophorbide-a in zinc porphyrin pheophorbide dyads
S. Shinoda; H. Tsukube; Y. Nishimura; I. Yamazaki; and A...
Tetrahedron/53/p.13657-13666, 1997-01 - Electric field effects on absorption and fluorescence spectra of pyrene doped in a PMMA polymer film
S. Umeuchi; Y. Nishimura; I. Yamazaki; H. Murakami; M. Y...
Thin Solid Films/311/p.239-245, 1997-01 - Windmill-like porphyrin arrays as potent light-harvesting antenna complexes
A. Nakano; A. Osuka; T. Yamazaki; I. Yamazaki; and Y. Ni...
Angew. chem. Int. Ed./37/p.3023-3027, 1998-01 - Coordination control of intramolecular electron transfer in boronate ester-bridged donor-acceptor molecules
H. Shiratori; T. Ohno; K. Nozaki; I. Yamazaki; Y. Nishim...
Chem. Commun./p.1539-1540, 1998-01 - Electric-field-induced quenching of exciplex fluorescence and photocurrent generation in a mixture of ethylcarbazole and dimethyl terephthalate doped in a PMMA polymer film
N. Ohta; S. Umeuchi; Y. Nishimura; and I Yamazaki
J. Phys. Chem. B/102/p.3784-3790, 1998-01 - Electric field effect on the charge migration of methylene-linked carbazole and terephthalic acid methyl ester in PMMA polymer films
Y. Nishimura; N. Ohta; M. Yamamoto; and I. Yamazaki
Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst./315/p.181-186, 1998-01 - Electroabsorption spectra of spiropyran and its photoisomer in a PMMA polymer film
S. Abe; Y. Nishimura; I. Yamazaki; and N. Ohta
Asian J. Spectroscopy/4/p.105-114, 1999-01 - Synthesis and photophysical properties of a diporphyrin-fullerene triad
K. Tamaki; H. Imahori; Y. Nishimura; I. Yamazaki; Y. Sakata
Chem. Commun./p.625-626, 1999-01 - Remarkable electric field effect on the absorption intensity of a molecular aggregate of photomerocyanine in a PMMA polymer film
S. Abe; Y. Nishimura; I. Yamazaki; and N. Ohta
Chem. Lett./p.165-166, 1999-01 - more...
- Synthesis of natural carotenoid-modified pyropheophorbide dyads for investigation of carotenoid-chlorophyll excited state interactions