Researcher's full information

  • Fluorescence interferometry by a phase-locked femtosecond-pulse pair
    西村賢宣・佐藤信一郎・山崎巌; +西村 賢宣
    Bunko Kenkyu/52/pp.230-236, 2003-01
  • Photovoltaic Properties of Self-Assembled Monolayers of Porphyrins and Porphyrin-Fullerene Dyads on ITO and Gold Surfaces
    H. Yamada; H. Imahori; Y. Nishimura; I. Yamazaki; T. K. ...
    J. Am. Chem. Soc./125/pp.9129-9139, 2003-01
  • Time-resolved analysis of intramolecular electronic energy transfer in methylenes-linked naphthalene-anthracene compounds in solution and in stretched polymer films
    S. Speiser; M. Hasegawa; S. Enomoto; T. Hoshi; K. Igaras...
    J. Lumin./102/pp.278-282, 2003-01
  • Coherent control of oscillatory excitation transfer in dithia 1,5[3,3]-anthracenophane by a phase-locked femtosecond pulse pair
    S. Sato; Y. Nishimura; I. Yamazaki; and Y. Sakata
    J. Phys. Chem. A/107/pp.10019-10025, 2003-01
  • π-π and σ-π Interactions in α-ω-Di-(9-anthryl) and Di-(1-naphthyl) Oligosilanes Studied by Time-Resolved Fluorescence in Solution
    T. Karatsu; T. Shibata; A. Nishigaki; A. Kitamura; Y. Ha...
    J. Phys. Chem. B/107/pp.12184-12191, 2003-01
  • Structure and photoelectrochemical properties of ITO electrodes modified with self-assembled monolayers of meso, meso-linked porphyrin oligomers
    T. Hasobe; H. Imahori; K. Ohkubo; H. Yamada; T. Sato; Y. ...
    J. Porphyrins Phthalocyanines/7/pp.296-312, 2003-01
  • Metal and size effects on structures and photophysical properties of porphyrin-modified metal nanoclusters
    H. Imahori; Y. Kashiwagi; T. Hanada; Y. Endo; Y. Nishimu...
    J. Mater. Chem./13/pp.2890-2898, 2003-01
  • Time-resolved fluorescence of α-(9-anthryl)-ω-(1-naphthyl)-oligosilanes: intramolecular electronic energy and charge transfer through π-π and σ-π interactions
    T. Karatsu; M. Terasawa; S. Yagai; A. Kitamura; T. Nakam...
    J. Organomet. Chem./689/pp.1029-1035, 2004-01
  • Porphyrin and fullerene-based artificial photosynthetic materials for photovoltaics
    H. Imahori; Y. Kashiwagi; T. Hosobe; M. Kimura; T. Hanad...
    Thin Solid Films/451-452/pp.580-588, 2004-01
  • Structure and photophysical properties of porphyrin-modified metal nanoclusters with different chain lengths
    H. Imahori H; Y. Kashiwagi; Y. Endo; T. Hanada; Y. Nishi...
    Langmuir/20/pp.73-81, 2004-01
  • The first observation of the effect of dendritic structure to produce the triplet excited state of the core stilbene by dendron excitation
    Y. Miura; A. Momotake; Y. Shinohara; Md. Wahadoszamen; Y....
    Tetrahedron Lett./48/pp.639-641, 2007-01
  • Singlet oxygen generation from the photosensitized reaction in DNA microenvironment
    K. Hirakawa; Y. Nosaka; T. Hirano; Y. Nishimura; T. Arai
    Photomedicine and Photobiology/31/p.7-8, 2009-01
  • Electric field effect on emission of 9,9´-bianthryl in polymer films
    西村 賢宣; 岡崎 茂俊; 太田 信廣
    Bulletin of the Faculty of Engineering, Hokkaido University/176(0)/pp.33-41, 1996-02
  • Two-step Changes in Luminescence Color of Pt(II) Complex Bearing an Amide Moiety by Mechano- and Vapochromism
    CHOI Seong Jib; KUWABARA Junpei; NISHIMURA Yoshinobu; ARA...
    Chemistry letters/41(1)/pp.65-67, 2012-01
  • Fluorescence Turn-On Sensing of Anions Based on Disassembly Process of Urea-Functionalized Poly(phenylenebutadiynylene) Aggregates
    Sakai Ryosuke; Nagai Atsushi; Tago Yasuyuki; Sato Shin-i...
    MACROMOLECULES/45(10)/pp.4122-4127, 2012-05
  • Dynamics of Singlet Oxygen Generation by DNA-Binding Photosensitizers
    Hirakawa Kazutaka; Hirano Toru; Nishimura Yoshinobu; Arai...
    JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B/116(9)/pp.3037-3044, 2012-03
  • Extremely efficient photoisomerization of water-soluble diphenylbutadiene dendrimers
    Miura Yousuke; Momotake Atsuya; Kanna Yoko; Nishimura Yo...
    DYES AND PIGMENTS/92(2:::SI)/pp.802-806, 2012-02
  • Observation of anthracene excimer fluorescence at very low concentrations utilizing dendritic structures
    Akatsuka Ryosuke; Momotake Atsuya; Shinohara Yoshihiro; K...
  • Unusually efficient trans-to-cis photoisomerization of diphenylbutadiene dendrimers in water
    Miura Yousuke; Momotake Atsuya; Kanna Yoko; Nishimura Yo...
    PHOTOCHEMICAL & PHOTOBIOLOGICAL SCIENCES/10(10)/pp.1524-1526, 2011-01
  • Extremely efficient and long lifetime fluorescence of cis-stilbene contained in a rigid dendrimer
    Tabuchi Mami; Momotake Atsuya; Kanna Yoko; Nishimura Yos...
    PHOTOCHEMICAL & PHOTOBIOLOGICAL SCIENCES/10(10)/pp.1521-1523, 2011-01
  • Kinetics of Hydrogen Bonding between Anthracene Urea Derivatives and Anions in the Excited State
    Ikedu Satomi; Nishimura Yoshinobu; Arai Tatsuo
    JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY A/115(29)/pp.8227-8233, 2011-07
  • Control of Singlet Oxygen Generation Photosensitized by meso-Anthrylporphyrin through Interaction with DNA
    Hirakawa Kazutaka; Hirano Toru; Nishimura Yoshinobu; Arai...
    PHOTOCHEMISTRY AND PHOTOBIOLOGY/87(4)/pp.833-839, 2011-07
  • Singlet molecular oxygen generation by water-soluble phthalocyanine dendrimers with different aggregation behavior
    Nishida Masakazu; Horiuchi Hiroaki; Momotake Atsuya; Nish...
  • Development of a quinoxaline-based fluorescent probe for quantitative estimation of protein binding site polarity
    Kudo Kentaro; Momotake Atsuya; Kanna Yoko; Nishimura Yos...
    CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS/47(13)/pp.3867-3869, 2011-01
  • Photophysics and photochemistry of positionally isomeric 1,2-dianthryltetramethyldisilanes: Investigation of anthryl-anthryl and anthryl-SiSi interactions
    Takahashi Koji; Nishimura Yoshinobu; Arai Tatsuo; Yagai ...
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