SANO Nobuyuki
- Articles
- Transport Properties of Ballistic Quantum Wire
佐野 伸行
Proceedings of the International Conference on Solid State Devices and Materials (SSDM-92)/p.753, 1992-01 - Effects of Width Increase in the Ballistic Quantum Wire
佐野 伸行
Physical Review B/45/p.14131, 1992-01 - Hot Carrier Luminescence in Si
佐野 伸行
Physical Review B/45/p.5848, 1992-01 - Direct Comparison of Quantum and Classical Descriptions of High-Field Carrier Transport in Semiconductors
佐野 伸行
Journsl of Applied Physics/70/p.3127, 1991-01 - (INVITED) Monte Carlo Analysis of Hot Electron Transport and Smpact Ionization in silicon
佐野 伸行
Proceedings of the International Conference on Solid State Devices and Materials (SSDM-91)/p.456, 1991-01 - Monte Carlo Aralysis of Hot Eectron Transport and Impact Ionization in Si
佐野 伸行
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics/30/p.3662, 1991-01 - Electron Transport and Impact Ionization in Si
佐野 伸行
Physical Review B/41/p.12122, 1990-01 - Monte Carlo Analysis of Ionization Threshold in Si
佐野 伸行
Applied Physics Letters/56/p.653, 1990-01 - Physical Mechanism of Impact Ionization in Si : A Monte Carlo Analysis
佐野 伸行
Proceedings of the International Workshop on VLSI Process and Device Modeling (VPAD-90)/p.34, 1990-01 - Soft and Hard Ionization Thresholds in Si and GaAs
佐野 伸行
Applied Physics Letters/55/p.1418, 1989-01 - A Monte Carlo Study of Hot-Electron Transport under a Needle-Plate Assembly
佐野 伸行
Journal of Physics D/22/p.309, 1989-01 - Hot-Electron Transport in a Needle-Plate Geometry
佐野 伸行
Journal of Physics D/21/p.1025, 1988-01 - Electron Transport in SiO2 under a Strongly Inhomogeneous Electric Field
佐野 伸行
Journal of Applied Physics/64/p.2785, 1988-01
- Transport Properties of Ballistic Quantum Wire