- Affiliation
- University of Tsukuba
- Official title
- Professor Emeritus
- %FDO<^mi=FgONPFP=<g<>gEK
- Research fields
Condensed matter physics II Medical systems - Research keywords
Magnetic properties of nano structured vrateials ナノ構造体の磁気特性 - Research projects
(BLANK) 1995 -- 1996 /出資金による受託研究 Quantum transport in ultra-small conductors 2000 -- 2001 /出資金による受託研究 文部科学省元素戦略プロジェクト「複合界面制御による白金族元素フリー機能性磁性材料の開発」 2009-09 -- 2014-03 喜多英治 Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Japan/出資金による受託研究 M(]E88D8[)ssbauer study on magnetic Materials -- (current) / Assembled ultra-fine particles -- (current) / Magnetic and transport properties of ferromagnetic thin films -- (current) / 高発熱磁性ナノ粒子の新規開発と特異的集積法による電磁誘導癌治療への応用 2011 -- 2013 Japan Society of for the Promotion of Science/基盤研究(B) 15,080,000Yen 微粒子などの微細構造を利用したα”-Fe16N2の磁気異方性の研究 2007 -- 2008 Japan Society of for the Promotion of Science/基盤研究(C) 4,550,000Yen 強い層間結合と垂直磁気異方性をあわせ持つ磁性人工格子薄膜の研究 2003 -- 2004 Japan Society of for the Promotion of Science/基盤研究(C) 3,600,000Yen GDM法による2元ナノクリスタルの作成と物性 1998 -- 1999 Japan Society of for the Promotion of Science/基盤研究(C) 3,100,000Yen more... - Career history
2011-10 -- 2016-03 筑波大学数理物質系教授 - Academic background
-- 1974 Osaka University Faculty of Engineering Science 物性物理工学科 -- 1979 Osaka University Graduate School, Division of Engineering Science 物理系 - Degree
Doctor of Engineering - Academic societies
-- (current) THE JAPAN INSTITUTE OF METALS -- (current) THE MAGNETICS SOCIETY OF JAPAN -- (current) THE PHYSICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN 2008 -- (current) Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) - Articles
- 数MHzの交流磁化過程測定装置の開発(Ⅱ)
田中 大暁; 萬年 智介; 磯部 高範; 喜多 英治; 柳原 英人
令和6年電気学会全国大会, 2024-03 - Magnetic Relaxation of Superparamagnetic Fe Oxide Particles Studied With Mossbauer Spectroscopy
Kita Eiji; Onodera Reisho; Kishimoto Mikio; Yanagihara...
IEEE MAGNETICS LETTERS/14 - Crystal Structure and Magnetic Properties of Hexagonal FeCo Nitrides Prepared Using Ammonia Gas Nitrification
Kodaka Chihiro; Kishimoto Mikio; Kita Eiji; Yanagihara...
IEEE MAGNETICS LETTERS/14 - 数MHzの交流磁化過程測定装置の開発
田中大暁; 森 賢太郎; 金井雄平; 萬年智介; 磯部 高範; 喜多英治; 柳原英人
令和5年電気学会全国大会, 2023-03 - Effect of static magnetic field bias on dynamic hysteresis loops of a magnetic nanoparticle suspension
Onodera Reisho; Kita Eiji; Kuroiwa Takuya; Yanagihara ...
JAPANESE JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS/61(6), 2022-06 - Structure and magnetic properties of nitrides in FeNi and FeNiCo alloy particles synthesized via co-precipitation, reduction, and nitriding
Kishimoto Mikio; Kita Eiji; Yanagihara Hideto
JOURNAL OF MAGNETISM AND MAGNETIC MATERIALS/548, 2022-04 - FPCコイルを用いた数MHzの高周波磁化過程測定装置の開発
森 賢太郎; 萬年 智介; 磯部 高範; 喜多 英治; 柳原英人
電気学会 電磁環境/半導体電力変換合同研究会, 2021-12 - Flexible-Printed-Circuits Based Magnetizing Coil for a High-Frequency and Large-Amplitude Magnetic-Field Generator
Mannen Tomoyuki; Mori Kentaro; Kanai Yuhei; Isobe Takano...
2021 IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition (APEC), 2021-06 - Atomic Structure and Electron Magnetic Circular Dichroism of Individual Rock Salt Structure Antiphase Boundaries in Spinel Ferrites
Li Zhuo; Lu Jinlian; Jin Lei; Rusz Jan; Kocevski Van...
ADVANCED FUNCTIONAL MATERIALS/31(21), 2021-05 - Coercive force of Co-Ni-Li spinel ferrite particles synthesized through co-precipitation, hydrothermal treatment, and etching in hydrochloric acid
Kishimoto Mikio; Kita Eiji; Yanagihara Hideto
JAPANESE JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS/59(8), 2020-08 - Effect of lattice mismatch on magnetic properties of acicular spinel iron oxide particles with crystallized cobalt ferrite layer
Kishimoto Mikio; Kita Eiji; Yanagihara Hideto
JOURNAL OF MAGNETISM AND MAGNETIC MATERIALS/510, 2020-09 - Magnetic Properties of Tetragonal Cobalt Manganese Ferrite Particles Prepared Using the Molten Salt Method
Yamada Sota; Shigesawa Ryo; Latiff Hawa; Kishimoto Mi...
IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MAGNETICS/56(4), 2020-04 - Positive Weiss Temperature in Layered Antiferromagnetic FeNiN for High-Performance Permanent Magnets
Goto Sho; Kura Hiroaki; Yanagihara Hideto; Kita Eiji; ...
ACS APPLIED NANO MATERIALS/2(11)/pp.6909-6917, 2019-11 - Strain-induced magnetic anisotropy via the Jahn-Teller effect and the magnetoelastic coupling of tetragonally distorted (Cu,Co)Fe2O4 particles
Latiff Hawa; Kishimoto Mikio; Inoue Jun-ichiro; Kita ...
JOURNAL OF MAGNETISM AND MAGNETIC MATERIALS/489, 2019-11 - Structure and Magnetic Properties of Co-Ni Spinel Ferrite Particles Synthesized via Co-Precipitation and Hydrothermal Treatment at Different Temperatures
Kishimoto Mikio; Latiff Hawa; Kita Eiji; Yanagihara H...
Journal of the Japan Institute of Metals and Materials/83(6)/pp.207-211, 2019 - Large negative uniaxial magnetic anisotropy in highly distorted Co-ferrite thin films
Tainosho Takeshi; Inoue Jun-ichiro; Sharmin Sonia; Tak...
APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS/114(9), 2019-03 - Structure and Magnetic Properties of Co–Ni Spinel Ferrite Particles Synthesized via Co-Precipitation and Hydrothermal Treatment at Different Temperatures
Kishimoto Mikio; Latiff Hawa; Kita Eiji; Yanagihara Hideto
MATERIALS TRANSACTIONS/60(4)/pp.485-489, 2019 - Morphology and magnetic properties of FeCo particles synthesized with different compositions of Co and Fe through co-precipitation, flux treatment, and reduction
Kishimoto Mikio; Latiff Hawa; Kita Eiji; Yanagihara H...
JOURNAL OF MAGNETISM AND MAGNETIC MATERIALS/476/pp.229-233, 2019-04 - Magnetic Properties of Epitaxial Barium Hexaferrite (0001) Thin Films Deposited by Radio Frequency Magnetron Sputtering
Patel R.; Ikeda Y.; Onoda H.; Tainosho T.; Hisamatsu Y.; ...
IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MAGNETICS, 2017-11 - Effect of Synthesis Method on Particle Size and Magnetic and Structural Properties of Co-Ni Ferrites
Sharmin Sonia; Kita Eiji; Kishimoto Mikio; Latiff Haw...
IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MAGNETICS/54(11), 2018-11 - Control of Magnetic Anisotropy by Lattice Distortion in Cobalt Ferrite Thin Film
Onoda H.; Sukegawa H.; Kita E.; Yanagihara H.
IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MAGNETICS/54(11), 2018-11 - Magnetic properties and electronic state of MoxFe3-xO4 ferrites
Hisamatsu Y.; Honda S.; Sharmin S.; Inoue J.; Kita E.; Ya...
MATERIALS RESEARCH EXPRESS/5(8), 2018-08 - Surface Observation and Magnetism of Oil-Extracted Botryococcus braunii Residues before and after Carbonization
Aohan Wang; Mikihide Demura; 渡邉 信; Kotaro Ohara; 柏木; 門脇和男; ...
C-Carbon Research Journal, 2018-2 - Characterization of FeCo particles synthesized via co-precipitation, particle growth using flux treatment and reduction in hydrogen gas
Kishimoto Mikio; Latiff Hawa; Kita Eiji; Yanagihara H...
JOURNAL OF MAGNETISM AND MAGNETIC MATERIALS/432/pp.404-409, 2017-06 - 19pPSB-10 Negative perpendicular anisotropy in NiFe_2O_4(001) epitaxial thin film grown on MgAl_2O_4(001)
松本 光玄; 田結荘 健; 久松 裕季; 井上 順一郎; Sharmin Sonia; 柳原 英人; ...
日本物理学会講演概要集/71(1)/p.1137, 2016-03 - more...
- 数MHzの交流磁化過程測定装置の開発(Ⅱ)
- Books
- 磁気工学ハンドブック(分担)
喜多 英治
朝倉書店, 1998-01 - 微粒子工学大系 第1巻基本技術 第1章3-6 磁気的性質
喜多 英治
フジテクノシステム, 2001-01
- 磁気工学ハンドブック(分担)
- Conference, etc.
- 数MHzの交流磁化過程測定装置の開発(Ⅱ)
田中 大暁; 萬年 智介; 磯部 高範; 喜多 英治; 柳原 英人
令和6年電気学会全国大会/2024-03-14--2024-03-16 - 数MHzの交流磁化過程測定装置の開発
田中大暁; 森 賢太郎; 金井雄平; 萬年智介; 磯部 高範; 喜多英治; 柳原英人
令和5年電気学会全国大会/2023-03-15--2023-03-17 - FPCコイルを用いた数MHzの高周波磁化過程測定装置の開発
森 賢太郎; 萬年 智介; 磯部 高範; 喜多 英治; 柳原英人
電気学会 電磁環境/半導体電力変換合同研究会/2021-12-08 - Flexible-Printed-Circuits Based Magnetizing Coil for a High-Frequency and Large-Amplitude Magnetic-Field Generator
Mannen Tomoyuki; Mori Kentaro; Kanai Yuhei; Isobe Takano...
2021 IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition (APEC)/2021-06-14--2021-06-17 - Fe-Mn 系反強磁性合金のエリンバー特性と組織および磁性
東 史弥; 喜多 英治; 谷本 久典
日本金属学会春期講演会/2021-03-18 - Dynamic magnetization properties and heat generation of platelet ferromagnetic nanoparticles injected in tumors of mice.
Eiji Kita; H Yanagihara; M Kishimoto; Ryoichi Miyamoto; O...
INTERMAG Europe 2017/2017-04-24--2017-04-28 - Antiferromagnetic coupling between spinel ferrite and alpha-Fe layers in Fe3-delta O4/MgO/Fe(001) epitaxial films
Yanagihara Hideto; Toyoda Yuta; Kita Eiji
2nd International Symposium on Advanced Magnetic Materials and Applications (ISAMMA 2010)/2010-07-12--2010-07-16 - Effect of uniaxial stress cooling on the neutron magnetic scattering in a ZnCr2O4 single crystal
Kita Eiji; Hatanaka Ayumu; Yanagihara Hideto; Nakajima K...
1st International Symposium of Quantum Beam Science Directorate
- 数MHzの交流磁化過程測定装置の開発(Ⅱ)
- Intellectural property rights
- カーボンナノチューブ及び該カーボンナノチューブの加工法
喜多 英治
- カーボンナノチューブ及び該カーボンナノチューブの加工法
- Teaching
2021-10 -- 2021-12 Physical Properties of Magnetic Materials University of Tsukuba. 2020-10 -- 2020-12 Physical Properties of Magnetic Materials University of Tsukuba. 2019-10 -- 2019-12 Physical Properties of Magnetic Materials University of Tsukuba. 2018-10 -- 2018-12 Physical Properties of Magnetic Materials University of Tsukuba. 2016-10 -- 2017-02 Research in Applied Physics IIA University of Tsukuba. 2016-10 -- 2017-02 Research in Applied Physics IA University of Tsukuba. 2016-10 -- 2017-02 Research in Applied Physics IB University of Tsukuba. 2016-10 -- 2017-02 Research in Applied Physics IIB University of Tsukuba. 2016-10 -- 2017-02 Research in Applied Physics IVB University of Tsukuba. 2016-10 -- 2017-02 Research in Applied Physics IVA University of Tsukuba. more... - University Management
2004-04 -- 2006-03 第三学群工学基礎学類長 2008-04 -- 2010-10 大学院早期修了プログラム事務局長 2010-04 -- 2012-03 理工学群長 2008-04 -- 2010-03 研究基盤総合センター工作部門長 2010-04 -- 2012-03 研究基盤総合センター応用加速器部門長 2012-04 -- (current) 研究基盤総合センター副センター長(応用加速器部門担当)
(Last updated: 2024-07-30)