Researcher's full information

  • Synthesis of Silicon Nanoparticles and Impurity Doping by Laser Ablation
    K. Murakami; T. Makimura; T. Mizuta; C. Li; and D. Takeuchi
  • Synthesis of Si Nanoparticles with Visible Photoluminescence and Dynamics of Laser Ablation
    K.Murakami; +村上 浩一
    PCPM'99 (International Conference on Photoreaction Control and Photofunctional Materials/1999-04-01
  • Fabrication of Si Nanoparticles by Laser Ablation
    K.Murakami; +村上 浩一
    Laserion Workshop'98 on Microfabrication, Nanostructured Materials and Biotechnology/1998-04-01
  • Hydrogen and Light Impurities in Silicon
    K.Murakami; +村上 浩一
    Proc. Asian Science Seminar on Physics and Control of Defects in Semiconductors/1998-04-01
  • Hydrogen Molecules in Crystalline Silicon
    M. Kitajima; K. Ishioka; K.G. Nakamura; N. Fukata; K. Mu...
    Proc. 19th ICDS (International Conference on Defects in Semiconducotors) (M. Kitajima,K. Ishioka, K.G. Nakamura, N. Fukata, K. Murakami, J. Kikuchi and S. Fujimura/1997-07-01
  • Dynamics of Si Laser Ablation and Fabrication of Mesoscopic Particles
    K.Murakami; +村上 浩一
    Gordon Research Conference on Laser Interactions with Materials/1996-04-01
  • Dynamics of Si Laser-Ablation Studied by Time-Resolved Soft X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy
    K.Murakami; +村上 浩一
    Proc. Intern. Symp. on Material Chemistry on Nuclear Enveronment/1996-04-01
  • Time-Resolved Spectroscopies of Laser Processing - LAPXS and Light Emission Measurements
    K. Murakami
    Proc. 12th Yokohama 21st Cent. Forum on Fullerenes and Laser Processing/1996-04-01
  • Dynamics of Silicon Plume Generated by Laser Ablation and Its Chemical Reaction
    T. Makimura; K. Murakami
    Proc. 3rd Intern. Conf. on Laser Ablation (COLA'95) (1995, Strasbourg)/1995-04-01
  • Laser-Plasma Soft X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy of Laser-Ablated Si and C Particles
    K. Murakami; T. Ohyanagi; A. Miyashita; O. Yoda
    Proc. Intern. Conf. on Laser Ablation (COLA'93) (1993, Knoxville)/1993-04-01
  • "Dynamics and Control of Laser Ablation of Oxide Superconductors and Semiconductors" (Invited Talk & Paper)
    K.Murakami; +村上 浩一
    Proc. Intern. Workshop on Dynamic Response to Pulsed Heating (Los Alamos, 1993)/1993-04-01
  • Dynamics of Laser Ablation of High Tc Superconductors and Semiconductors,and a New Method for Growth of Films
    K.Murakami; +村上 浩一
    European Materials Research Society Monographs 4, 125-140 (1992)/1992-04-01
  • Ultra-Short Pulsed Laser Annealing" (Invited Talk & Paper)
    K. Gamo; K. Murakami; M. Kawabe; S. Namba; Y. Aoyagi
    Proc. MRS Symp.on Laser and Electron-Beam Solid Interactions and Materials Processing (North-Holland, 1981) pp.97-109/1980-12-01