ITOH Masahide
- Affiliation
- Institute of Pure and Applied Sciences
- Official title
- Professor
- Birth date
- 1955-10
- Research projects
Research on X-Ray optics by quasi-crystal pattern 2015-04 -- 2018-03 ITOH Masahide Japan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for challenging Exploratory Research 3,900,000Yen Broad-Band Light-Wave Correlation -- (current) / Optical Trapping -- (current) / Optial Information processing using photorefractive effect -- (current) / Sub-wavelength 3-dimentional imaging of biological tissue 2010 -- 2012 ITOH Masahide Japan Society of for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(C) 3,640,000Yen Biomedical measurement using confocal-differential-interference contrast microscope 2001 -- 2004 ITOH Masahide Japan Society of for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(C) 3,400,000Yen BZ反応を用いた非線形アダプティブ光学フィルター 2001 -- 2001 ITOH Masahide Japan Society of for the Promotion of Science/特定領域研究(A) 2,100,000Yen Multi-dimensional Spectral Analysis for Biomedical Parameters 1999 -- 2000 ITOH Masahide Japan Society of for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(C) 3,400,000Yen 有機ポリマーを用いたマイクロEOプローブ 1997 -- 1997 ITOH Masahide Japan Society of for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Emphasis Research(1) 2,500,000Yen Topographic Imaging by Wavelet Correlation Method 1995 -- 1996 ITOH Masahide Japan Society of for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(C) 2,700,000Yen - Academic background
-- 1978 The University of Tokyo Faculty of Engineering 物理工学科 -- 1980 The University of Tokyo Graduate School, Division of Engineering 物理工学 - Degree
Doctor of Engineering The University of Tokyo - Academic societies
-- (current) Optical Society of America -- (current) SPIE -- (current) The Japan Society of Applied Physics -- (current) THE INSTITUTE OF ELECTRONICS, INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION ENGINEERS. -- (current) Optical Society of Japan - Articles
- High-speed three-dimensional cross-sectional measurement of cultured neurons by scatterometry that improves resolution by an order of magnitude
伊藤 雅英; 岩田 卓; 星野 鉄哉; 青木 貞雄; 武井 陽介
Optics Express/33(5)/pp.11398-11408, 2025-03 - Examination of measurement by hard X-ray grazing incidence diffraction patterns of isolated lattices for 3D 1-nm resolution
Hoshino Tetsuya; Aoki Sadao; Itoh Masahide; Itoh Hiro...
OPTICAL ENGINEERING/63(11)/p.111804, 2024-11-01 - Reflection analysis of absorbing film with diffractive structures for incoherent light by rigorous coupled-wave analysis
Itoh Masahide; Hoshino Tetsuya; Banerjee Saswatee; Aoki ...
Applied Optics/60(25)/pp.7765-7771, 2021-08 - Modeling and analysis of polarization effect on signal intensity profile of two-dimensional page data in holographic data storage system
Itoh Masahide; Shimada Ken-ichi
Optics Communications/486/p.126760, 2021-01 - Quasicrystal hole array as X-ray focusing optical element
Hoshino Tetsuya; Fukamizu Takaaki; Aoki Sadao; Itoh Masa...
Applied Physics Express/13(10)/p.102004, 2020-09 - High accuracy cross-sectional shape analysis by coherent soft x-ray diffraction
Hoshino Tetsuya; Saswatee Banerjee; Aoki Sadao; Sakurai ...
Applied Optics/59(28)/pp.8661-8667, 2020-10 - Efficient phase matching algorithm for measurements of ultrathin indium tin oxide film thickness in white light interferometry
Masahide Itoh; Kai Chen; Feng Lei
Optical Review/24(2)/pp.121-127, 2017-02 - Cross-sectional particle measurement in the resonance domain on the substrate through scatterometry
Hoshino Tetsuya; Watanabe Norio; Aoki Sadao; Sakurai Ken...
OPTICS EXPRESS/25(21)/pp.26329-26348, 2017-10 - 複素数値処理による,線集光型in-focusフーリエドメイン光コヒーレンストモグラフィー
杉坂 純一郎; 安野 嘉晃; 山東 悠介; 遠藤 隆史; 巻田 修一; 青木 剛毅; 伊藤 雅英; 谷田貝 豊彦
光学/34(9)/pp.481-485, 2005-09 - Birefringence imaging of human skin by polarization-sensitive spectral interferometric optical coherence tomography
Yaoshiaki Yasuno; Shuichi Makita; Yasunori Sutoh; Masahid...
Optics Letters/27(20)/pp.1803-1805, 2002-10 - Efficient phase matching algorithm for measurements of ultrathin indium tin oxide film thickness in white light interferometry
Chen Kai; Lei Feng; Itoh Masahide
OPTICAL REVIEW/24(2)/pp.121-127, 2017-04 - Simple and accurate optical height sensor for wafer inspection systems
Shimura Kei; Nakai Naoya; Taniguchi Koichi; Itoh Masa...
OPTICAL REVIEW/23(1)/pp.1-9, 2016-02 - Cross-sectional shape evaluation of a particle by sc atterometry
Tetsuya Hoshino and Masahide Itoh
Optics Communications/359/pp.240-244, 2016-01 - Measurement of ITO transparent electrode with white-light interferometer
CHEN Kai LEI Feng ITOH Masahide
Chinese Optics/8(4)/pp.567-573, 2015-04 - Imaging microscopy by phase-contrast engine: Retardation-Modulated differential interference contrast microscope
Ishiwata Hiroshi; Itoh Masahide
OPTICAL DESIGN AND TESTING VI/9272, 2014 - Report of Optics & Photonics Japan 2012
伊藤 雅英
光学/42(6)/pp.319-320, 2013-06 - Scatterometry of Slant Incidence to Isolated Scatterers for High-Density Memory
Hoshino Tetsuya; Yatagai Toyohiko; Itoh Masahide
JAPANESE JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS/52(9:3::SI), 2013-09 - Unique ZnS–SiO2 Morphologies Reflecting a Laser-Induced Heat Distribution
Mori Tetsuji; Itoh Masahide
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics/52(4)/p.048004, 2013-04 - A columnar model explaining long-term memory
Itoh Masahide
Optical Memory and Neural Networks/21(4)/pp.209-218, 2013-04 - Direct generation of high power Laguerre-Gaussian output from a diode-pumped Nd : YVO4 1.3-mu m bounce laser
Okida Masahito; Omatsu Takashige; Itoh Masahide
OPTICS EXPRESS/15(12)/pp.7616-7622, 2007-06 - Jones Matrix Imaging of Biological Tissues by Polarization-Sensitive Fourier-Domain Optical Coherence Tomography
巻田 修一; 安野 嘉晃; 遠藤 隆史; 伊藤 雅英; 谷田貝 豊彦
Japanese journal of optics/34(2)/pp.103-108, 2005-02 - Polarization sensitive spectral interferometric optical coherence tomography for biological samples
Yasuno Yoshiaki; Sutoh Yasunori; Makita Shuichi; Itoh Ma...
OPTICAL REVIEW/10(5)/pp.498-500, 2003-09 - Absolute measurements of the Optical materials by real-time holographic Interferometry
伊藤 雅英
Opt. Commun./(33)/p.183, 1981-01 - Photoacoustic imaging
伊藤 雅英
Jpn. J. Optics/11/p.6, 1982-01 - Absorption measurements of laser optical materials by interferometric calorimetry
伊藤 雅英
J. Appl. Phys/53/p.7, 1982-01 - more...
- High-speed three-dimensional cross-sectional measurement of cultured neurons by scatterometry that improves resolution by an order of magnitude
- Books
- Assessment of High Accuracy 3D Shape Analysis
Itoh Masahide; Hoshino T.; Saswatee B.; Aoki S.; Sakurai K.
Research Developments in Science and Technology Vol. 5, Chapter 9/B P International, 2022-05 - 光計測のニーズとシーズ
伊藤 雅英
コロナ社, 1987-01 - レーザー分光計測の基礎と応用
伊藤 雅英
アイピーシー, 1992-01 - 新しい光学顕微鏡《第一巻》レーザー顕微鏡の理論と実際
伊藤 雅英
学際企画, 1995-01 - 光学技術ハンドブック
伊藤 雅英
朝倉書店, 2002-01 - 科学大辞典
伊藤 雅英
丸善, 2005-01 - 光の百科事典
伊藤 雅英
丸善出版株式会社, 2011-12
- Assessment of High Accuracy 3D Shape Analysis
- Conference, etc.
- 細胞の3次元断面構造の深層学習による高確度・高速計測
伊藤 雅英; 青木 貞雄; 星野 鉄哉; 岩田 卓; 武井 陽介
Optics & Photonics Japan 2023/2023-11-27--2023-11-29 - Rigorous 3D analysis of isolated resist pattern using soft X-ray spectrum
Itoh Masahide; Hoshino Tetsuya; Aoki Sadao; Ito Hiroshi
OPTICS and PHOTONICS International Congress (OPIC 2023)/2023-04-17--2023-04-21 - Fast, high-resolution 3D optical measurement of nerves
伊藤 雅英; 星野鉄哉; 青木 貞雄; 井藤 浩志
Optics & Photonics Japan 2022/2022-11-13--2022-11-16 - 光波散乱計測を用いた分散培養ニューロンの3次元形態解析システム
伊藤 雅英; 岩田卓; 星野鉄哉; 根東覚; 佐々木哲也; 武井陽介
第128回日本解剖学会総会・全国学術集会/2023-03-18--2023-03-20 - Scatterometry using deep learning for analysis of oil including phosphor
Itoh Masahide; Hoshino T.; Aoki S.; Kobayashi M.
The 15th Pacific Rim Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO-PR 2022)/2022-07-31--2022-08-06 - Scatterometry of isolated resist pattern by soft X-rays using deep-learning analysis
Itoh Masahide; Hoshino T.; Aoki S.; Shichiri M.; Itoh H.
Digital Holography and Three-Dimensional Imaging/2022-08-01--2022-08-04 - A new 3D measurement analysis system for dissociated culture neuron by scatterometry
Iwata Suguru; Hoshino Tetsuya; Kondo Satoru; Sasaki Tets...
The 128th Annual Meeting of The Japanese Association of Anatomists/2023-03-18--2023-03-20 - 蛍光体を含む油滴の高精度3次元計測
伊藤 雅英; 成岡伸太郎; 星野鉄哉; 小林正美
第80回応用物理学会秋季学術講演会/2021-9 - 孤立レジストパターンの軟X線光波散乱および結像計測
伊藤 雅英; 星野鉄哉; 青木 貞雄; 七里元晴; 井藤浩志
第69回応用物理学関係連合講演会/2022-03 - 孤立散乱体の光波散乱計測の深層学習解析
小林 正美; 星野 鉄哉; 成岡 伸太郎; 青木 貞雄; 伊藤 雅英
第69回応用物理学会春季学術講演会/2022-03-22--2022-03-26 - 陽極へのNEGコーティングによる真空放電抑制の検証実験
伊藤 雅英; 多田 涼馬; 山本 将博; 片桐 創一; 山納 康; 谷本 育律; 宮島 司; 東 直; 金 秀光...
日本表面真空学会/2020-11-17--2020-11-21 - 陽極へのNEGコーティングによる真空放電抑制の検証実験
伊藤 雅英; 多田涼馬; 山本将博; 多田涼馬; 片桐創一; 山納康; 谷本育律; 宮島司; 東直; 金秀光; 内山隆司
日本表面真空学会/2020-11-17--2020-11-21 - 軟X線のコヒーレント光散乱とRCWAシミュレーションの比較による孤立した3次元微細構造の計測
伊藤 雅英; 角谷 凌太郎; 星野 鉄哉; 青木 貞雄; 七里 元晴; 井藤 浩志
Optics & Photonics Japan/2020-11-14--2020-11-17 - Transmission and Reflection Coherent Diffraction for High-accuracy Cross-sectional Measurement by Soft X-rays
伊藤 雅英; Tetsuya Hoshino; Sadao Aoki; Motoharu Shichiri; Hi...
International Symposium on Imaging, Sensing, and. Optical Memory(ISOM)/2020-11-29--2020-12-02 - Computing complex dispersive refractive indices from thin film optical properties of materials
Banerjee S.; Takayanagi I.; Mori K.; Nakamura J.; Cole J...
22nd Annual Conference on Novel Optical Systems, Methods, and Applications XXII/2019-08-13--2019-08-14 - Rigorous analysis of reflection spectrum of absorbing film
Itoh Masahide; Hoshino Tetsuya; Banerjee Saswatee; Watana...
International Conference on Optical Technology and Measurement for Industrial Applications (OPTM2019)/2019-05-18--2019-05-20 - 表面構造を考慮した微粒子の吸収スペクトル解析
伊藤 雅英
Optics & Photonics Japan/2018-10-30--2018-10-31 - Computing refractive index of materials from thin film optical properties
Itoh Masahide; Banerjee S.; Hoshino T.; Cole J. B.; Aoki S.
Joint Symposia on Optics/2018-10-30--2018-10-31 - 微粒子のサイズ・形状を考慮した吸収スペクトルの解析
伊藤 雅英; 星野鉄哉; シャッショティー バナジー; 渡辺紀生; 青木貞雄; 桜井健次
2018年春季 日本分光学会年次講演会/2018-05-22--2018-05-23 - 準結晶パターンからの軟X線の回折
渡辺 紀生; 星野鉄哉; 伊賀裕士; 李維率; 青木貞雄; 伊藤雅英
第31回日本放射光学会/2018-01-08--2018-01-10 - 共鳴領域の微粒子の断面形状計測とその応用
伊藤 雅英; 星野鉄哉; 渡辺紀生; 青木貞雄; 桜井健次
第 42 回光学シンポジウム/2017-6-22--2017-6-23 - Critical dimension measurement of a cross-sectional particle in the resonance domain on the substrate
伊藤 雅英; 星野鉄哉; 渡辺紀生; 青木貞雄; 桜井健次
The 24th Congress of the International Commission for Optics/2017-8-1--2017-8-3 - X線用準結晶集光素子の設計
伊藤 雅英; 李維率; 伊賀裕士; 深水嵩明; 星野鉄哉; 渡辺紀生; 青木貞雄
第78回応用物理学会秋季学術講演会/2017-9-5--2017-9-8 - 準結晶構造を用いた軟X線用集光素子の設計
伊藤 雅英; 伊賀裕士; 李維率; 深水嵩明; 渡辺紀生; 青木貞雄
Optics & Photonics Japan/2017-10-30--2017-11-2 - ペンローズパターン・ピンホールアレイからの軟X線の回折
伊藤 雅英; 渡辺紀生; 星野鉄哉; 伊賀裕士; 李維率; 青木貞雄
第 14 回X線結像光学シンポジウム/2017-11-29--2017-11-30 - more...
- 細胞の3次元断面構造の深層学習による高確度・高速計測
- Intellectural property rights
- 軟 X 線回折の波長依存性を用いた厳密な3次元断面形状計測
伊藤 雅英; 岩田 卓; 武井 陽介; 青木 貞雄; 星野 鉄哉 - 光計測システム、情報処理装置、光計測方法および情報処理方法
伊藤 雅英; 星野鉄哉; 青木貞雄; 井藤浩志 - 光計測システムおよび光計測方法
伊藤 雅英; 星野鉄哉
- 軟 X 線回折の波長依存性を用いた厳密な3次元断面形状計測
- Teaching
2024-10 -- 2025-02 Research in Applied Physics IVA University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2025-02 Research in Applied Physics IIIA University of Tsukuba. 2024-04 -- 2024-08 Research in Applied Physics VB University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2025-02 Research in Applied Physics IA University of Tsukuba. 2024-04 -- 2024-08 Research in Applied Physics IIIB University of Tsukuba. 2024-04 -- 2024-08 Research in Applied Physics IIB University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2025-02 Research in Applied Physics VB University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2025-02 Research in Applied Physics IVB University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2025-02 Research in Applied Physics VA University of Tsukuba. 2024-04 -- 2024-08 Research in Applied Physics IVA University of Tsukuba. more... - Professional activities
1993 -- (current) The Japan Society of Applied Physics 企画運営委員 2011 -- (current) Optical Society of Japan 副幹事長
(Last updated: 2025-03-05)