- Affiliation
- Institute of Pure and Applied Sciences
- Official title
- Associate Professor
- Birth date
- 1968-07
- C1,*&1|@OK1| I102(2}|I| I'-V
- Phone
- 029-853-5337
- Research fields
Atomic/Molecular/Quantum electronics - Research keywords
clusters fullerenes fragmentation electron capture - Research projects
放射線によるDNA損傷の生物学的効果比における解離性電子捕獲の寄与 2023 -- 2026 冨田 成夫 Japan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(C) 4,680,000Yen Droplet formation under irradiation of high energy particles 2006-01 -- (current) / Detection of low energy particles using super conducting tunnel junction detectors 2006-03 -- (current) / Radiation physics under high energy cluster impacts -- (current) / 宇宙線によるイオン誘起核生成過程の加速器を用いた実験的研究 2011 -- 2013 Japan Society of for the Promotion of Science/基盤研究(C) 4,420,000Yen 高速荷電粒子による液滴生成 2007 -- 2008 Japan Society of for the Promotion of Science/基盤研究(C) 4,420,000Yen - Career history
1994-04 -- 1996-03 JSPSResearch Fellow 1996-11 -- 1998-05 University of TsukubaTandem Accelerator CenterResearcher 1998-06 -- 1999-11 CEA/GrenoblePost doctral fellow at DRFMC SI2A 1999-12 -- 2000-08 University of AarhusAssistant Research Professor at Institute of Physics and Astronomy 2000-09 -- 2000-12 CEA/GrenoblePost doctral fellow at DRFMC SI2A 2001-01 -- 2003-08 University of AarhusAssistant Research Professor at Institute of Physics and Astronomy 2003-09 -- 2004-03 University of AarhusAssociate Professor at Institute of Physics and Astronomy 2004-03 -- 2010-02 Universitiy of Tsukuba数理物質科学研究科Assistant Professor at Insitute of Applied Physics 2010-03 -- (current) University of TsukubaInstitute of Applied PhysicsAssociate Professor - Degree
The degree of MSc University of Tsukuba The degree of PhD University of Tsukuba - Academic societies
1993 -- (current) THE PHYSICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN -- (current) THE SOCIETY FOR ATOMIC COLLISION RESEANCH -- (current) American Physical Society - Honors & Awards
2011-06-24 超伝導科学技術賞 - Articles
- Transmission ERDA of ubiquitous deuterium in H-containing materials
Kudo Hiroshi; Naramoto Hiroshi; Sataka Masao; Ishii S...
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms/554, 2024-09 - Particle induced X-ray emission apparatus utilizing superconducting tunnel junction detector
Shiki S.; Fujii G.; Tomita S.; SASA Kimikazu
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms/554, 2024-09 - Elemental Distribution Measurement of Radioactive Particles Emitted from the FDNPP Accident by Microbeam PIXE
中村 司; 山﨑 信哉; 石井 聡; 冨田 成夫; 笹 公和; 末木 啓介
Proceedings of the 22nd Workshop on Environmental Radioactivity/pp.108-113, 2021-02 - Morphological changes of nanostructures on silicon induced by C60-ion irradiation
Oishi Naoto; Murao Yoshiki; Nitta Noriko; Tsuchida Hidet...
JOURNAL OF VACUUM SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY A/40(6), 2022-11 - Determination of hydrogen concentration in solids by transmission ERDA under nuclear-elastically enhanced recoiling of H by 8 and 9 MeV He
Kudo Hiroshi; Kurosawa Masanori; Naramoto Hiroshi; Sataka...
JOURNAL OF PHYSICS-CONDENSED MATTER/34(43)/pp.1-8, 2022-08 - Incident Energy Dependence of the Molecular Orientation Effect of MeV C-2(+) Projectiles in Secondary-Ion Emission Processes
Murase Ryu; Tsuchida Hidetsugu; Nakagawa Sohei; Tomita...
JOURNAL OF THE PHYSICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN/91(2), 2022-02 - Three-dimensional analysis of hydrogen distribution in aluminum using transmission ERDA
冨田成夫; 山崎明義; 石井聡; 笹 公和; 左高正雄; 楢本洋; 工藤博
放射線/47(1)/pp.15-19, 2021-10 - Effect of structure and orientation of incident carbon-cluster ions C-n(+)(n <= 4) on secondary-ion emission induced by electronic excitation
Murase Ryu; Tsuchida Hidetsugu; Nakagawa Sohei; Tomita...
PHYSICAL REVIEW A/103(6), 2021-06 - Depth resolution of transmission ERDA for H in Al under nuclear-elastically enhanced recoiling of H by 8 MeV He
kudo hiroshi; Naramoto Hirodhi; Sataka Masao; Ishii Sato...
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter/33(46), 2021-11 - Effects of molecular axis orientation of MeV diatomic projectiles on secondary ion emission from biomolecular targets
Murase Ryu; Tsuchida Hidetsugu; Tomita Shigeo; Chiba ...
NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION B-BEAM INTERACTIONS WITH MATERIALS AND ATOMS/478/pp.284-289, 2020-09 - Microscopic 3-dimensional mapping of hydrogen bubbles in polycrystalline Al by elastic recoil detection analysis under transmission geometry
Yamazaki A.; Sasa Kimikazu; Tomita S.; Ishii S.; Naramoto...
AIP Advances/9(10), 2019-10 - Experimental Study on the Biological Effect of Cluster Ion Beams in Bacillus subtilis Spores
Hase Yoshihiro; Satoh Katsuya; Chiba Atsuya; Hirano Yosh...
Quantum Beam Science/3(2)/pp.8-17, 2019-05 - Measurement of Auger electrons emitted through Coster-Kronig transitions under irradiation of fast C2+ ions
Shiina Y.; Kinoshita R.; Funada S.; Matsuda M.; Imai M.; ...
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B/460/pp.30-33, 2019-12 - Two-dimensional mapping of hydrogen and other elements in materials with microbeam-based transmission ERDA and PIXE
Yamazaki Akiyoshi; Naramoto Hiroshi; Sasa Kimikazu; Ishii...
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B/450/pp.319-322, 2018-10 - Development of the microbeam PIXE system for additive light elements in structural materials
Yamazaki A.; Sasa Kimikazu; Ishii S.; Kurosawa M.; Tomita...
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B/404/pp.92-95, 2017-08 - Photodissociation of orange I monoanion studied using an electrostatic storage ring
冨田 成夫
Journal of Physics: Conference Series/875/p.032035, 2017 - Oxidation of SO2 and formation of water droplets under irradiation of 20 MeV protons in N-2/H2O/SO2
Tomita Shigeo; Nakai Yoichi; Funada Shuhei; Tanikawa ...
NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION B-BEAM INTERACTIONS WITH MATERIALS AND ATOMS/235(B)/pp.616-621, 2015-12 - 16pAA-12 Electrostatic deflection of C_<60> ion beams due to charge-up effects generated in an inner wall of capillaries
土田 秀次; 間嶋 拓也; 冨田 成夫; 笹 公和; 平田 浩一; 柴田 裕実; 鳴海 一雅; 斎藤...
日本物理学会講演概要集/70(2)/p.463, 2015-09 - Measurement of backward secondary-electron yield under molecular ion impact coincident with emerging projectiles
冨田 成夫; Shiina Yoko; Tamura Shinya; Kinoshita Ryo; Ishii Satos...
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms/354/pp.109-111, 2015-07 - 21pCG-8 Target Thickness Dependence in Zero-degree Electron Spectroscopy of Fast Cluster Ions
椎名 陽子; 木下 亮; 松田 誠; 今井 誠; 川面 澄; 左高 正雄; 笹 公和; 冨田 成夫
日本物理学会講演概要集/70(1)/p.649, 2015-03 - 28aCH-4 Coincidence measurements of secondary electron yield and number of transmitted ions under irradiation of fast cluster ions
椎名 陽子; 木下 亮; 田村 真也; 石井 聡; 笹 公和; 冨田 成夫
Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan/69(1)/p.190, 2014-03 - Transmission properties of C-60 ions through micro- and nano-capillaries
Tsuchida Hidetsugu; Majima Takuya; Tomita Shigeo; Sasa...
NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION B-BEAM INTERACTIONS WITH MATERIALS AND ATOMS/315/pp.336-340, 2013-11 - Detection of peptide cluster using superconducting tunnel junction
冨田 成夫; 植平 将隆; 志岐 成友; 全 伸幸; 浮辺 雅宏; 大久保 雅隆
Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan/68(2)/p.155, 2013-08 - Wake effects on fast molecular transmission through a nanocapillary
土田 秀次; 中嶋 薫; 横江 潤也; 杉山 元彦; 太田 優史; 間嶋 拓也; 柴田 裕実; 冨田 成夫; 笹 公和; 平田 浩一...
Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan/68(2)/p.149, 2013-08 - クラスタービームと固体との相互作用
冨田 成夫
Journal of atomic collision research/10(3)/pp.55-63, 2013-05 - more...
- Transmission ERDA of ubiquitous deuterium in H-containing materials
- Conference, etc.
- Measurement of convoy electrons under irradiation of C foils with 292 keV/u O2+ ions
Shiina Yoko; Hatada Sota; Ito Yuta; Ishikawa Norito; ...
26th International Conference on Ion Beam Analysis 18th International Conference on Particle Induced X-ray Emission/2023-10-07--2023-10-13 - Particle induced X-ray emission apparatus utilizing superconducting tunnel junction detector
Shiki Shigetomo; Fujii Go; Tomita Shigeo; Sasa Kimikazu
26th International Conference on Ion Beam Analysis 18th International Conference on Particle Induced X-ray Emission/2023-10-07--2023-10-13 - Comparison of Molecular Effects on the convoy electron yield of H2+ and C2+ at 292 keV/u
Tomita Shigeo; Hatada Sohta; Kawasaki Ginga; Hiraga M...
26th International Conference on Ion Beam Analysis 18th International Conference on Particle Induced X-ray Emission/2023-10-07--2023-10-13 - マイクロHeビーム透過弾性反跳検出法を応用した水素顕微鏡の開発
笹 公和; 工藤 博; 楢本 洋; 左高正雄; 石井 聡; 冨田成夫
日本原子力学会2024年春の年会/2024-03-26--2024-03-28 - 8 MeV He イオンビームを用いた透過ERDA による水素同位体比の測定
笹 公和; 工藤 博; 楢本 洋; 左高 正雄; 石井 聡; 冨田成夫
2023年第84回応用物理学会秋季学術講演会/2023-09-19--2023-09-23 - マイクロビーム PIXE による福島第一原子力発電所事故で放出された放射性粒子の元素分布測定
中村 司; 山﨑 信哉; 石井 聡; 冨田 成夫; 笹 公和; 末木 啓介
第22回「環境放射能」研究会/2021-03-10--2021-03-12 - Threshold foil thickness for the disappearance of the vicinage effect
冨田 成夫
第21回「イオンビームによる表面・界面の改質と解析」特別研究会/2020-12-04--2020-12-05 - 透過ERDAによるアルミニウム中の水素3次元計測
冨田 成夫
応用物理学会春季学術講演会シンポジウム「イオンビーム分析の最前線と展望」/2021-03-16--2021-03-19 - Measurement of Auger electrons emitted through Coster-Kronig transitions under irradiation of fast C-2(+) ions
Shiina Y.; Kinoshita R.; Funada S.; Matsuda M.; Imai M.; ...
28th International Conference on Atomic Collisions in Solids (ICACS) / 10th International Symposium on Swift Heavy Ions in Matter (SHIM)/2018-07-01--2018-07-07 - Characteristics of Kinetc Energy Sensitive Detection of keV Particles using Superconducting Tunnel Junction
Tomita Shigeo
23rd International Workshop on Inelastic Ion-Surface Collisions/2019-11-17--2019-11-22 - Two-dimensional mapping of hydrogen and other elements in materials with microbeam-based transmission ERDA and PIXE
Yamazaki A.; Naramoto H.; Sasa K.; Ishii S.; Tomita S.; S...
23rd International Conference on Ion Beam Analysis (IBA)/2017-10-08--2017-10-13 - Coster-Kronig transition of fast cluster ions studied by zero-degree electron specctroscopy
Shiina Yoko; Tomita Shigeo; Kinoshita R.; Imai M.; Kawats...
SHIM-ICACS 2018/2018-07-01--2018-07-06 - Transport of convoy electrons in solid under fast molecular ion penetration
Tomita Shigeo
SHIM-ICACS 2018/2018-07-01--2018-07-06 - 高速クラスターイオン入射による固体内エネルギー付与過程
冨田 成夫
日本放射線影響学会 第60回大会/2017-10-26--2017-10-27 - 高速クラスターイオン照射による固体内電子の応答
冨田 成夫
TIA連携プログラム探索推進事業シンポジウム 準相対論的巨大クラスターイオンビームが開く世界:ゲノム改変・極端非平衡材料創生に向けて/2017-09-11 - Experiments on Interaction of Electrons with Biomolecular Ions using Electrostatic Ion Storage Ring in KEK
Tomita Shigeo
7th International Workshop on Electrostatic Storage Devices/2017-06-19--2017-06-22 - 静電型イオンストレージリングを用いた電子-イオン散乱の研究
冨田 成夫
第65回質量分析総合討論会/2017-05-17--2017-05-19 - Photodissociation of orange I monoanion studied using an electrostatic storage ring
Saito M.; Tanabe T.; Lintuluoto M.; Starikov E. B.; Noda ...
30th International Conference on Photonic, Electronic, and Atomic Collisions (ICPEAC)/2017-07-26--2017-08-01 - 高エネルギー分子ビームと固体との衝突に伴う電子放出
Tomita Shigeo
東海・重イオン科学シンポジウム-タンデム加速器成果報告会-/2016-01-05--2017-01-06 - Zero-degree electron spectroscopy of fast carbon clusters
Tomita Shigeo
Tomita Shigeo
原子衝突学会第41回年会/2016-12-10--2016-12-11 - 宇宙線と地球環境
冨田 成夫
工学研究科附理工学教育研究センター第14回公開シンポジウム/2013-10-19--2013-10-19 - 超伝導トンネル接合検出器を用いたペプチドクラスターの検出
冨田 成夫
- Measurement of convoy electrons under irradiation of C foils with 292 keV/u O2+ ions
- Teaching
2024-10 -- 2025-02 Research in Applied Physics IVA University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2025-02 Research in Applied Physics IIIA University of Tsukuba. 2024-04 -- 2024-08 Research in Applied Physics VB University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2025-02 Research in Applied Physics IA University of Tsukuba. 2024-04 -- 2024-08 Research in Applied Physics IIIB University of Tsukuba. 2024-04 -- 2024-08 Research in Applied Physics IIB University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2025-02 Research in Applied Physics VB University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2024-12 Spectroscopic Analysis in Materials Science University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2025-02 Research in Applied Physics IVB University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2024-12 Charged Particle and Plasma Engineering Science University of Tsukuba. more... - Talks
- Correlation between Consumption of SO2 and Nucleation Rate in N2/H2O/SO2 by Irradiation of 20 MeV Protons
冨田 成夫
The 2nd Nagoya Workshop on the Relationship between Solar Activity and Climate Changes, 2012 Jan 15-16, Nagoya, Japan/2012-01-15 - Decay and cooling of biomolecules in an electrostatic storage ring
冨田 成夫
LEIF Thematic Network Annual Meeting/2003-06-29 - Fullerene fusion induced by highly charged ion impacts on clusters of fullerenes
冨田 成夫
XXVI International Conference on Photonic, Electronic, and Atomic Collisions/2009-07-21 - Application of superconducting detectors to experimental studies on molecular fragmentation
冨田 成夫
Third International Workshop on Electrostatic Strorage Devices/2009-06-21 - Nano-particle formation in H2O/SO2/N2 by the irradiation of 20 MeV proton
S. Tomita; M. Imanaka; S. Kanda; M. Fujieda; K. Sasa; H. ...
International Workshop on Variabilities of Solar-Cosmic and Terrestrial Environment/2008-12-04
- Correlation between Consumption of SO2 and Nucleation Rate in N2/H2O/SO2 by Irradiation of 20 MeV Protons
(Last updated: 2024-05-01)