ISHII Hiroyuki
- Affiliation
- Institute of Pure and Applied Sciences
- Official title
- Professor
- 0000000306441424
- G",!""E!"+(2.$"E |<KG.E-,.$.yxExzE#)R
- Research keywords
Quantum transport Large-scale calculations Computational Physics Carbon nanotubes Graphenes Organic semiconductors Time-dependent Wave-packet dynamics Molecular dynamics - Research projects
Fabrication of Thermoelectric Conversion Materials Using Soil Clay Minerals 2022-06 -- 2024-03 Mitsunori HONDA Japan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Research (Exploratory) co-investigator member Development of thermoelectric simulation methodology based on density functional theory and application to organic materials 2018-04 -- 2022-03 ISHII Hiroyuki Japan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) 17,290,000Yen Order-N charge transport calculations for small molecule and polymer organic semiconductors 2015-04 -- 2019-03 Hiroyuki ISHII Japan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (A) 20,670,000Yen Establishment of large-scale transport simulation method for creation of high-performance organic materials 2012-10 -- 2016-03 Hiroyuki ISHII Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST)/JST Precursory Research for Embryonic Science and Technology (PRESTO) 26,005,930Yen Theoretical study of polaron transport of organic semiconductors using wave-packet dynamics 2012-04 -- 2014-03 Hiroyuki ISHII Japan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B) 4,550,000Yen Development of large-scale quantum transport simulation method and application to nano-carbon materials and organic semiconductors 2010 -- 2012-03 Hiroyuki ISHII Japan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Research Activity Start-up 2,730,000Yen - Career history
2006-04 -- 2007-03 科学技術振興機構筑波大学CREST-JST博士研究員 2007-04 -- 2009-03 産業技術総合研究所計算科学研究部門特別研究員 2009-04 -- 2010-03 東京大学理学系研究科特任研究員 2010-04 -- 2013-06 筑波大学数理物質科学研究科助教(任期付) 2013-06 -- 2016-03 科学技術振興機構さきがけ専任研究者 2016-04 -- 2016-10 筑波大学数理物質系主任研究員 2016-10 -- 2020-12 筑波大学数理物質系助教(任期付) 2021-01 -- 2021-10 パイマテリアルデザイン株式会社主任研究員 2021-06 -- 2021-10 The University of Tokyo大学院新領域創成科学研究科特任研究員 2021-11 -- (current) University of TsukubaFaculty of Pure and Applied SciencesAssociate Professor - Academic background
1997-04 -- 2001-03 Chiba University Faculty of Science Department of Physics 2003-04 -- 2006-03 Chiba University Chiba University Graduate School of Science and Technology Diversity and Fractal Science 2001-04 -- 2003-03 Chiba University Chiba University Graduate School of Science and Technology Physics and Chemistry - Degree
2006-03 Ph.D in Physics Chiba University - Academic societies
2001 -- (current) THE PHYSICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN 2003 -- (current) The Japan Society of Applied Physics 2005 -- (current) The Surface Science Society of Japan 2007 -- (current) American Physical Society 2015-04 -- (current) Chemical Society of Japan - Articles
- Sustainable thermoelectric materials: Utilizing Fukushima weathered biotite via molten salt treatment
Honda Mitsunori; Kaneta Yui; Muraguchi Masakazu; Hayak...
AIP ADVANCES/14(5), 2024-05-01 - Powder x-ray diffraction analysis with machine learning for organic-semiconductor crystal-structure determination
Niitsu Naoyuki; Mitani Masato; Ishii Hiroyuki; Kobayas...
APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS/125(1), 2024-07-01 - 有機半導体のフォノンによる特異な電子バンド変調とキャリア輸送機構
石井 宏幸
理論化学会誌 フロンティア/5(4)/pp.228-237, 2023/10 - Asymmetrically Functionalized Electron-Deficient p-Conjugated System for Printed Single-Crystalline Organic Electronics
Yu Craig P.; Kumagai Shohei; Tsutsumi Michitsuna; Kuro...
ADVANCED SCIENCE/10(29), 2023-10 - Photoemission Tomography of a One-Dimensional Row Structure ofa Flat-Lying Picene Multilayer on Ag(110)
石井 宏幸; Masato Iwasawa; Shinnosuke Kobayashi; Masahiro ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters/13/pp.1512-1518, 2022-02 - Electronic and magnetic properties of CoSb3, Cr-doped CoSb3, and related compound thin films
Kobayashi Kazuaki; Takaki Hirokazu; Shimono Masato; Is...
JAPANESE JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS/62(SC)/p.1046, 2023-02 - pi-Extended Zigzag-Shaped Diphenanthrene-Based p-Type Semiconductors Exhibiting Small Effective Masses
Mitani Masato; Kumagai Shohei; Yu Craig P.; Oi Ayako; ...
ADVANCED ELECTRONIC MATERIALS/8(11), 2022-11 - Mixed-Orbital Charge Transport in N-Shaped Benzene- and Pyrazine-Fused Organic Semiconductors
Yu Craig P.; Kumagai Shohei; Kushida Tomokatsu; Mitani...
JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY/144(25)/pp.11159-11167, 2022-06 - First-principles study of Fe2VAl and Fe2VAl/Si thin films and their magnetic properties
Kobayashi Kazuaki; Takaki Hirokazu; Shimono Masato; Is...
JAPANESE JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS/61(SL:L), 2022-09 - Conduction band structure of high-mobility organic semiconductors and partially dressed polaron formation
Sato Haruki; Abd Rahman Syed A.; Yamada Yota; Ishii H...
NATURE MATERIALS/21(8)/pp.910-+, 2022-08 - Nitrogen-Containing Perylene Diimides: Molecular Design, Robust Aggregated Structures, and Advances in n-Type Organic Semiconductors
Kumagai Shohei; Ishii Hiroyuki; Watanabe Go; Yu Craig P....
ACCOUNTS OF CHEMICAL RESEARCH/55(5)/pp.660-672, 2022-03 - Gate induced modulation of electronic states in monolayer organic field-effect transistor
Ishii Hiroyuki; Kasuya Naotaka; Kobayashi Nobuhiko; Hi...
APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS/119(22), 2021-11 - Extended pi-Electron Delocalization in Quinoid-Based Conjugated Polymers Boosts Intrachain Charge Carrier Transport
Mikie Tsubasa; Hayakawa Masahiro; Okamoto Kenta; Iguch...
CHEMISTRY OF MATERIALS/33(21)/pp.8183-8193, 2021-11 - Approaching isotropic charge transport of n-type organic semiconductors with bulky substituents
Yu Craig P.; Kojima Naoya; Kumagai Shohei; Kurosawa T...
COMMUNICATIONS CHEMISTRY/4(1), 2021-11 - Chrysenodithiophene-Based Conjugated Polymer: An Elongated Fused pi-Electronic Backbone with a Unique Orbital Structure Toward Efficient Intermolecular Carrier Transport
Kurosawa Tadanori; Okamoto Toshihiro; Cen Dinghai; Ike...
MACROMOLECULES/54(5)/pp.2113-2123, 2021-03 - Coherent Electron Transport in Air-Stable, Printed Single-Crystal Organic Semiconductor and Application to Megahertz Transistors
Kumagai Shohei; Watanabe Shun; Ishii Hiroyuki; Isahaya...
Advanced materials (Deerfield Beach, Fla.)/32(50), 2020-12 - Role of Perfluorophenyl Group in the Side Chain of Small-Molecule n-Type Organic Semiconductors in Stress Stability of Single-Crystal Transistors
Kumagai Shohei; Yu Craig P; Nakano Shunsuke; Annaka T...
The journal of physical chemistry letters/12(8)/pp.2095-2101, 2021-03 - Cooperative Aggregations of Nitrogen-Containing Perylene Diimides Driven by Rigid and Flexible Functional Groups
Kumagai Shohei; Ishii Hiroyuki; Watanabe Go; Annaka T...
CHEMISTRY OF MATERIALS/32(21)/pp.9115-9125, 2020-11 - Band-like transporting and thermally durable V-shaped organic semiconductors with a phenyl key block
Sawabe Chizuru; Kumagai Shohei; Mitani Masato; Ishii ...
JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY C/8(40)/pp.14172-14179, 2020-10 - Design of organic semiconductors using charge transport theory
石井 宏幸
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan/73/pp.1244-1244, 2018 - Structural change and carrier transport in monolayer single-crystals of solution-processed organic semiconductor
山村 祥史; Blulle Balthasar; 岡本 敏宏; 若林 裕助; 渡邉 峻一郎; 竹谷 純...
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan/73/pp.1330-1330, 2018 - Investigation of structure of organic semiconductors using machine learning II
新津 直幸; 中山 尚史; 渡邉 峻一郎; 岡本 敏宏; 竹谷 純一; 王 晏; 三谷 真人; 鶴見...
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan/73/pp.1313-1313, 2018 - Gated Hall effect in a novel small-molecule n-type organic semiconductor
熊谷 翔平; 黒澤 忠法; 渡邉 峻一郎; 竹谷 純一; 岡本 敏宏; 石井 宏幸; 福﨑 英治; ...
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan/73/pp.1339-1339, 2018 - Effect of Electronically Distinct Aromatic Substituents on the Molecular Assembly and Hole Transport of V-Shaped Organic Semiconductors
Yu Craig P.; Mitani Masato; Ishii Hiroyuki; Yamagishi ...
JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C/124(32)/pp.17503-17511, 2020-08 - Alkyl-Substituted Selenium-Bridged V-Shaped Organic Semiconductors Exhibiting High Hole Mobility and Unusual Aggregation Behavior
Okamoto Toshihiro; Mitani Masato; Yu Craig P; Mitsui ...
Journal of the American Chemical Society/142(35)/pp.14974-14984, 2020-09 - more...
- Sustainable thermoelectric materials: Utilizing Fukushima weathered biotite via molten salt treatment
- Books
- Theory of Electrical Conduction
Kobayashi Nobuhiko; Ishii Hiroyuki; Hirose Kenji
3D Local Structure and Functionality Design of Materials/World Scientific/pp.133-146, 2019-01 - Charge Transport Simulations for Organic Semiconductors
石井 宏幸
Molecular Technology: Energy Innovation/Wiley-VCH/pp.1-23, 2018-09 - Electronic Processes in Organic Electronics: Bridging Nanostructure, Electronic States and Device Properties
Ishii Hiroyuki
Numerical Approach to Charge Transport Problems on Organic Molecular Crystals, 2015-01 - 機能構造科学入門 -3D活性サイトと物質デザイン-
Ishii Hiroyuki
電気伝導理論, 2016-07 - Quantum transport and Optical properties of Nanostructure network systems
石井 宏幸
- Theory of Electrical Conduction
- Conference, etc.
- 有機半導体の低振動数分子内振動による電子バンド変調と伝導物性
石井 宏幸
第83回応用物理学会秋季学術講演会/2022-09-20--2022-09-23 - 有機半導体における電子と正孔の移動度の差とその微視的起源
石井 宏幸
第69回応用物理学会春季学術講演会/2022-03-22--2022-03-26 - First Principles Study of Fe2VAl and Fe2VAl/Si Thin Films and Their Magnetic Enhancement
Kobayashi Kazuaki; Takaki Hirokazu; Shimono Masato; Ishii...
29th International Colloquium on Scanning Probe Microscopy (ICSPM29)/2021-12-09--2021-12-10 - Charge Transport Simulations of Organic Semiconductors for Materials Development
Ishii Hiroyuki
Korea-Japan joint symposium in 2021 KPS Spring Meeting/2021-04-21--2021-04-23 - Carrier Transport Calculations of Organic Semiconductors with Static and Dynamic Disorder
Kobayashi Nobuhiko; Ishii Hiroyuki; Yuki Kuroda; Hirose ...
Materials Research Meeting 2019/2019-12-10--2019-12-14 - Theoretical Design of Organic Semiconductors based on First-Principles Charge Transport Calculations
Kobayashi Nobuhiko; Ishii Hiroyuki; Yuki Kuroda; Hirose ...
IVC21/2019-07-01--2019-07-05 - 有機半導体の結晶構造とキャリア移動度の予測:結晶構造予測シミュレーション
小畑 繁昭; 石井 宏幸; 小林 伸彦; 新津 直幸 渡邉 峻一郎 後藤 仁志 広瀬 賢二 岡本 敏宏 ...
第66回応用物理学会春季学術講演会/2019-03-09--2019-03-12 - 有機半導体の結晶構造とキャリア移動度の予測:移動度予測シミュレーション
石井 宏幸; 小畑 繁昭 新津 直幸 渡邉 峻一郎 後藤 仁志 広瀬 賢二 岡本 敏宏 竹谷 純一; 小...
第66回応用物理学会春季学術講演会/2019-03-09--2019-03-12 - 機械学習支援による有機半導体結晶構造解析
新津 直幸 沢辺 千鶴、三谷 真人、後藤 仁志、広瀬 賢二、小畑 繁昭、中山 尚史、渡邉 峻一郎、岡本 敏宏、竹...
第66回応用物理学会春季学術講演会/2019-03-09--2019-03-12 - 有機半導体の価電子帯構造におけるSHOMOの効果
黒田悠暉; 石井 宏幸; 吉野さやか; 三谷 真人 岡本 敏宏 竹谷 純一; 小林伸彦
日本物理学会第74回年次大会/2019-03-14--2019-03-17 - 波束拡散法を用いた有機半導体の熱電物性計算
石井 宏幸; 小林伸彦; 広瀬賢二
日本物理学会第74回年次大会/2019-03-14--2019-03-17 - 機械学習による有機半導体の構造研究III
新津 直幸 沢辺 千鶴 三谷 真人 後藤 仁志 小畑 繁昭 中山 尚史 渡邉 峻一郎 岡本 敏宏 ...
日本物理学会第74回年次大会/2019-03-14--2019-03-17 - High-Performance Simulation for Quantum Charge Transport in Large-Scale Materials
Ishii Hiroyuki
Americas international Meeting on Electrochemistry and Solid state science (AiMES2018)/2018-09-30--2018-10-4 - Second-Highest-Occupied-Orbital Effects on Valence Band Structure of Organic Semiconductors
Ishii Hiroyuki; Kuroda Yuki; Yoshino Sayaka; Kobayashi N...
14th International Conference on Atomically Controlled Surfaces, Interfaces and Nanostructures (ACSIN-14) and 26th International Colloquium on Scanning Probe Microscopy (ICSPM26)/2018-10-21--2018-10-25 - 第一原理に基づく有機半導体の電子伝導シミュレーション ~電子の遍歴性と局在性が紡ぐ伝導物性~
石井 宏幸
第79回応用物理学会秋季学術講演会/2018-09-18--2018-09-21 - キャリア輸送理論による有機半導体の設計
石井 宏幸
日本物理学会 2018年秋季大会/2018-09-09--2018-09-12 - Theory of electron transport at the atomistic level
Kobayashi Nobuhiko; Ishii Hiroyuki; Hirose Kenji
25th International Colloquium on Scanning Probe Microscopy (ICSPM)/2017-12-07--2017-12-09 - 5,15-bis(triisopropylsilyl)ethynyltetrabenzoporphyrinの電子状態計算
黒田悠暉; 石井 宏幸; 小林 伸彦
新学術領域研究「3D活性サイト科学」第7回成果報告会 - 第一原理計算による[n]フェナセンの結晶構造解析
季子祐太郎; 佐藤駿介; 前田 崇博; 石井 宏幸; 小林 伸彦; 柳澤将; 若林裕助; 江口律子; 久保園芳博
新学術領域研究「3D活性サイト科学」第7回成果報告会/2018-03-10--2018-03-11 - 波束拡散法によるカーボンナノチューブと有機半導体の電子伝導計算
石井宏幸; 小林伸彦; 広瀬賢二
日本物理学会2017年秋季大会/2017-09-21--2017-09-24 - 有機半導体の有効質量におけるNHOMOの効果
黒田悠暉; 石井宏幸; 小林伸彦
日本物理学会第73回年次大会/2018-03-22--2018-03-25 - 低分子系および高分子系有機半導体におけるキャリア伝導計算
石井宏幸; 新津直幸; 小林伸彦; 広瀬賢二; 渡邉峻一郎; 岡本敏宏; 竹谷純一
日本物理学会第73回年次大会/2018-03-22--2018-03-25 - 機械学習による有機半導体の構造研究,
新津直幸; 石井宏幸; 小林伸彦; 広瀬賢二; 熊谷翔平; 鶴見淳人; 渡邉峻一郎; 岡本敏宏; 竹谷純一
日本物理学会第73回年次大会/2018-03-22--2018-03-25 - Electronic State Calculations of 5,15-bis(triisopropylsilyl) ethynyltetrabenzoporphyrin
Kuroda Yuki; Ishii Hiroyuki; Kobayashi Nobuhiko
The 8th International Symposium on Surface Science (ISSS-8)/2017-10-22--2017-10-26 - Analysis of Crystal Structures of [n]phenacenes by First-Principles Calculations
Kishi Yutaro; Maeda Takahiro; Ishii Hiroyuki; Yanagisawa ...
The 8th International Symposium on Surface Science (ISSS-8)/2017-10-22--2017-10-26 - more...
- 有機半導体の低振動数分子内振動による電子バンド変調と伝導物性
- Teaching
2024-10 -- 2025-02 Research in Applied Physics IVA University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2025-02 Research in Applied Physics IIIA University of Tsukuba. 2024-04 -- 2024-08 Research in Applied Physics VB University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2025-02 Research in Applied Physics IA University of Tsukuba. 2024-04 -- 2024-08 Research in Applied Physics IIIB University of Tsukuba. 2024-04 -- 2024-08 Research in Applied Physics IIB University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2025-02 Research in Applied Physics VB University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2025-02 Research in Applied Physics IVB University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2025-02 Research in Applied Physics VA University of Tsukuba. 2024-04 -- 2024-08 Research in Applied Physics IVA University of Tsukuba. more... - Talks
- Roles of dynamic disorder and polaron formation on electron mobility of organic semiconductors
ISHII Hiroyuki
International conference on materials for advanced technology (ICMAT) 2023/2023/06/26--2023/06/30 - Inelastic transport through phonon-vibrating carbon nanotubes: Scattering times and temperature-dependent decoherence effects
Hiroyuki Ishii
Workshop on Inelastic Transport Phenomena/2010-09-02 - Order-N Transport Calculations by a Time-dependent Wave-packet Diffusion method: Application to Pi-conjugated Materials
Hiroyuki Ishii
BIT's 1st annual World Congress of Nano-S&T/2011-10-23 - Order-N electron transport calculations for ballistic, diffusive and polaron transport regimes
Hiroyuki Ishii
The 14th Asian Workshop on First-Principles Electronic Structure Calculations (ASIAN-14)/2011-10-31
- Roles of dynamic disorder and polaron formation on electron mobility of organic semiconductors
- Professional activities
2015-04 -- 2020-02 Chemical Society of Japan 化学フェスタ実行委員 2013-04 -- 2014-03 THE PHYSICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN 領域9運営委員
(Last updated: 2025-01-28)