MINAMI Hidetoshi
- Articles
- Radiation characteristics of the high
superconducting terahertz emitter by using a high heat exhaust device structure V.
柏木 隆成; 田中 大河; 久保 裕之; 湯浅 拓実; 渡辺 千春; 坂本 和輝; 桂川 拓也; 小守 優貴; 太...
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan/72(0)/pp.2375-2375, 2017 - Thermoreflectance microscopy measurements of the Joule heating characteristics of high-T-c superconducting terahertz emitters
Kashiwagi Takanari; Tanaka Taiga; Watanabe Chiharu; Ku...
JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS/122(23), 2017-12 - Radiation characteristics of the high Tc superconducting terahertz emitter by using a high heat exhaust device structure IV.
柏木 隆成; 湯浅 拓実; 渡辺 千春; 久保 裕之; 坂本 和輝; 桂川 拓也; 田中 大河; 小守 優貴; 太...
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan/71(0)/pp.1985-1985, 2016 - The new measurement technique of High-Tc superconducting THz emitting device's temperature distribution by growth of semiconducting thin film with PL emission.
渡邉 千春; 南 英俊; 久保 裕之; 坂本 和輝; 桂川 拓也; 湯浅 拓実; 田中 大河; 小守...
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan/71(0)/pp.1986-1986, 2016 - Local SiC Photoluminescence Evidence of Hot Spot Formation and Sub-THz Coherent Emission from a Rectangular Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+d Mesa
Hidetoshi Minami; Chiharu Watanabe; Kota Sato; Shunsuke Seki...
Physcal Review B/89(5)/pp.054503-1-054503-9, 2014-02 - 0.43 THz emission from high-T-c superconducting emitters optimized at 77 K
Minami H.; Watanabe C.; Kashiwagi T.; Yamamoto T.; Kadowaki K...
JOURNAL OF PHYSICS-CONDENSED MATTER/28(2), 2016-01 - Characteristics of terahertz radiation emitted from the intrinsic Josephson junctions in high-T-c superconductor Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+delta
Minami H.; Kakeya I.; Yamaguchi H.; Yamamoto T.; Kadowaki...
APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS/95(23)/pp.0-0, 2009-12 - Influence of the pseudogap on the thermal conductivity and the Lorenz number of YBa2Cu3Ox above Tc
H. Minami; V. W. Wittorf; E. A. Yelland; J. R. Cooper; Ch...
Phys.Rev.B/68/p.220503(R)-220506(R), 2003-01 - Spectral Investigation of Hot Spot and Cavity Resonance Effects on the Terahertz Radiation from High-Tc Superconducting Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+d Mesas
C. Watanabe; H. Minami; T. Yamamoto; T. Kashiwagi; R. A. Klem...
JOURNAL OF PHYSICS: CONDENSED MATTER/26(17)/pp.172201-1-172201-10, 2014-04 - Influence of the local heating position on the terahertz emission power from high-T-c superconducting Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+delta mesas
Watanabe C.; Minami H.; Kitamura T.; Asanuma K.; Nakade K.; Ya...
APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS/106(4), 2015-01 - Electrical potential distribution in terahertz-emitting rectangular mesa devices of high-Tc superconducting Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+delta
Watanabe Chiharu; Minami Hidetoshi; Kitamura Takeo; Saiwai Y...
SUPERCONDUCTOR SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY/29(6)/p.065022, 2016-06 - Terahertz imaging system using high-T-c superconducting oscillation devices
Tsujimoto M.; Minami H.; Delfanazari K.; Sawamura M.; Nak...
JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS/111(12), 2012-06 - Coupling to External Structures: Boundary Conditions for the Bi2212-Based Superconducting THz Emitter
H. Minami; T. Koike; N. Orita; T. Kashiwagi; M. Tsujimoto; T. ...
Journal of Physics Conference Series/400/pp.022072-1-022072-4, 2012 - Synchronized operation of two serially connected Bi2212 THz emitters
Orita Naoki; Minami Hidetoshi; Koike Takashi; Yamamoto T...
PHYSICA C-SUPERCONDUCTIVITY AND ITS APPLICATIONS/470(Sp. Iss. SI Suppl. 1)/pp.0-0, 2010-12 - Continuous 30 microWatt THz Source by a High-Tc Superconductor Mesa Structure
S. Sekimoto; C. Watanabe; H. Minami; T. Yamamoto; T. Kashiwag...
APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS/103/pp.182601-1-182601-5, 2013-10 - Efficient Fabrication of Intrinsic-Josephson-Junction Terahertz Oscillators with Greatly Reduced Self-Heating Effects
Kashiwagi T.; Yamamoto T.; Minami H.; Tsujimoto M.; Yoshizaki...
PHYSICAL REVIEW APPLIED/4(5), 2015-11 - High Temperature Superconductor Terahertz Emitters: Fundamental Physics and Its Applications
Kashiwagi Takanari; Tsujimoto Manabu; Yamamoto Takashi...
Jpn J Appl Phys/51(1)/pp.10113-10113, 2012-01 - Effect of the Normal State Gap on the Thermoelectric Power, Irreversibility Line and c-axis Resistivity of YBa2Cu3O7-d
J. R. Cooper; H. Minami; V. W. Wittorf; D. Babic; and J....
Physica C/341-348/p.855-858, 2002-01 - Continuous and Reversible Operation of Bi2212 Based THz Emitters just below Tc
H. Minami; N. Orita; T. Koike; T. Yamamoto; K. Kadowaki
Physica C/470/pp.S822-S823, 2010 - Continuous and reversible operation of Bi2212 based THz emitters just below T-c
Minami Hidetoshi; Orita Naoki; Koike Takashi; Yamamoto T...
PHYSICA C-SUPERCONDUCTIVITY AND ITS APPLICATIONS/470(Sp. Iss. SI Suppl. 1)/pp.0-0, 2010-12 - Powerful Coherent Terahertz Emission from Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+d Mesa Array
T. M. Benseman; K. E. Gray; A. E. Koshelev; W. -K. Kwok; U. W...
APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS/103, 2013-07 - Applications using high-T-c superconducting terahertz emitters
Nakade Kurama; Kashiwagi Takanari; Saiwai Yoshihiko; M...
SCIENTIFIC REPORTS/6, 2016-03 - Emission of coherent THz Radiation from superconductors
L. Ozyuzer; A. E. Koshelev; C. Kurter; N. Gopalsami; Q. ...
Science/318/p.1291-1293, 2007-01 - Broadly tunable, high-power terahertz radiation up to 73 K from a stand-alone Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+delta mesa
Kitamura T.; Kashiwagi T.; Yamamoto T.; Tsujimoto M.; Watanab...
APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS/105(20), 2014-11 - Excitation Mode Characteristics in Bi2212 Rectangular Mesa Structures
T. Kashiwagi; K. Deguchi; M. Tsujimoto; T. Koike; N. Orita; K....
26th international conference on low temperature physics/400/p.022050, 2012-01 - more...
- Radiation characteristics of the high