MINAMI Hidetoshi
- Articles
- Geometrical Full-Wavelength Resonance Mode Generating Terahertz Waves from a Single-Crystalline Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+delta Rectangular Mesa
Kashiwagi Takanari; Yamaki Kazuhiro; Tsujimoto Manabu; De...
JOURNAL OF THE PHYSICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN/80(9), 2011-09 - 24aGH-1 Boundary Conditions for the High-T_c Superconducting Terahertz Emitters. and challenge to the power enhancement
南 英俊; 澤村 真史; 渡辺 千春; 関本 俊佑; 小池 隆; 折田 尚樹; 柏木 隆成; 辻本 学; 山本 ...
Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan/66(2)/p.640, 2011-08 - 24aGH-4 Property of Bi2212 Single Crystal Mesa Structure under Magnetic Field
北村 健郎; 柏木 隆成; 辻本 学; Delfanazari Kaveh; 中山 諒; 澤村 真史; 浅井 栄...
Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan/66(2)/p.640, 2011-08 - 24aGH-3 Study of the triangular geometry in mesa structures of Bi-2212 intrinsic Josephson junctions for THz electromagnetic wave emission
Delfanazari Kaveh; Tsujimoto Manabu; Kashiwagi Takanari; ...
Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan/66(2)/p.640, 2011-08 - 24aGH-6 Study of radiation frequency characteristics of intrinsic Josephson junction systems in single crystalline Bi2212 mesa structures
柏木 隆成; 辻本 学; Delfanazari Kaveh; 中山 諒; 北村 健郎; 澤村 真史; 石田 和...
Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan/66(2)/p.641, 2011-08 - 24aGH-5 THz imaging system using an IJJ THz oscillator II
辻本 学; 南 英俊; Delfanazari Kaveh; 澤村 真史; 北村 健郎; 中山 諒; 山本 卓; ...
Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan/66(2)/p.641, 2011-08 - 24aGH-8 Three Dimensional Simulation of THz Emission from Intrinsic Josephson Junctions
浅井 栄大; 立木 昌; 柏木 隆成; 南 英俊; 山本 卓; 辻本 学; 門脇 和男
Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan/66(2)/p.641, 2011-08 - 24aGH-2 THz radiation 2 from asymmetric rectangular mesa structure of superconductor Bi2212
中山 諒; 柏木 隆成; 辻本 学; 北村 健朗; 澤村 真史; Delfanazari Kaveh; 浅井 栄...
Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan/66(2)/p.640, 2011-08 - 21pGN-6 Light Scattering under Uniaxial Stress in SrTiO_3 III
辻見 裕史; 南 英俊; 植 寛素
Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan/66(2)/p.975, 2011-08 - 高温超伝導テラヘルツ波発振素子の境界条件、共振条件について
南英俊; 小池隆; 折田尚樹; 柏木隆成; 辻本学; 山本卓; 門脇和男
日本物理学会/講演概要集, 2011 - 高温超伝導テラヘルツ発振素子によるイメージング装置開発
南英俊; 辻本学; 澤村真史; 山本卓; 柏木隆成; 門脇和男
応用物理学会/講演予稿集, 2011 - 28aED-3 THz radiation from asymmetric rectangular mesa structure of Bi2212
中山 諒; 柏木 隆成; 辻本 学; 出口 幸太; 山本 卓; 小池 隆; 折田 尚樹; Delfanazari ...
Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan/66(1)/p.662, 2011-03 - 27pTM-5 Light Scattering under Uniaxial Stress in Pb(Zn_<1/3>Nb_<2/3>)O_3 II
辻見 裕史; 南 英俊; 植 寛素
Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan/66(1)/p.982, 2011-03 - 28aED-1 Boundary and Resonance Conditions of High-T_c Superconducting Terahertz Emitters
南 英俊; 小池 隆; 折田 尚樹; 柏木 隆成; 辻本 学; 山本 卓; 門脇 和男
Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan/66(1)/p.662, 2011-03 - 28aED-6 THz imaging system by using the intrinsic Josephson junctions
辻本 学; 南 英俊; 澤村 真史; Delfanazari Kaveh; 出口 幸太; 折田 尚樹; 小池 隆...
Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan/66(1)/p.663, 2011-03 - 28aED-7 Numerical Analyses of THz emission from Bi_2Sr_2CaCu_2O_<8+δ> mesas
浅井 栄大; 門脇 和男; Klemm Richard A.; 柏木 隆成; 南 英俊; 山本 卓; 辻本 学
Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan/66(1)/p.663, 2011-03 - 28aED-4 Study of radiation patterns and oscillation modes of intrinsic Josephson junctions system in single crystalline Bi2212 mesa structures
柏木 隆成; 出口 幸太; 辻本 学; Delfrinazari Kaveh; 折田 尚樹; 小池 隆; 中山 ...
Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan/66(1)/p.662, 2011-03 - High-power terahertz electromagnetic wave emission from high-T-c superconducting Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+delta mesa structures
Yamaki Kazuhiro; Tsujimoto Manabu; Yamamoto Takashi; Furu...
OPTICS EXPRESS/19(4)/pp.3193-3201, 2011-02 - Magnetic field effects on THz radiation from rectangular shape Bi2212 IJJ's
Yamaki Kazuhiro; Tsujimoto Manabu; Yamamoto Takashi; Mina...
PHYSICA C-SUPERCONDUCTIVITY AND ITS APPLICATIONS/470(Sp. Iss. SI Suppl. 1)/pp.0-0, 2010-12 - Terahertz radiation generated from cylindrical mesas of Bi2212
Tsujimoto M.; Yamaki K.; Yamamoto T.; Minami H.; Kadowaki...
PHYSICA C-SUPERCONDUCTIVITY AND ITS APPLICATIONS/470(Sp. Iss. SI Suppl. 1)/pp.0-0, 2010-12 - 26aXP-8 Study of the limitation of width for THz radiation from Bi2212 mesa structures
Delfanazari Kaveh; Tsujimoto Manabu; Yamamoto Takashi; Ka...
Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan/65(2)/p.625, 2010-08 - 26aXP-7 The relationship between oscillation modes and single crystalline Bi2212 mesa structures
柏木 隆成; 辻本 学; Delfanazari Kaveh; 出口 幸太; 折田 尚樹; 小池 隆; 中山 諒...
Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan/65(2)/p.625, 2010-08 - 26aXP-6 THz radiation from asymmetric rectangular mesa structure of Bi2212
中山 諒; 八巻 和宏; 柏木 隆成; 辻本 学; 出口 幸太; 山本 卓; 小池 隆; 折田 尚樹; 南 英俊...
Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan/65(2)/p.625, 2010-08 - 26aXP-11 Frequency tuning of coherent THz radiation from multiple I・V branching structures in intrinsic Josephson junctions of Bi-2212 II
辻本 学; 出口 幸太; 折田 尚樹; 小池 隆; 中山 諒; 山本 卓; 南 英俊; 柏木 隆成; 門脇 和男
Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan/65(2)/p.626, 2010-08 - 26aXP-4 Electromagnetic wave modes of low frequency field in intrinsic Josephson junction Bi2212
出口 幸太; 辻本 学; 折田 尚樹; 小池 隆; 中山 諒; 山本 卓; 南 英俊; 柏木 隆成; 門脇 和男
Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan/65(2)/p.624, 2010-08 - more...
- Geometrical Full-Wavelength Resonance Mode Generating Terahertz Waves from a Single-Crystalline Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+delta Rectangular Mesa