MINAMI Hidetoshi
- Articles
- 電場制御されたSrTiO3 の電子格子相互作用
日本物理学会/講演概要集, 2009 - 28pRB-3 Broad Doublet and Plasmon in Perovskite Oxides IV
佐藤 功亮; 辻見 裕史; 植 寛素; 南 英俊
Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan/64(1)/p.951, 2009-03 - 30pTA-3 EM Wave Emission from Rectangular Mesa of Bi2212 IJJs
八巻 和宏; 辻本 学; 山口 勇人; 山本 卓; 南 英俊; 門脇 和男
Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan/64(1)/p.659, 2009-03 - 30pTA-1 THz emission characteristics of Bi2212 intrinsic Josephson junctions
南 英俊; 折田 尚樹; 小池 隆; 山本 卓; 門脇 和男
Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan/64(1)/p.659, 2009-03 - 30pTA-4 Shape effect of THz radiation from Bi_2Sr_2CaCu_2O_<8+δ> single crystal mesa structure II
辻本 学; 八巻 和宏; 山口 勇人; 山本 卓; 南 英俊; 門脇 和男
Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan/64(1)/p.659, 2009-03 - Broad Doublet Spectra and Anomalous Light Scatterings in Quantum Paraelectric States of SrTiO3 and Nb-Doped SrTiO3
Satoh Kohsuke; Tsujimi Yuhji; Uwe Hiromoto; Minami Hidet...
FERROELECTRICS/380/pp.102-105, 2009-01 - Broad doublet spectra and anomalous light scatterings in quantum paraelectric states of SrTiO3 and Nb-doped SrTiO3
K. Satoh; Y. Tsujimi; H. Uwe; H. Minami
Ferroelectrics 380 (2009) 102-105/380/p.102-105, 2009-01 - Optical Transmittance and Band Gap of Ferroelectric BaTi2O5 Bulk Glass
Ahmad Javed; Minami Hidetoshi; Alam Sher; Yu Jianding; Ar...
CHINESE PHYSICS LETTERS/25(12)/pp.4421-4424, 2008-12 - 22aVE-6 Broad Doublet and Plasmon in Perovskite Oxides IV
辻見 裕史; 佐藤 功亮; 植 寛素; 南 英俊
Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan/63(2)/p.884, 2008-08 - 23aQE-3 Angular Dependence of THz Emission from Rectangular Mesa of Single Crystalline Bi_2Sr_2CaCu_2O_<8+δ>
八巻 和宏; 辻本 学; 山口 勇人; 山本 卓; 南 英俊; 掛谷 一弘; 門脇 和男
Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan/63(2)/p.570, 2008-08 - 23aQE-4 Radiation and higher harmonics of THz electromagnetic waves from Bi2212
山口 勇人; 掛谷 一弘; 南 英俊; 辻本 学; 八巻 和宏; 山本 卓; 門脇 和男
Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan/63(2)/p.570, 2008-08 - 23aQE-6 On the THz Radiation Intensity and Efficiency in Josepshon Junction Systems
門脇 和男; Klemm Richard A.; 八巻 和宏; 辻本 学; 山口 勇人; 山本 卓; 南 英俊
Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan/63(2)/p.571, 2008-08 - 23aQE-5 Shape effect of THz radiation from Bi_2Sr_2CaCu_2O_<8+δ>,s single crystal mesa structure
辻本 学; 八巻 和宏; 山口 勇人; 山本 卓; 南 英俊; 掛谷 一弘; 門脇 和男
Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan/63(2)/p.571, 2008-08 - 22aVE-2 Non-linear Transport Properties of Electrons in Paraelectric SrTiO_3 II
南 英俊
Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan/63(2)/p.883, 2008-08 - Emission of THz electromagnetic waves from high-temperature superconductor Bi_2Sr_2CaCu_2O_<8+δ> intrinsic Josephson junctions
掛谷 一弘; 南 英俊; 門脇 和男
Technical report of IEICE. SCE/108(152)/pp.37-42, 2008-07 - 量子常誘電体SrTiO3 内電子の非線形伝導Ⅱ
日本物理学会/講演概要集, 2008 - 量子常誘電体SrTiO3 内電子の非線形伝導現象
南英俊; 川鍋潤
日本物理学会/予稿集, 2008 - 26aWQ-3 Radiation and spectroscopy of THz electromagnetic waves from Bi2212
山口 勇人; 掛谷 一弘; 南 英俊; Welp U.; Ozyuzer L.; Kurter C.; Kwok ...
Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan/63(1)/p.634, 2008-02 - 25pYE-3 Broad Doublet and Plasmon in Perovskite Oxides III
辻見 裕史; 植 寛素; 南 英俊
Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan/63(1)/p.945, 2008-02 - 26aYE-4 Non-linear Transport Properties of Electrons in Paraelectric SrTiO_3
南 英俊; 川鍋 潤
Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan/63(1)/p.948, 2008-02 - Broad Doublet and Plasmon Peak in Perovskite-Type Oxides
Tsujimi Yuhji; Uwe Hiromoto; Minami Hidetoshi
FERROELECTRICS/367/pp.95-101, 2008-01 - Broad doublet and plasmon peak in perovskite-type oxides
Y. Tsujimi; H. Uwe; H. Minami
Ferroelectrics/367/p.95-101, 2008-01 - Plasmon-LO phonon coupled modes in Nb-doped strontium titanate
Y. Tsujimi; H. Uwe; H. Minami
Ferroelectrics/375/p.148-155, 2008-01 - Optical transmittance and band gap of ferroelectric BaTi2O5 balk glass
J. Ahmad; H. Minami; S. Alam; JD. Yu; Y. Arai; H. Uwe
Chinese Phys. Lett./25/p.4421-4424, 2008-01 - Emission of coherent THz radiation from superconductors
Ozyuzer L.; Koshelev A. E.; Kurter C.; Gopalsami N.; Li ...
SCIENCE/318(5854)/pp.1291-1293, 2007-11 - more...
- 電場制御されたSrTiO3 の電子格子相互作用