MINAMI Hidetoshi
- Articles
- 21aPS-49 Terahertz electromagnetic resonance in Bi_2Sr_2CaCu_2O_<8+δ>
山口 勇人; 南 英俊; Welp U.; Ozyuzer L.; Kurter C.; Kwok W-K.; 川...
Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan/62(2)/p.530, 2007-08 - 22aTE-7 Ferroelectric superconducting FET : Sr_<1-x>Ba_xTiO_3-gate Ba-Pb-Bi-O
南 英俊; 北村 邦之
Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan/62(2)/p.987, 2007-08 - 22aTE-4 Broad Doublet and Plasmon in Perovskite Oxides II
辻見 裕史; 植 寛素; 南 英俊
Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan/62(2)/p.986, 2007-08 - 20pXA-9 Transient Photoconductivity of SrTiO_3 III
川鍋 潤; 南 英俊; 植 寛素
Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan/62(1)/p.972, 2007-02 - Floating zone growth of SrTiO3 single crystals and characterization by electronic transport property
J. Kawanabe; H. Minami; K. Oka; R. Oishi; H. Uwe
Ferroelectrics/348/p.89-93, 2007-01 - Bipolaronic point defects and small-polaron excitations in Ba1-xKxBiO3 and BaPbxBi1-xO3
Uwe Hiromoto; Minami Hidetoshi; Nishio Taichiro; Ahmad J...
FERROELECTRICS/346/pp.1-9, 2007-01 - 27aYA-13 Floating zone growth of SrTiO_3 single crystals
川鍋 潤; 大石 良太; 岡 邦彦; 南 英俊; 植 寛素
Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan/61(1)/p.924, 2006-03 - 21aXA-12 Transport Property of BaPb_YBi_<1-Y>O_3-based FET with a ferroelectric Sr_<1-X>Ba_XTiO_3 Gate
南 英俊; 小川 慎吾; 植 寛素
Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan/60(2)/p.704, 2005-08 - 20aYM-5 Nonlinear Electronic Transport in Paraelectric SrTiO_3 and KTaO_3
大石 良太; 南 英俊; 植 寛素
Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan/60(2)/p.807, 2005-08 - Fermi surface nesting in Ba1-xKxBiO3 observed by Compton profile measurement
Hiraoka N; Buslaps T; Honkimaki V; Minami H; Uwe H
PHYSICAL REVIEW B/71(20)/pp.0-0, 2005-05 - 25aYR-8 Transient Photoconductivity of SrTiO_3 II : Excitation light dependence of electron mobility and electron scattering mechanism
南 英俊; 大石 良太; 植 寛素
Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan/60(1)/p.906, 2005-03 - 26pYK-16 Metal-Semiconductor transition of BaPb_xBi_<1-x>O_3 by field-effect carrier doping
堀川 寛司; 南 英俊; 植 寛素
Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan/60(1)/p.805, 2005-03 - 12aXA-2 Transient Photoconductivity of SrTiO_3
大石 良太; 南 英俊; 植 寛素
Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan/59(2)/p.625, 2004-08 - 13pWH-11 Field Effect Superconducting switch of BaBi_<1-x>Pb_xO_3(FET)
小川 慎吾; 南 英俊; 植 寛泰
Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan/59(2)/p.761, 2004-08 - 13pWH-11 Field Effect Superconducting switch of BaBi_<1-x>Pb_xO_3(FET)
小川 慎吾; 南 英俊; 植 寛素
Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan/59(2)/p.507, 2004-08 - 29pXB-9 The pressure effect on transport properties of Ba_<1-x>K_xBiO_3
静谷 満幸; 最上 雄峰; 南 英俊; 植 寛素
Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan/59(1)/p.623, 2004-03 - 28pXK-4 Influence of electrodes on the photo-induced dielectric response of SrTiO_3
南 英俊; 大石 良太; 植 寛素
Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan/59(1)/p.966, 2004-03 - 27aXE-6 Fermi-Surfaces of(Ba,K)BiO_3 studied by Compton scattering experiment
平岡 望; Buslaps T.; Honkimaki V.; 南 英俊; 植 寛素
Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan/59(1)/p.520, 2004-03 - Pressure effect on Ba1-xKxBiO3 near the composition of metal-semiconductor transition
M. Shizuya; S. Ueda; Y. Mogami; T. Nishio; H. Minami; H. ...
Physica C/388-389/p.453-454, 2003-01 - Magnetic Susceptibility of Electron-doped BaBiO3
M. Shizuya; S. Fujimura; H. Imai; Xiaoli Ji; H. Minami; E...
Physica C/357-360/p.169-172, 2001-01 - Large Single Crystal of Ba1-xKxBiO3 grown by Electrochemical Technique
T. Nishio; H. Minami; and H. Uwe
Physica C/357-360/p.376-379, 2001-01 - High Intergranular Critical Currents in Metallic MgB2 Superconductor
M. Kambara; N. H.Babu; E. S. Sadki; J. R. Cooper; H. Min...
Superconductor Science and Technology/14/p.L5-L7, 2001-01 - Thermoelectric Properties of Niobium Doped Hexagonal Barium Titanate
M. N. Khan; H. T. KIm; H. Minami; H. Uwe
Mater. Lett./47/p.95-101, 2001-01 - Electronic Structure of BaPb_xBi_<1-x>O_3 and BaPb_xBi_<1-x>K_xBiO_3
今井 英道; 紀 小麗; 静谷 満幸; 南 英俊; 喜多 英治; 植 寛素
Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan/55(1)/p.536, 2000-03 - Transport Properties for Single Crystals of Nb-Doped Hexagonal Barium Titanate
M. N. Khan; H. T. Kim; H. Minami; H. Uwe
J. Korean Phys. Soc./32/p.S1207-S1209, 1998-01 - more...
- 21aPS-49 Terahertz electromagnetic resonance in Bi_2Sr_2CaCu_2O_<8+δ>