- Articles
- Electrical Conduction of Regioregular and Regiorandom Poly(3-hexylthiophene) Doped with Iodine(Condensed Matter : Electronic Structure, Electrical, Magnetic and Optical Properties)
UKAI Sota; ITO Hiroshi; MARUMOTO Kazuhiro; KURODA Shin-ichi
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan/74(12)/pp.3314-3319, 2005-12 - Theoretical ESR g Values in Rubrene and Oligoacenes: Implication to Molecular Orientation at Interfaces in Organic FETs
Shimoi Y.; Marumoto K.; Kuroda S.
Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals/566(SI)/pp.33-37, 2012-01 - Charge Transfer at the Interfaces between Poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene):Poly(styrenesulfonate) (PEDOT:PSS) and Pentacene as Investigated by ESR
Ito Masaaki; Marumoto Kazuhiro
CHEMISTRY LETTERS/41(7)/pp.696-698, 2012-07 - Charge Formation in Pentacene Layers During Solar-Cell Fabrication: Direct Observation by Electron Spin Resonance
Marumoto Kazuhiro; Fujimori Takuya; Ito Masaaki; Mori Ta...
ADVANCED ENERGY MATERIALS/2(5)/pp.591-597, 2012-05 - Electron Spin Resonance of Thin Films of N,N '-Di(1-naphthyl)-N,N '-diphenylbenzidine (NPB) Doped by Iodine Vapor
Azuma Kenta; Son Donghyun; Marumoto Kazuhiro; Kijima Mas...
CHEMISTRY LETTERS/41(2)/pp.191-193, 2012-02 - 22aTG-8 Field-induced ESR of a polymer thin-film transistor using ion gels
丸本 一弘; 辻 大毅; 高橋 優貴; 蓬田 陽平; 竹延 大志; 岩佐 義宏
Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan/66(2)/p.862, 2011-08 - 22pTG-8 Field-induced ESR observations of charge carriers in operating organic field-effect transistors
平手 将隆; 渡辺 峻一郎; 田中 久暁; 伊東 裕; 黒田 新一; 丸本 一弘; 竹延 大志; 岩佐 義宏
Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan/66(2)/p.870, 2011-08 - 27pTB-9 Field-induced ESR of rubrene single-crystal transistors using ion gels
丸本 一弘; 辻 大毅; 高橋 優貴; 蓬田 陽平; 竹延 大志; 岩佐 義宏
Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan/66(1)/p.649, 2011-03 - 27pTB-9 Field-induced ESR of rubrene single-crystal transistors using ion gels
丸本 一弘; 辻 大毅; 高橋 優貴; 蓬田 陽平; 竹延 大志; 岩佐 義宏
Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan/66(1)/p.881, 2011-03 - 28aTN-8 ESR observations of field-induced charg carriers in FET devices using poly(phenylene vinylene) derivatives
田中 久暁; 尾藤 芳彦; 渡辺 峻一郎; 丸本 一弘; 黒田 新一
Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan/66(1)/p.893, 2011-03 - Electron Spin Resonance Study of Interface Trap States and Charge Carrier Concentration in Rubrene Single-Crystal Field-Effect Transistors
Tsuji Masaki; Arai Norimichi; Marumoto Kazuhiro; Takeya ...
APPLIED PHYSICS EXPRESS/4(8), 2011-08 - Direct determination of interfacial molecular orientations in field-effect devices of P3HT/PCBM composites by electron spin resonance
Watanabe Shun-ichiro; Tanaka Hisaaki; Ito Hiroshi; Kuroda...
Yamaki Yusuke; Marumoto Kazuhiro; Fujimori Takuya; Mori ...
JOURNAL OF NONLINEAR OPTICAL PHYSICS & MATERIALS/19(4)/pp.653-662, 2010-12 - 25aYF-11 Spin interactions of polarons in thin films and device structures of regioregular poly(3-alkyl thiophene)
黒田 新一; 渡辺 峻一郎; 田中 久暁; 伊東 裕; 丸本 一弘
Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan/61(2)/p.690, 2006-08 - 25aYF-8 Recombination kinetics of photogenerated polarons in regioregular poly(3-alkylthiophene)/C_<60> composites : alkyl chain dependence
長谷川 直樹; 坂本 知隆; 田中 久暁; 丸本 一弘; 黒田 新一
Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan/61(2)/p.690, 2006-08 - 25aYF-9 Dependence of light irradiation direction and intensity of photoconductivity of regioregular poly(3-alkylthiophene)/fullerene composites
新美 雄太; 鈴木 章充; 伊東 裕; 丸本 一弘; 黒田 新一
Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan/61(2)/p.690, 2006-08 - 19pRG-14 ESR study of molecular orientation at the interface of organic MIS devices : Dependence of substrate roughness
渡辺 峻一郎; 田中 久暁; 伊東 裕; 丸本 一弘; 黒田 新一; 下位 幸弘; 阿部 修治
Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan/62(1)/p.833, 2007-02 - 19pRG-13 Top-contact-type MIS-FET characteristics and ESR observation of field-induced polarons in regioregular poly(3-hexylthiophene)
濱野 光正; 渡辺 峻一郎; 田中 久暁; 伊東 裕; 丸本 一弘; 黒田 新一
Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan/62(1)/p.833, 2007-02 - 19pRG-11 Light-induced ESR studies of the photoinduced polaron and molecular orientation in the composite of the electroluminescent copolymer Dibenzothiophene(DBT)-Phenylenediamine(PDA) and fullerene(C_<60>)
大場 春樹; 呉 立峰; 田中 久暁; 丸本 一弘; 黒田 新一
Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan/62(1)/p.833, 2007-02 - 22aRC-6 ESR observation of field-induced polarons in regioregular poly(3-octylthiophene)
伊藤 圭哉; 渡辺 峻一郎; 田中 久暁; 伊東 裕; 丸本 一弘; 黒田 新一
Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan/62(2)/p.867, 2007-08 - 22aRC-5 Dependence of light intensity of photoconductivity of regioregular poly (3-hexylthiophene)/fullerene composites
鈴木 章充; 安藤 志問; 新美 雄太; 伊東 裕; 丸本 一弘; 黒田 新一
Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan/62(2)/p.867, 2007-08 - Transport Mechanism and Magnetism of Charge Carriers at the Interface of Organic FETs(Current Topics)
丸本 一弘; 黒田 新一
Butsuri/62(11)/pp.851-855, 2007-11 - 26pTF-12 ESR observations of ambipolar charge carriers in MIS devices of regioregular poly[3-hexylthiophene]/PCBM composite
渡辺 峻一郎; 田中 久暁; 伊東 裕; 丸本 一弘; 黒田 新一
Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan/63(1)/p.848, 2008-02 - 25pTG-7 Electron spin resonance of rubrene single-crystal transistors
丸本 一弘; 新井 徳道; 後藤 博正; 富成 征弘; 竹谷 純一; 田中 久暁; 黒田 新一; 竹延 大志; 岩...
Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan/63(1)/p.831, 2008-02 - 20aTB-3 ESR observations of field-induced polarons in polymer MIS-FET devices fabricated on Si substrate
黒田 新一; 田中 久暁; 渡辺 峻一郎; 蛭海 翔太; 伊東 裕; 丸本 一弘
Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan/63(2)/p.728, 2008-08 - more...
- Electrical Conduction of Regioregular and Regiorandom Poly(3-hexylthiophene) Doped with Iodine(Condensed Matter : Electronic Structure, Electrical, Magnetic and Optical Properties)