ZHANG Yongbing
- Articles
- Reconfiguration heuristics for logical topologies in wide-area WDM networks
H. Takagi; Y. Zhang; X. Jia; and H. Takagi
Discussion Paper No. 977, Institute of Policy and Planning Sciences, University of Tsukuba, 2002-03 - A Mobility Based Resource Predictive Scheme with QoS Guarantees in Multimedia Wireless Networks,
Y. Horibe; Y. Zhang
Discussion Paper No. 975, Institute of Policy and Planning Sciences, University of Tsukuba, 2002-02 - An efficient distributed channel allocation strategy based on a threshold scheme for mobile cellular networks
Y. Zhang; S.K. Das; and X. Jia
Proc. IEEE Global Communications Conf. (GLOBECOM 2001)/p.pp. 3568-3572, 2001-11 - An efficient heuristic for routing and wavelength assignment in optical WDM networks,
Y. Zhang; K. Taira; H. Takagi; and S.K. Das
Discussion Paper No. 948, Institute of Policy and Planning Sciences, University of Tsukuba, 2001-09 - Implementation and Evaluation of a Load Balancing Facility Using Mobile Agents
沢野 泰淳; 張 勇兵; 高木 英明
The transactions of the Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers. D-I/84(9)/pp.1450-1453, 2001-09 - Search process evaluation for a hierarchical menu system by Markov chains
H. Takagi; M. Kitajima; T. Yamamoto; and Y. Zhang; +張 勇兵
Proc. SPIE Int. Symp. ITCom'01/p.pp. 183-192, 2001-08 - D-CAT: A distributed channel allocation strategy based on a threshold scheme for cellular mobile networks
Y. Zhang; X. Jia; S.K. Das
Proc. ACM Symposium on Parallel Algorithms and Architectures (SPAA 2001)/p.pp. 308--309, 2001-07 - Optimal Wavelength Converter Placement in Optical Networks by Genetic Algorithm
Siregar Johannes Hamonangan; 高木 英明; 張 勇兵
Technical report of IEICE. TM/101(187)/pp.17-22, 2001-07 - An efficient approach for distributed channel allocation in cellular mobile networks
Y. Zhang; X. Jia; S.K. Das
Proc. ACM Workshop on Discrete Algorithms and Methods for Mobile Computing and Communications (DIAL-M 2001)/p.pp. 87-94, 2001-07 - Optimal Wavelength Converter Placement in Optical Networks by Genetic Algorithm
J.H. Siregar; H. Takagi; and Y. Zhang; +張 勇兵
Discussion Paper No. 920, Institute of Policy and Planning Sciences, University of Tsukuba, 2001-04 - An integrated routing and admission control mechanism for real-time multicast connection establishment
X. Jia; Y. Zhang; N. Pissinou; and S. Makki
Int. J. Communications Systems/Vol. 14(No. 3)/p.pp. 287-303, 2001-04 - Search process evaluation for a hierarchical menu system by Markov chains,
H. Takagi; M. Kitajima; T. Yamamoto; and Y. Zhang; +張 勇兵
Discussion Paper No. 929, Institute of Policy and Planning Sciences, University of Tsukuba, 2001-04 - Transaction Scheduling with Temporal Data in Real-Time Database System
Y. Zhang
Discussion Paper No. 900, Institute of Policy and Planning Sciences, University of Tsukuba, 2001-02 - A Load Balancing Facility Using Agles, a Java-based Mobile Agent System
T. Sawano; Y. Zhang; and H. Takagi
Discussion Paper No. 898, Institute of Policy and Planning Sciences, University of Tsukuba, 2001-02 - D-CAT: A Distributed Channel Allocation Strategy based on A Threshold Scheme for Cellular Mobile Networks
Y. Zhang; X. Jia; S.K. Das
Discussion Paper No. 899, Insitute of Policy and Planning Sciences, University of Tsukuba, 2001-02 - Optimal wavelength converter placement in optical networks by using a genetic algorithm
J.H. Siregar; H. Takagi; Y. Zhang
Proc. Symp. Perf. Models for Inf. Commun. Net/p.pp. 40-49, 2001-01 - Search process evaluation for a hierarchical menue system by Markov chains
T. Yamamoto; M. Kitajima; H. Takagi; and Y. Zhang; +張 勇兵
Proc. Symp. Perf. Models for Inf. Commun. Net./p.pp. 189-198, 2001-01 - A distributed channel allocation strategy based on a threshold scheme in mobile cellular networks
Y. Zhang; X. Jia
Proc. Performance and QoS of Next Generation Networking (PQNET2000)/p.pp. 157-168, 2000-11 - 移動エージェントを用いたネットワーク負荷分散システムの構築とその評価
沢野泰淳; 張勇兵; 高木英明
電子情報通信学会論文誌/Vol.J84-D-I(9)/p.pp. 1450-1453, 2000-09 - An efficient load-balancing algorithm based on a two-threshold cell selection scheme in mobile cellular networks
Y. Zhang; S.K. Das
Computer Communications/Vol. 23(No. 5-6)/p.452-461, 2000-03 - An efficient channel allocation strategy in mobile cellular networks
Y. Zhang
Proc. 49th Annual IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC'99)/p.pp. 611- 616, 1999-05 - A new adaptive channel assignment algorithm in cellular mobile systems
Y. Zhang
IEEE 32th Hawaii Int. Conf. Syst. Sci. (HICSS-32), 1999-01 - An efficient admission control method of real-time multicast connections in wide area networks
X. Jia; Y. Zhang; N. Pissinou; and K. Makki
Proc. IEEE 7th Int. Conf. Computer Communications and Networks (ICCCN'98)/p.pp. 865-872, 1998-10 - On effectiveness of message recovery in real-time communications
J. Cao; P. We; and Y. Zhang; +張 勇兵
Proc. IASTED Int. Conf. Networks and Communication Systems/p.pp. 61-66, 1998-06 - Scheduling transactions with temporal consistency requirements in hard real-time database systems
Y. Zhang; J. Cao; and X. Jia
Proc. IASTED Int. Conf. Applied Informatics/p.pp. 180-184, 1998-02 - more...
- Reconfiguration heuristics for logical topologies in wide-area WDM networks