ARITA Tomokazu

Researcher's full information

  • A study on the control of landscaping of private development project by individual negotiation system
    瀬島 由実加; 村上 暁信; 有田 智一
    Journal of the City Planning Institute of Japan/52(3)/pp.1256-1261, 2017
  • 独・英における新たな都市・地域マネジメントの試みと課題(2)イギリスの広域マネジメント施策 : Local Enterprise Partnership
    Arita Tomokazu
    中部圏研究調査季報/195/pp.117-127, 2016-06
  • Temporary, project-based and informal Regional Development in Germany
    太田 尚孝; 有田 智一; 服部 敦
    Journal of the City Planning Institute of Japan/51(3)/pp.1078-1085, 2016
  • Study on the process of developing self-sustaining Area Management organizations in residential areas initiated by local communities
    渡邊 晃佑; 有田 智一
    Journal of the City Planning Institute of Japan/51(3)/pp.222-229, 2016
  • Location and Development Control of Wind Farms in Japan
    Niitani Ken; Fujii Sayaka; Arita Tomokazu
    Journal of Sustainable Urbanization and Regeneration/1/pp.113-121, 2015-09
  • Facts and problems concerning the restoration project for liquefaction damage with unified approach to both infrastructure and private land:12 municipalities with liquefaction damage by The Great East Japan Earthquake
    田野井 雄吾; 有田 智一; 糸井川 栄一; 梅本 通孝; 太田 尚孝
    Journal of the City Planning Institute of Japan/50(3)/pp.394-401, 2015
  • The Introduction Process and Actual Conditions of Financing Infrastructure Projects using Development Rights Sales:A Case Study of District Improvement Bonus in Special Hudson Yards District
    北崎 朋希; 有田 智一
    Journal of the City Planning Institute of Japan/50(3)/pp.898-903, 2015
  • A study on growth and space characteristic in apparel retail accumulation area:A case of Harajuku
    伊藤 彰良; 有田 智一
    Journal of the City Planning Institute of Japan/49(3)/pp.831-836, 2014
  • 企業城下町の空き家問題 : 地域社会の構造転換の文脈から
    有田 智一
    都市問題/104(4)/pp.90-97, 2013-04
  • The Actual Conditions and Problems of the Procedures to Designate the Special Districts for Urban Regeneration:Focusing on the Planning Process of Prior Consultation
    北崎朋希; 有田 智一
    Journal of the City Planning Institute of Japan/48(3)/pp.639-644, 2013-11
  • A study on design guidelines and user's activities of open space in UR housing complex as children's playground
    松浦きらら; 藤井さやか; 有田 智一
    Journal of the City Planning Institute of Japan/48(3)/pp.285-290, 2013-11
  • A study on the urban redevelopment utilizing a method of completely-detached property ownership:A case study in a residential and industrial mixed land use area
    小田真太郎; 有田智一; 藤井 さやか
    Journal of the City Planning Institute of Japan/48(3)/pp.291-296, 2013-11
  • A study on the problems of relocation by elderly in suburban detached housing areas and the possibility of promotion measures by the private sector:A case study of Tama Den-en Toshi
    吉川重和; 有田智一; 藤井 さやか
    Journal of the City Planning Institute of Japan/48(3)/pp.963-968, 2013-11
  • A study on the roles of municipal bylaws for controlling the location of funeral halls:Focusing on their functions of complementing Japanese national zoning system
    岩倉圭介; 有田智一; 藤井 さやか
    Journal of the City Planning Institute of Japan/48(3)/pp.645-650, 2013-11
  • 企業城下町の空き家問題 : 地域社会の構造転換の文脈から:特集 空き家問題にどう向き合うか
    有田 智一
    都市問題/104(4)/pp.90-97, 2013-4
  • 全国における都市再生特別地区の指定手続きの実態と課題 -都市計画素案作成に関する協議プロセスに着目して-
    北崎朋希; 有田 智一
    日本都市計画学会学術研究論文集/48/pp.639-644, 2013-11
  • A study on institutional design framework for creating New Public Sphere: drawing on a case of "Collaboration testing" by the Saga Prefectural Government
    川島 宏一; 有田 智一; 大村 謙二郎
    Urban housing sciences/0(66)/pp.63-72, 2009-01
  • Industrial alliances and firm location behaviour: some evidence from the US semiconductor industry
    Arita; Tomokazu; McCann; Philip; +有田 智一
    Applied Economics/32(11)/p.1391-1403, 2000-01
  • 建築基準法接道義務の但書き規定の運用実態とその問題点
    有田智一・岩田司; +有田 智一
    日本建築学会計画系論文集/(531)/p.187-194, 2000-05
  • 接道困難敷地の実態に対応した接道特例許可の運用のあり方
    有田智一・岩田司; +有田 智一
    日本建築学会計画系論文集/(533), 2000-07
  • 地方分権と都市計画への期待
    大村謙二郎; 有田智一
    都市計画/212, 1998-03
  • Local agglomeration and global networks of the semiconductor industry: a comparative study of U.S. and Japanese firms
    Arita; Tomokazu; Fujita; Masahisa; +有田 智一
    Review of Urban and Regional Development Studies,/13(2)/p.85-109, 2001-01
  • The spatial and hierarchical organization of Japanese and US multinational semiconductor firms,
    Arita; Tomokazu; McCann; Philip; +有田 智一
    Journal of International Management/8/p.121-139, 2002-01
  • The location of technological innovation within the Japanese semiconductor industry
    Arita; Tomokazu; McCann; Philip; +有田 智一
    Acs, Z., de Groot, H. and Nijkamp, P., (eds), The Emergence of the Knowledge Economy: A Regional Perspective/p.321-344., 2002-01
  • Industrial clusters, transactions costs and the institutional determinants of MNE location behaviour,
    McCann; Philip; Arita; Tomokazu; and Gordon; Ian R; +有田 智一
    International Business Review/11/p.647-663, 2002-01
  • more...