- Articles
- 周辺環境が保水性舗装の夏季気候緩和効果に与える影響
中島 遥希; 村上 暁信
環境情報科学/47(1)/pp.95-95, 2018 - 津波で失われた町並みの3次元再現モデルを用いた景観認識・記憶に関する研究
斉藤 真里佳; 村上 暁信
環境情報科学/47(1)/pp.98-98, 2018 - 座談会 持続可能な社会づくりに向けた環境政策と環境研究の連携
竹本 和彦; 鎌形 浩史; 大塚 直; 加藤 和弘; 村上 暁信
Environmental information science/47(1)/pp.57-68, 2018 - 縮退する都市郊外における地域制緑地制度の活用と課題 (特集 地域制緑地の役割と管理のあり方)
村上 暁信
グリーン・エージ/45(3)/pp.4-7, 2018-03 - A multilayer mean radiant temperature model for pedestrians in a street canyon with trees
Park Chae Yeon; Lee Dong Kun; Krayenhoff E. Scott; Heo H...
Building and Environment/141/pp.298-309, 2018-08 - Rebuilt after the Great East Japan earthquake in the region where move to a higher elevation was implemented after Showa-Sanriku Tsunami:analysis by using 3D CAD modeling of the landscape lost by Tsunami
村上暁信; 饗庭伸; 池田浩敬; 木村 周平; 熊倉永子
JOURNAL OF THE HOUSING RESEARCH FOUNDATION "JUSOKEN"/(44)/pp.121-132, 2018-03 - Post-disaster recovery linked with pre-disaster land development and damage density of Typhoon Yolanda: Toward better land-use planning in Tacloban City, the Philippines
Journal of Environmental Information Science/2017(2)/pp.1-12, 2018 - A study on the control of landscaping of private development project by individual negotiation system
瀬島 由実加; 村上 暁信; 有田 智一
Journal of the City Planning Institute of Japan/52(3)/pp.1256-1261, 2017 - Dynamics of house state consolidation in Lima Metropolitan area: a cellular automata approach
ヴィクトル ペ-ニャ ギジェン; 村上 暁信
Journal of the Japanese Institute of Landscape Architecture/80(5)/pp.657-662, 2017 - Understanding the effect of landform and land use changes on the storm surge damage by Typhoon Yolanda in Tacloban, the Philippines
大杉 輔; 原 祐二; 土屋 一彬; 村上 暁信; パリホン アルマンド
Proceedings of the General Meeting of the Association of Japanese Geographers/2015(0)/p.100146, 2015 - Features of Urbanization and Changes in the Thermal Environment in Jakarta, Indonesia
Murakami Akinobu; Kurihara Shinji; Harashina Koji; Zain ...
Sustainable Landscape Planning in Selected Urban Regions/pp.61-71, 2017 - Regional variability in the impacts of future land use on summertime temperatures in Kanto region, the Japanese megacity
Sato Yousuke; Higuchi Atsushi; Takami Akinori; Murakam...
URBAN FORESTRY & URBAN GREENING/20/pp.43-55, 2016-12 - 「都市農地保全」を超えて「まちづくり」へ(特集 都市における農業・農地のいま)
村上 暁信
都市問題/106(6)/pp.50-58, 2015 - Relationship between Research, Plan and Practice
村上 暁信
JOURNAL OF RURAL PLANNING ASSOCIATION/34(2)/pp.139-142, 2015 - Natural Environment and City : From Coexistence to Mutualism
村上 暁信
Journal of architecture and building science/131(1679)/pp.28-29, 2016-01 - Reconstruction of coastal villages swept away by tsunami by 3D digital model
Murakami Akinobu; Kumakura Eiko; Ishikawa Mikiko
Journal of Disaster Research/10(5)/pp.818-829, 2015-10 - 41259 The thermal environment and the usage condition of semi-outdoor space of apartment in Jakarta, Indonesia
中大窪 千晶; 村上 暁信; 浅輪 貴史; 原科 幸爾; 栗原 伸治
Summaries of technical papers of annual meeting/2015(0)/pp.535-536, 2015-09 - Study regarding distribution, usage conditions, and disappearance risks of small pond (Kolam) in peri-urban areas of Jakarta
板川 暢; 一ノ瀬 友博; 村上 暁信; アミ アミナ ムティア
Landscape Research Japan Online/78(5)/pp.791-796, 2015 - Development of Seamless Chemical Assimilation System and Its Application for Atmospheric Environmental Materials(Introduction of Results from the MEXT "Research Program on Climate Change adaptation (RECCA)")
中島 映至; 今須 良一; 高見 昭憲; 五藤 大輔; 鶴田 治雄; 打田 純也; Dai Tie; 三澤 翔大; 上田 佳代; N...
Journal of the Japan Society for Simulation Technology/34(2)/pp.104-114, 2015-06 - Reconstruction of Tsunami-Stricken Villages using Procedural modeling
熊倉 永子; 村上 暁信; 山本 幸子; 石川 幹子
Landscape Research Japan Online/78(5)/pp.697-702, 2015-04 - Assessing supply-demand balance of nitrogen toward local-scale organic material circulation: a case studyof suburban residential district in Metro Manila
三瓶 由紀; 原 祐二; 村上 暁信; パリホン アルマンド; 土屋 一彬; 横張 真
Landscape Research Japan Online/77(5)/pp.697-700, 2014 - Influences of Weeds Control on the Effects of Cold Air Spread at Night in Satoyama
王 彦; 村上 暁信
Landscape Research Japan Online/76(5)/pp.543-546, 2013 - Study on the transition of amount of homestead woodland and the space composition:Case Study of Horage settlement in Tsukuba city
小森 美咲; 村上 暁信
Journal of the City Planning Institute of Japan/48(3)/pp.363-368, 2013 - Relationships between thermal environment and residents' usage of outdoor spaces in a kampung in Jakarta, Indonesia
村上 暁信; 栗原 伸治; 原科 幸爾
Journal of the City Planning Institute of Japan/49(1)/pp.65-70, 2014 - Study on the improvement of thermal comfort by urban greenery
村上 暁信; 王 彦
Journal of the City Planning Institute of Japan/49(3)/pp.231-236, 2014-11 - more...
- 周辺環境が保水性舗装の夏季気候緩和効果に与える影響