OKADA Yukihiko

Researcher's full information

  • The Effect of Service Failure Experiences on Customer’s Actorship
    murae Yuna; Okada Yukihiko
    Proceedings of SERVSIG 2020/pp.1-4, 2020-07
  • Positive Effect of Proactive Personality on Customer Orientation in Service Context
    Takashima Ryota; Ueda Natsuki; Hashimoto Tatsuya; Okada ...
    Proceedings of International Congress of Psychology 2020/pp.1-1, 2020-07
  • ベイジアンネットワークへの役割期待
    佐々木健佑; 岡田 幸彦
    オペレーションズ・リサーチ:経営の科学/65(6)/pp.299-303, 2020-06
  • Psychological Safety has a Significant Roles on the Entire Team, Not Individuals in Relation to Proactive Work Behavior
    Takano Shun; Ueda Natsuki; Hashimoto Tatsuya; Okada Yuki...
    Proceedings of Association for Psychological Science 2020/pp.1-1, 2020-05
  • Consumer Experience as Suppliers on Value Co-Creation Behavior
    Ho Bach Q.; Murae Yuna; Hara Tatsunori; Okada Yukihiko
    Serviceology/6(4)/pp.36-36, 2020
  • 待ち行列理論を用いた宅配サービスシステムのモデル化と性能解析
    日出山 慎人; Tuan Phung Duc; 岡田 幸彦
    第36回(2019年度)待ち行列シンポジウム「確率モデルとその応用」報文集/pp.6-15, 2020-01
  • The Unified Product Costing System for Multiple Purposes: Case Evidence from a Japanese Electric Manufacturer
    Takahiro Morimitsu; Kataoka Hiroto; Okada Yukihiko
    Proceedings of the 2020 MAS Midyear Meeting/pp.1-16, 2020-01
  • Applications of Bayesian Network Models in Predicting Disease Onset for Health Insurance Service
    Sasaki Kensuke; Shin Ryota; Kuno Shinya; Okada Yukihiko
    Proceedings of NOLTA 2019, December, Malaysia/pp.21-24, 2019-12
  • An applicability of the SPLISS model to national sport organisation
    Kohei Funasaki; Yoshio Takahashi; Yukihiko Okada
    Proceedings of Sport Management Association of Australia and New Zealand/p.31, 2019-12
  • Empirical Analysis about the Cause and Effect of Service Target Costing Ability in Japan
    岡田 幸彦; 山矢 和樹
    會計/196(4)/pp.417-431, 2019-10
  • Consumer Experience as Suppliers on Value Co-Creation Behavior
    Ho Bach Q.; Murae Yuna; Hara Tatsunori; Okada Yukihiko
    Journal of Serviceology/4(1)/pp.1-7, 2019-10
  • Sensor network to measure MAAI on value co-creation process: feasibility study of MAAI optimization on customer service
    Arai Taiga; Chida Yusuke; Okada Yukihiko; Zempo Keiichi
    In Proceedings of the 2019 ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing and Proceedings of the 2019 ACM International Symposium on Wearable Computers (UbiComp/ISWC '19)/pp.1-4, 2019-09
  • The Effect of Asset Deterioration Information on Budgetary Request : Survey Experiment for Local Government Officers
    生方裕一; 黒木淳; 岡田 幸彦
    Accounting progress/20/pp.47-61, 2019-09
  • Effects of Customer’s Actorship in the Service System: Evidence from Home Delivery Service in Japan
    Nakai Akie; Q.Ho Bach; Hara Tatsunori; Okada Yukihiko
    Proceedings of 10th International Research Symposium in Service Management, Dubai/pp.1-11, 2019-08
  • Queueing Analysis of Home Delivery Services with Parcel Lockers
    Shinto Hideyama; Duc Tuan Phung; Okada Yukihiko
    Lecture Notes in Computer Science (QTNA2019 LNCS Proceedings)/11688/pp.351-368, 2019-08
  • 人類の経済発展と簿記・会計
    岡田 幸彦
    日本簿記学会ニュース/p.3, 2019-07
  • "Service Engineering × AI" and Quality Management:From the Experience of University of Tsukuba
    岡田 幸彦
    Journal of The Japanese Society for Quality Control/49(3)/pp.204-209, 2019-07
  • ベイジアンネットワークによる地域健康予測
    佐々木健佑; 久野譜也; 岡田 幸彦
    オペレーションズ・リサーチ/64(7)/pp.399-405, 2019-07
  • Two Aspects of Customer Participation Behaviors and the Different Effects in Service Delivery: Evidence from Home Delivery Services
    Murae Y.; Ho B.; Hara T.; Okada Yukihiko
    Journal of Marketing Development and Competitiveness/13(1)/pp.45-58, 2019-03
  • Feasibility study about detection of relatively mild damages on bridges by using Spatial Singular Mode Angle
    高橋悠太; 山本亨輔; 岡田 幸彦
    Journal of Structural Engineering, A/65A/pp.283-292, 2019-03
  • 金属棚環境における後付け可能な赤外ビーコンの屋内測位精度検証 ~ ICCE2019報告 ~
    善甫 啓一; 荒井 大河; 吉澤 貴拓; 青木 拓也; 岡田 幸彦
    電子情報通信学会技術研究報告/118(449)/pp.21-24, 2019-01
  • 待ち行列モデルを用いた宅配ボックスサービスの性能解析
    日出山慎人; Tuan Phung Duc; 岡田幸彦
    第35回(2018年度)待ち行列シンポジウム 「確率モデルとその応用」 報文集/p.71, 2019-01
  • Shopping Baskets for On-line Beacon Sensor Network in Retail Store
    Suda Yuji; Arai Taiga; Yoshizawa Takahiro; Fujita Yuki; Z...
    Proceeding of the 16th IEEE Consumer Communications & Networking Conference/pp.1-2, 2019-01
  • Evaluation of Indoor Positioning System based on Attachable Infrared Beacons in Metal Shelf Environment
    Arai Taiga; Yoshizawa Takahiro; Aoki Takuya; Zempo Keiic...
    Proceeding of the 37th IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics/pp.1-4, 2019-01
  • Applicability of Bayesian Network to Regional Health Policy in Japan
    鳥海航; 生方裕一; 久野譜也; 岡田幸彦
    統計数理/66(2)/pp.267-278, 2018-12
  • more...