Researcher's full information

Professional activities
2010 -- (current)International Journal of Advanced Intelligence Paradigms (IJAIP)Guest Editor
2010 -- 2011Japan Statistical SocietyDirector
2011 -- (current)6th International Symposium Advances in Arti cial Intelligence and ApplicationsMember of Program Committee
2003 -- 2012the Japan Society for Fuzzy Theory and Intelligent InformaticsMember of Editorial Board for the Journal of the Japan Society for Fuzzy Theory and Intelligent Informatics
2009 -- 2012The 2nd Institute of Mathematical Statis- tics Asia Paci c Rim MeetingMember of Local Organizing Committee
2012-01 -- 2012-12The IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy SystemsMember of Program Committee
2011 -- 2012Japan Statistical SocietyMember of the Planning and Events Committee in Japan Statistical Society
2011 -- 2012Joint Convention of Statistical SocietiesVice Chair of the Steering Committee in Joint Convention of Statistical Societies
2009-01 -- 2013-12International Association for Statistical Computing (a Section of the International Statistical Institute)Council of International Association for Statistical Computing (a Section of the International Statistical Institute)
2011-01 -- 2013-12the IEEE Computational Intelligence SocietyVice Chair of the Fuzzy Systems Technical Committee (FSTC) of the IEEE Computational Intelligence Society