UMEMOTO Michitaka
- Articles
- 大規模河川氾濫による浸水想定区域からの脱出を一義的目標とした避難計画の効果に関する基礎的研究
蒲倉 光; 梅本 通孝
Journal of Social Safety Science in Real-Time Evacuation Guidance under Post-Earthquake Fires/(37)/pp.249-258, 2020-11 - 上海市民の水害防災行動の促進策に関する研究
張 郁涵; 梅本 通孝
Journal of Social Safety Science in Real-Time Evacuation Guidance under Post-Earthquake Fires/(37)/pp.135-145, 2020-11 - 糸魚川大規模火災とこれからの都市防火を考える(防火部門─パネルディスカッション,2018年度日本建築学会大会(東北)概要報告)
梅本 通孝
建築雑誌/(1720)/p.43, 2019-02 - Effects on Citizen's Disaster Preparation Behaviors by Risk Communication Using an Imagination Card Game: Verification Based on a Follow-up Survey on the Participants
濱中 理紗子; 梅本 通孝
Journal of Social Safety Science/35/pp.207-215, 2019-11 - A Study on the Community’s Activity Performance Evaluation on an Earthquake -Focus on the community formulated Community Disaster Management Plan-
齋藤 貴史; 糸井川 栄一; 梅本通孝
Journal of Social Safety Science/35/pp.37-47, 2019-11 - Structural Analyses on Residents' Decision Making to Evacuate under River Flooding
田中 皓介; 梅本 通孝; 糸井川 栄一
Journal of Social Safety Science/33/pp.187-197, 2018-11 - Analyses on Residents' Intentions to Take Prior Countermeasures against Liquefaction in Relatively High Risk Area
Michitaka UMEMOTO
Proceedings of The 4th Asian Conference on Urban Disaster Reduction/p.A01, 2017-11 - Review of the Disaster Management System in New Zealand
梅本 通孝
Journal of Social Safety Science/(31)/pp.37-47, 2017-11 - A Study on Influence of the Card Game on Consciousness about Disaster Management
濱中 理紗子; 梅本 通孝; 糸井川 栄一
Proceedings of Annual Conference of the Institute of Social Safety Science/41/pp.79-82, 2017-11 - Search for Residents' Behavior Decision Making Factors at Flood Disasters besed on InteviewSurveys in Joso City, Ibaraki Prefecture
田中 晧介; 梅本 通孝; 糸井川 栄一
Proceedings of Annual Conference of the Institute of Social Safety Science/41/pp.71-74, 2017-11 - Study on the Promotion of the Working Generation’s Participation in Voluntary Disaster Prevention Activities: Based on the Questionnaire in Tokai-mura
大金誠; 梅本 通孝; 齋藤 愛美; 糸井川 栄一
Journal of social safety science/29(0)/pp.197-205, 2016-11 - Systematical Organization of the Obstructive Factors of Residents Evacuation at Heavy Rain Disasters based on 128 preceding papers
田中皓介; 梅本 通孝; 糸井川 栄一
Journal of social safety science/29(0)/pp.185-195, 2016-11 - An Attempt to Quantitatively Evaluate Active Capabilities of Voluntary Organizations for Disaster Prevention
齋藤愛美; 梅本 通孝; 糸井川 栄一
Journal of social safety science/29(0)/pp.37-46, 2016-11 - A Study on Comparing Japanese Citizens' Risk Perception of Liquefaction with Those of Other Kinds of Hazards
UMEMOTO Michitaka
Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Urban Disaster Reduction/pp.67-71, 2016-10 - 液状化に関わる市街地整備のリスクマネジメントと都市計画技術のあり方に関する研究
梅本 通孝
旭硝子財団助成研究成果報告, 2016-07 - 住宅用火災警報器の普及促進の要点 茨城県下4市における調査結果から
梅本 通孝
日本火災学会誌 火災/66(1)/pp.6-9, 2016-02 - A Study on the Effectiveness in Measures for Reconstruction of Tourism Industry after East Japan Earthquake:A Case Study in the Accommodation Industry in Oarai Town, Ibaraki
野澤 駿平; 糸井川 栄一; 梅本 通孝; 太田 尚孝
Journal of Social Safety Science/27(0)/pp.13-23, 2015-11 - The relationship between victimization of residential burglary and characteristics of neighborhoods:Analysis focusing on the physical environments and way of break-in
土方 孝将; 雨宮 護; 糸井川 栄一; 梅本 通孝; 太田 尚孝
Journal of the City Planning Institute of Japan/50(3)/pp.824-831, 2015-11 - A simple behavior evaluation for tsunami evacuation drill - Casestudy at Kamisu-city, Ibaraki prefecture -
糸井川 栄一; 梅本通孝; 太田尚孝
Papers of workshop of the Greatest East Japan Earthquake, ISSS/4/pp.9-14, 2015-10 - A Study on Functions of the Temporary Shopping Mall “Hamakaze-Shohtengai” in Iwaki city after the East-Japan Great Earthquake
梅本通孝; 糸井川 栄一; 太田尚孝; 戸田大暉
Papers of workshop of the Greatest East Japan Earthquake, ISSS/4/pp.79-84, 2015-10 - Facts and problems concerning the restoration project for liquefaction damage with unified approach to both infrastructure and private land:12 municipalities with liquefaction damage by The Great East Japan Earthquake
田野井 雄吾; 有田 智一; 糸井川 栄一; 梅本 通孝; 太田 尚孝
Journal of the City Planning Institute of Japan/50(3)/pp.394-401, 2015 - 住宅侵入盗被害率と被害宅の未施錠率に基づく地区分類―茨城県下5市の市街地を対象として
土方孝将; 雨宮 護; 梅本通孝; 糸井川栄一; 太田尚孝
Research Abstracts on Spatial Information Science CSIS DAYS 2014, 2014-11 - Extraction of evaluation factors on voluntary disaster prevention activities focused on their substantiation and durability
齋藤愛美; 梅本 通孝; 糸井川栄一; 太田尚孝
Journal of social safety science/24/pp.91-100, 2014-11 - A Trial of Risk Assessment of Tsunami Evacuation Taking Citizens' Behavioral Characteristics into Consideration:Based on Questionnaire and the Supposition of Level 2 Tsunami in Kamisu City, Ibaraki Prefecture
梅本 通孝; 糸井川栄一; 太田尚孝
Journal of the City Planning Institute of Japan/49(3)/pp.327-332, 2014-11 - 茨城県神栖市におけるL2津波想定と住民アンケートに基づく津波避難リスクの評価
梅本 通孝; 糸井川栄一; 太田尚孝; 中野慎吾
地域安全学会論文集/(24)/pp.73-82, 2014-11 - more...
- 大規模河川氾濫による浸水想定区域からの脱出を一義的目標とした避難計画の効果に関する基礎的研究