ITOH Makoto
- Articles
- Effects of Driver Drowsiness on Driving Performance in the Context of Partial Driving Automation Requiring Hands-on-Wheel
Saito Yuichi; Itoh Makoto; Inagaki Toshiyuki
Proceedings of the 2020 IEEE International Conference on Human-Machine Systems (ICHMS)/pp.1-4, 2020-09 - Signage plan to show pedestrians how autonomous vehicles motion
前田萌; 山本 早里; 伊藤誠; 陳章以靖
PROCEEDINGS OF THE ANNUAL CONFERENCE OF JSSD/67(1)/pp.166-167, 2020-06 - Human-Automation Trust to Technologies for Naive Users Amidst and Following the COVID-19 Pandemic
Yamani Yusuke; Long Shelby K.; Itoh Makoto
HUMAN FACTORS/Epub, 2020-08 - Effects of driver compensatory behaviour on risks of critical pedestrian collisions under simulated visual field defects
Lee Jieun; Itoh Makoto
PLOS ONE/15(4), 2020-04 - Effects of Demographic Characteristics on Trust in Driving Automation
Lee Jieun; Abe Genya; Sato Kenji; Itoh Makoto
JOURNAL OF ROBOTICS AND MECHATRONICS/32(3:::SI)/pp.605-612, 2020-06 - Safety Compensation for Improving Driver Takeover Performance in Conditionally Automated Driving
Yao Hua; An Suyang; Zhou Huiping; Itoh Makoto
Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics/32(3:::SI)/pp.530-536, 2020-06 - Long-Term Evaluation of Drivers' Behavioral Adaptation to an Adaptive Collision Avoidance System
Muslim Husam; Itoh Makoto
HUMAN FACTORS/Epub, 2020-06 - 運転支援の今日的意味
伊藤 誠
自動車技術/74(3)/pp.4-9, 2020-03 - ヒューマンファクターを考慮したレベル3自動運転のシステム設計
伊藤 誠
日本信頼性学会誌/42(1)/pp.26-31, 2020-01 - 安全な自動運転に向けて
伊藤 誠
安全工学/58(2)/pp.110-116, 2019 - Designing Human Machine Interface for Dynamic Control Transition in Automated Driving System
Leung C.; Zhou Huiping; Itoh Makoto; Kitazaki Satoshi
Proc. FAST-Zero 2019, 2019 - What is optimal knowledge of intervention for elderly drivers in highly driving automation?
Zhou Huiping; Itoh Makoto; Kitazki Satoshi
Proc. FAST-Zero 2019, 2019 - Does Adaptive Mode Transition Contribute to Better Driver Intervention in Highly Automated Driving?
Itoh Makoto; Zhou Huiping; Kitazaki Satoshi
Proc. HFES Annual Meeting 2019, 2019 - Long-term Effect of Experiencing System Malfunction on Driver Take-over Control in Conditional Driving Automation?
Zhou Huiping; Itoh Makoto; Kitazaki Satoshi
Proc. IEEE-SMC Annual Conference, 2019, 2019 - Conversation during Partially Automated Driving: How Attention Arousal is Effective on Maintaining Situation Awareness
Itoh Makoto; Lee Jieun; Hirano Toshiaki; Hano Tomoya
Proc. IEEE-SMC Annual Conference, 2019 - Human Factors Challenges in Automated Systems: Applications to Human-Automation Interaction
Muslim Husam; Itoh Makoto
Proc. IEEE GCCE 2019, 2019-11 - Effect of instructing system limitations on the intervening behavior of drivers in partial driving automation
Zhou H. P.; Itoh M.; Kitazaki S.
COGNITION TECHNOLOGY & WORK/22(2)/pp.321-334, 2020-05 - Effect of Changes in Levels of Automated Driving on Manual Control Recovery
Abe Genya; Sato Kenji; Uchida Nobuyuki; Itoh Makoto
IFAC PAPERSONLINE/52(19)/pp.79-84, 2019 - Trust and Acceptance of Adaptive and Conventional Collision Avoidance Systems
Muslim H.; Itoh M.
IFAC PAPERSONLINE/52(19)/pp.55-60, 2019 - Joining the blunt and the pointy end of the spear: towards a common framework of joint action, human-machine cooperation, cooperative guidance and control, shared, traded and supervisory control
Flemisch F.; Abbink D. A.; Itoh M.; Pacaux-Lemoine M. -P...
COGNITION TECHNOLOGY & WORK/21(4:::SI)/pp.555-568, 2019-11 - A theoretical framework for designing human-centered automotive automation systems
Muslim Husam; Itoh Makoto
COGNITION TECHNOLOGY & WORK/21(4:::SI)/pp.685-697, 2019-11 - Special issue on shared and cooperative control
Flemisch F.; Abbink D.; Itoh M.; Pacaux-Lemoine M. -P.
COGNITION TECHNOLOGY & WORK/21(4)/pp.553-554, 2019-11 - Modelling overtaking strategy and lateral distance in car-to-cyclist overtaking on rural roads: A driving simulator experiment
Farah Haneen; Piccinini Giulio Bianchi; Itoh Makoto; D...
TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH PART F-TRAFFIC PSYCHOLOGY AND BEHAVIOUR/63/pp.226-239, 2019-05 - A study on the effect of visual stimulus presentation to the peripheral vision
高橋 宏; 伊藤 誠
The Proceedings of Mechanical Engineering Congress, Japan/2018/p.J1610003, 2018 - Towards Safe Automated Driving Systems
伊藤 誠
Journal of Japan Society for Safety Enginennring/58(2)/pp.110-116, 2019-2 - more...
- Effects of Driver Drowsiness on Driving Performance in the Context of Partial Driving Automation Requiring Hands-on-Wheel