YAMADA Takeshi
- Articles
- Audio Coding with Low Delay and Small Complexity using Approximated Fragments of Waveform
笹川 啓; 北脇 信彦; 山田 武志; 浅野 太
IEICE technical report. Speech/103(331)/pp.53-57, 2003-09 - Performance Prediction of Noisy Speech Recognition Using PESQ and Artificial Voice
山田 武志; 北脇 信彦
IEICE technical report. Natural language understanding and models of communication/103(517)/pp.37-42, 2003-12 - Evaluation of ETSI STQ Aurora WI008 Advanced DSR Frontend Using AURORA-2J
山田 武志; 武田 一哉; 北岡 教英; 藤本 雅清; 黒岩 眞吾; 山本 一公; 西浦 敬信; 佐宗 晃; 水町...
IEICE technical report. Natural language understanding and models of communication/103(517)/pp.103-108, 2003-12 - Integration of Recognition Results for Robust Speech Recognition
岡田 治郎; 山田 武志; 北脇 信彦
IEICE technical report. Natural language understanding and models of communication/103(517)/pp.109-114, 2003-12 - Performance Prediction of Noisy Speech Recognition Using PESQ and Artificial Voice
山田 武志; 北脇 信彦
IEICE technical report. Speech/103(519)/pp.37-42, 2003-12 - Evaluation of ETSI STQ Aurora WI008 Advanced DSR Frontend Using AURORA-2J
山田 武志; 武田 一哉; 北岡 教英; 藤本 雅清; 黒岩 眞吾; 山本 一公; 西浦 敬信; 佐宗 晃; 水町...
IEICE technical report. Speech/103(519)/pp.103-108, 2003-12 - Integration of Recognition Results for Robust Speech Recognition
岡田 治郎; 山田 武志; 北脇 信彦
IEICE technical report. Speech/103(519)/pp.109-114, 2003-12 - Performance Prediction of Noisy Speech Recognition Using PESQ and Artificial Voice
山田 武志; 北脇 信彦
IPSJ SIG Notes/2003(124)/pp.37-42, 2003-12 - Evaluation of ETSI STQ Aurora WI008 Advanced DSR Frontend Using AURORA-2J
山田 武志; 武田 一哉; 北岡 教英; 藤本 雅清; 黒岩 眞吾; 山本 一公; 西浦 敬信; 佐宗 晃; 水町...
IPSJ SIG Notes/2003(124)/pp.103-108, 2003-12 - Integration of Recognition Results for Robust Speech Recognition
岡田 治郎; 山田 武志; 北脇 信彦
IPSJ SIG Notes/2003(124)/pp.109-114, 2003-12 - Simulation of radial characteristic control with spherical speaker array
林 貴哉; 宮部 滋樹; 山田 武志; 牧野 昭二
Technical report of IEICE. EA/112(76)/pp.19-24, 2012-06 - Underdetermined DOA estimation by the non-linear MUSIC based on higher-order moment analysis
杉本 侑哉; 宮部 滋樹; 山田 武志; 牧野 昭二
Technical report of IEICE. EA/112(76)/pp.49-54, 2012-06 - Performance comparison of MMSE and sparse models in source separation using multichannel Wiener filter
坂梨 龍太郎; 宮部 滋樹; 山田 武志; 牧野 昭二
Technical report of IEICE. EA/112(76)/pp.61-66, 2012-06 - An Analysis of Foreign Student Utterances for Computerized Japanese Speaking Test Web System(Poster Presentation)
栗原 理沙; 石塚 賢吉; 西村 竜一; 篠崎 隆宏; 山田 武志; 今井 新悟
IEICE technical report. Speech/111(431)/pp.141-142, 2012-02 - An Analysis of Foreign Student Utterances for Computerized Japanese Speaking Test Web System(Poster Presentation)
栗原 理沙; 石塚 賢吉; 西村 竜一; 篠崎 隆宏; 山田 武志; 今井 新悟
Technical report of IEICE. PRMU/111(430)/pp.141-142, 2012-02 - Underdetermined BSS in noisy environments with new analytical update rule for TDOA inference
丸山 卓郎; 荒木 章子; 中谷 智広; 宮部 滋樹; 山田 武志; 牧野 昭二; 中村 篤
Technical report of IEICE. EA/111(306)/pp.25-30, 2011-11 - Diffuse Noise Reduction using a Full-rank Spatial Covariance Model
礒 佳樹; 荒木 章子; 牧野 昭二; 中谷 智広; 澤田 宏; 山田 武志; 宮部 滋樹; 中村 篤
Proceedings of the IEICE General Conference/2012(0)/p.194, 2012-03 - D-14-1 Effect of Musical Noise on Subjective Quality Evaluation of Noise-Reduced Speech
藤田 悠希; 山田 武志; 牧野 昭二; 北脇 信彦
Proceedings of the IEICE General Conference/2012(1)/p.185, 2012-03 - Effective factors for grading reading questions in Japanese speaking test
山畑 勇人; 大久保 梨思子; 山田 武志; 今井 新悟; 石塚 賢吉; 篠崎 隆宏; 西村 竜一; 牧野 昭二; 北脇 信彦
Proceedings of the IEICE General Conference/2012(1)/p.192, 2012-03 - D-14-9 Effective factors for grading short answer questions in Japanese speaking test
大久保 梨思子; 山畑 勇人; 山田 武志; 今井 新悟; 石塚 賢吉; 篠崎 隆宏; 西村 竜一; 牧野 昭二; 北脇 信彦
Proceedings of the IEICE General Conference/2012(1)/p.193, 2012-03 - Cepstral smoothing of separated signals for underdetermined speech separation
Y. Ansai; S. Araki; S. Makino; T. Nakatani; T. Yamada; A. Naka...
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of Japan/68(2)/pp.74-85, 2012-02 - Subjective and objective quality evaluation of noise-reduced speech
山田 武志; 牧野 昭二; 北脇 信彦
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of Japan/67(10)/pp.476-481, 2011-10 - B-11-18 An Improvement of Overall Quality Estimation Model for Objective Quality Evaluation of Noise-Reduced Speech
藤田 悠希; 山田 武志; 牧野 昭二
Proceedings of the IEICE General Conference/2011(2)/p.447, 2011-02 - B-11-19 A Study on Objective Quality Evaluation Method Applicable to Both Music and Speech
三上 雄一郎; 山田 武志; 牧野 昭二; 北脇 信彦
Proceedings of the IEICE General Conference/2011(2)/p.448, 2011-02 - B-11-17 Relationship Between I_ and I_ at Fixed R-value of E-model
堀米 紀貴; 北脇 信彦; 山田 武志
Proceedings of the IEICE General Conference/2004(2)/p.510, 2004-03 - more...
- Audio Coding with Low Delay and Small Complexity using Approximated Fragments of Waveform