YAMADA Takeshi

Researcher's full information

  • Estimation of the number of sound sources using support vector machines and its application to sound source separation
    Kiyoshi Yamamoto; Futoshi Asano; W.F.G. van Rooijen; E.Y....
    Proc. IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, ICASSP2003/V/p.485-488, 2003-04
  • Integration of noise reduction algorithms for Aurora2 task
    Takeshi Yamada; Jiro Okada; Kazuya Takeda; Norihide Kita...
    Proc. European Conference on Speech Communication and Technology, EUROSPEECH2003/p.1769-1772, 2003-09
  • Low-delay and low-complexity coding of speech and audio signals for wireless multimedia communication
    Akira Sasagawa; Nobuhiko Kitawaki; Takeshi Yamada; Futosh...
    Proc. International Symposium on Wireless Personal Multimedia Communications, WPMC2003/V3/p.511-514, 2003-10
  • Data collection and evaluation of AURORA-2 Japanese corpus
    Satoshi Nakamura; Kazumasa Yamamoto; Kazuya Takeda; Shing...
    Proc. IEEE Automatic Speech Recognition and Understanding Workshop, ASRU2003/p.619-623, 2003-12
  • A PESQ-based performance prediction method for noisy speech recognition
    Takeshi Yamada; Nobuhiko Kitawaki
    Proc. International Congress on Acoustics, ICA2004/II/p.1695-1698, 2004-04
  • Noise robust speech recognition based on HMM composition and noisy frame detection
    Takeshi Yamada; Naoto Isaka; Hiroshi Osuka; Nobuhiko Kit...
    Proc. International Congress on Acoustics, ICA2004/IV/p.2835-2838, 2004-04
  • Objective quality assessment of wideband speech coding using W-PESQ measure and artificial voice
    Nobuhiko Kitawaki; Kou Nagai; Takeshi Yamada
    Proc. IEEE Workshop on Measurement of Speech and Audio Quality in Networks, MESAQIN2004/p.1-6, 2004-05
  • Integration of N-best recognition results obtained by multiple noise reduction algorithms
    Takeshi Yamada; Jiro Okada; Nobuhiko Kitawaki
    Proc. International Conference on Spoken Language Processing, ICSLP2004/p.I-141-I-144, 2004-10
  • AURORA-2J: Japanese speech data collection for performance evaluation of speech recognition in noise
    Satoshi Nakamura; Kazumasa Yamamoto; Kazuya Takeda; Sh...
    Proc. International Conference on Speech and Language Technology/Oriental COCOSDA, ICSLT2004/O-COCOSDA2004, 2004-11
  • CENSREC-3: Data collection for in-car speech recognition and its common evaluation framework
    Masakiyo Fujimoto; Satoshi Nakamura; Kazuya Takeda; Shing...
    Proc. International Workshop on Realworld Multimedia Corpora in Mobile Environment, RWCinME2005/p.53-60, 2005-04
  • Subjective and objective quality assessment of noise reduced speech signals
    Takeshi Yamada; Masakazu Kumakura; Nobuhiko Kitawaki
    Proc. IEEE-EURASIP International Workshop on Nonlinear Signal and Image Processing, NSIP2005/p.328-331, 2005-05
  • Multimedia opinion model based on media interaction of audio-visual communications
    Nobuhiko Kitawaki; Yusuke Arayama; Takeshi Yamada
    Proc. Workshop on Measurement of Speech and Audio Quality in Networks, MESAQIN2005/p.5-10, 2005-06
  • Detection of overlapping speech in meetings using support vector regression
    Kiyoshi Yamamoto; Futoshi Asano; Takeshi Yamada; Nobuh...
    Proc. International Workshop on Acoustic Echo and Noise Control, IWAENC2005/p.37-40, 2005-09
  • ヒューマノイドロボットHRP-2における音響情報と画像情報を統合したリアルタイム音声インタフェース
    山本潔; 浅野太; 原功; 緒方淳; 麻生英樹; 山田武志; 北脇信彦
    日本音響学会誌/62(3)/p.161-172, 2006-03
  • Word intelligibility estimation of noise-reduced speech
    Takeshi Yamada; Masakazu Kumakura; Nobuhiko Kitawaki
    Proc. International Conference on Spoken Language Processing, ICSLP2006/p.169-172, 2006-09
  • E-learning experiment over satellite between Asian universities toward the development of wideband internetworking engineering test and demonstration satellite
    DongSheng Cai; Nobuhiko Kitawaki; Yukio Fukui; Takeshi Y...
    Proc. Tunisian-Japan Symposium on Science, Society & Technology, TJASSST2006, 2006-12
  • Subjective and objective quality assessment for noise reduced speech
    Nobuhiko Kitawaki; Takeshi Yamada
    Proc. ETSI Workshop on Speech and Noise in Wideband Communication, 2007-05
  • Development of VAD evaluation framework CENSREC-1-C and investigation of relationship between VAD and speech recognition performance
    N. Kitaoka; T. Yamada; S. Tsuge; C. Miyajima; T. Nishiur...
    Proc. IEEE Automatic Speech Recognition and Understanding Workshop, ASRU2007, 2007-12
  • Evaluation framework for distant-talking speech recognition under reverberant environments - Newest Part of the CENSREC Series -
    Takanobu Nishiura; Masato Nakayama; Yuki Denda; Norihide ...
    Proc. International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, LREC2008, 2008-05
  • CENSREC-4: Development of evaluation framework for distant-talking speech recognition under reverberant environments
    Masato Nakayama; Takanobu Nishiura; Yuki Denda; Norihide ...
    Proc. INTERSPEECH 2008, 2008-09
  • Test signals for objective quality assessment of wideband speech coding
    Chika Aoshima; Hiroki Katsumata; Nobuhiko Kitawaki; Takes...
    Proc. Tunisian-Japan Symposium on Science, Society & Technology/p.95, 2008-11
  • Analysis of standardized speech database by considering long-term average spectrum
    Naoko Okubo; Nobuhiko Kitawaki; Takeshi Yamada; Makino S...
    Tunisian-Japan Symposium on Science, Society & Technology/p.1-4, 2009-11
  • A study of artificial voices for telephonometry in the IP-based telecommunication networks
    Chika Aoshima; Nobuhiko Kitawaki; Takeshi Yamada; +山田 武志...
    Tunisian-Japan Symposium on Science, Society & Technology, 2009-11
  • Performance estimation of noisy speech recognition considering recognition task complexity
    Takeshi Yamada; Tomohiro Nakajima; Nobuhiko Kitawaki; Sho...
    INTERSPEECH2010/p.2042-2045, 2010-09
  • CENSREC-1-AV: An audio-visual corpus for noisy bimodal speech recognition
    Satoshi Tamura; Chiyomi Miyajima; Norihide Kitaoka; Takes...
    Proc. International Conference on Auditory-Visual Speech Processing, AVSP 2010, 2010-10
  • more...