- Refereed academic journal/Refereed international conference paper
- Spatial and Feature-Based Attention in a Layered Cortical Microcircuit Model
Wagatsuma Nobuhiko; Potjans Tobias C.; Diesmann Markus; Saka...
PLOS ONE/8(12), 2013-12 - Latency Modulation of Border Ownership Selective Cells in V1-V2 Feed-Forward Model.
Sakai Ko
Lecture Notes in Computer Science/8228/pp.291-300, 2013-11 - Sparseness Controls the Receptive Field Characteristics of V4 Neurons: Generation of Curvature Selectivity in V4.
酒井 宏; Y.Hatori
Lecture notes in computer science/8131/pp.327-334, 2013-09 - Sparse representation in the construction of curvature selectivity in V4
Hatori Y.; Mashita T.; Sakai K.
PERCEPTION/42(S)/pp.149-149, 2013-08 - Feature-based Attention in Early Vision for the Modulation of Figure-Ground Segregation.
Wagatsuma Nobuhiko; Oki Megumi; Sakai Ko
Frontiers in Psychology/4/pp.1-17, 2013-03 - Surface-based construction of curvature selectivity from the integration of local orientations
Y. Hatori and Ko Sakai
Lecture Notes in Computer Science/7663/pp.425-434, 2012-11 - Structures of Surround Modulation for the Border-Ownership Selectivity of V2 cells
Y. Nakata and K. Sakai
Lecture Notes in Computer Science/7663/pp.383-392, 2012-11 - Consistent and robust determination of border-ownership based on asymmetric surrounding modulation.
K. Sakai; H. Nishimura; R. Shimizu; K. Kondo
Neural Networks/33/pp.257-274, 2012-09 - Decoding of depth and motion in ambiguous binocular perception
Sakai Ko; Ogiya Mitsuharu; Hirai Yuzo
JOURNAL OF THE OPTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA A-OPTICS IMAGE SCIENCE AND VISION/28(7)/pp.1445-1452, 2011-07 - Medial Axis for 3D Shape Representation
W. Qiu and K.Sakai
Lecture Notes in Computer Science/7062/p.79-87, 2011-01 - Roles of Early Vision for the Dynamics of Border-Ownership Selective Neurons.
N. Wagatsuma; K. Sakai
Lecture Notes in Computer Science/6443/p.99-106, 2010-01 - Robust detection of medial-axis by onset synchronization of border-ownership selective cells and shape reconstruction from its medial-axis.
Y. Hatori; K. Sakai
Lecture Note in Computer Science (ICONIP 2008)/5506/pp.301-309, 2009-01 - Spatial Attention in Early Vision for the Perception of Border Ownership
N. Wagatsuma; R. Shimizu; K. Sakai
Journal of Vision/8(7)/pp.1-19, 2008-08 - Effect of spatial attention in early vision for the modulation of the perception of border-ownership
Wagatsuma Nobuhiko; Shimizu Ryohei; Sakai Ko
Lecture Notes in Computer Science/4984/pp.348-357, 2008-08 - Orientation and spatial frequency dependency in border-ownership dependent tilt aftereffect.
T. Sugihara; Y. Tsuji; K. Sakai
Journal of Optical Society of America, A/25(6)/pp.1426-1434, 2008-06 - Surround modulation in visual cortex can predict border-ownership selectivity: psychophysical study of border-ownership-dependent tilt aftereffect
Sugihara Tadashi; Tsuji Yoshihisa; Sakai Ko
JOURNAL OF THE OPTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA A-OPTICS IMAGE SCIENCE AND VISION/25(6)/pp.1426-1434, 2008-06 - Effect of Spatial Attention in Early Vision for the Modulation of the Perception of Border-Ownership.
N. Wagatsuma; R. Shimizu; K. Sakai
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (Proceedings of International Conference on Neural Information Processing (ICONIP) 2007)/4984(Part I)/pp.348-357, 2008-01 - Representation of Medial Axis from Synchronous Firing of Border-Ownership Selective Cells.
Y. Hatori; K. Sakai
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (Proceedings of International Conference on Neural Information Processing(ICONIP)2007)/4984(Part I)/pp.18-26, 2008-01 - Spatial attention in early vision for the perception of border ownership
Wagatsuma Nobuhiko; Shimizu Ryohei; Sakai Ko
JOURNAL OF VISION/8(7)/pp.0-0, 2008-01 - Simultaneous determination of depth and motion in early vision
Sakai Ko; Katsumata Shiori
NEUROCOMPUTING/70(10-12:::Sp. Iss. SI)/pp.1819-1823, 2007-06 - Spatial attention in early vision alternate direction-of-figure
N. Wagatsuma; K. Sakai
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (Proceedings of International Conference on Neural Information Processing (ICONIP) 2006)/4232/p.219-227, 2007-01 - Border-ownership-dependent tilt aftereffect in incomplete figures
Sugihara Tadashi; Tsuji Yoshihisa; Sakai Ko
JOURNAL OF THE OPTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA A-OPTICS IMAGE SCIENCE AND VISION/24(1)/pp.18-24, 2007-01 - Direction of figure is determined by asymmetric surrounding suppression/facilitation.
H. Nishimura; K. Sakai
Neurocomputing/70/p.1920-1924, 2007-01 - In-figure and boundary contrast as a salient feature in shape-from-shading perception.
K. Sakai; K. Narushima; N. Aoki
Journal of Optical Society of America, A/23(8)/p.1805-1813, 2006-08 - Surrounding suppression and facilitation in the determination of border ownership
Sakai K; Nishimura H
JOURNAL OF COGNITIVE NEUROSCIENCE/18(4)/pp.562-579, 2006-04 - more...
- Spatial and Feature-Based Attention in a Layered Cortical Microcircuit Model