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Conference, etc.
  • 質感表現の探索
    酒井 宏; T. Oyakawa
    Vision(日本視覚学会 冬季大会 沙録集)Vol.26,No.1,p.20,47-48/2014-01-23--2014-01-25
  • 輪郭の凸性・閉合性・対称性と図方向知覚
    酒井 宏; K. Kurematsu; S. Matsuoka
    Vision(日本視覚学会 冬季大会 沙録集)Vol.26,No.1,p.19,37/2014-01-23--2014-01-25
  • 自然画像輪郭における対称性の知覚
    酒井 宏; K. Kurematsu
    Vision(日本視覚学会 冬季大会 沙録集)Vol.26,No.1,p.19,45/2014-01-23--2014-01-25
  • Surface based integration of local orientations for the construction of curvature selectivity - Neural mechanism of sparse coding in V4 -
    Sakai Ko; Y. Hatori; T. Mashita
    Neuro 2013, The 36th Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society,P2-2-100/2013-06-20--2013-06-23
  • Sparseness for the representation in the contribution of curvature selectivity in V4.
    酒井 宏; Y. Hatori; T. Mashita
    36th European Conference on Visual Perception 2013/2013-09-25--2013-09-29
  • Sparseness for the representation of surface in the contribution of curvature selectivity in V4.
    Sakai Ko; Y. Hatori; T. Mashita
    PRISM2: the science of light & shade/2013-10-08--2013-10-11
  • Perceptual characteristics of natural contours and their contributions to figure/ground segregation.
    酒井 宏; K. Kurematsu; S. Matsuoka
    Vision Sciences Society, Annual Meeting 2014/2014-05-16--2014-05-21
  • Sparseness and surface representation in the generation of curvature selectivity
    酒井 宏; Y. Hatori; T. Mashita
    Vision Sciences Society, Annual Meeting 2014/2014-05-16--2014-05-21
  • Sparseness Controls the Receptive Field Characteristics of V4 Neurons: Generation of Curvature Selectivity in V4.
    Sakai Ko; Y.Hatori
    International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks(ICANN)/2013-09-10--2013-09-13
  • Latency Modulation of Border Ownership Selective Cells in V1-V2 Feed-Forward Model.
    Sakai Ko
    International Conference on Neural Information Processing/2013-11-03--2013-11-07
  • Effect of spatial attention in early vision for the modulation of the perception of border-ownership
    Wagatsuma Nobuhiko; Shimizu Ryohei; Sakai Ko
    14th International Conference on Neural Information Processing (ICONIP 2007)/2007-11-13--2007-11-16
  • 面表現に基づく情報統合により生起される曲率選択性
    酒井 宏
  • Spatio-temporal constrains of surround modulation for border-ownership selectivity
    Sakai Ko; K. Kondo; S. Michii
    Society for Neuroscience, Annual Meeting 2012/2012-10-12--2012-10-18
  • Curvature selectivity based on the surface representation in lower- to intermediate-level visual corticies
    Y. Hatori; K. Sakai
    Society for Neuroscience, Annual Meeting, 2012/2012-10-12--2012-10-18
  • Perception of border ownership by multiple Gestalt factors.
    S. Matsuoka; K. Sakai
    Asia-Pacific Conference on Vision/2012-07-13--2012-07-15
  • Medial Axis for the cortical representation of 3D shape
    I. Kyu; K. Sakai
    Asia-Pacific Conference on Vision/2012-07-13--2012-07-15
  • 見ることを科学する
    酒井 宏
  • Neural mechanisms for 3D shape representation by medial axis.
    W. Qiu; K. Sakai
    Brain Inspired Computing 2012/2012-06-04--2012-06-05
  • Roles of surface representation in early visual areas for the construction of curvature selectivity.
    Y. Hatori; K. Sakai
  • Representation of shape in cortical area V2.
    T. Mashita; K. Sakai
  • Neural mechanisms for 3D shape representation by medial axis.
    W. Qiu; K. Sakai
  • Perceptual integration of specular highlight and shading
    Sakai Ko; R. Meiji; T. Abe
    Vision Science Society, Annual Meeting 2012/2012-05-12--2012-05-16
  • A computational study on the representation of curvature constructed from surface-based integration
    Y. Hatori; K. Sakai
    Vision Sciences Society, Annual Meeting 2012/2012-05-12--2012-05-16
  • A computational study on the representation of curvature constructed from surface-based integration
    Y. Hatori; K .Sakai
  • Perceptual integration of specular highlight and shading
    K. Sakai; R. Meiji; T. Abe
  • more...