- Conference, etc.
- Factors for border-ownership detemination evaluated from pseudo white-noize stimuli.
辻 義尚; 西村 悠; 酒井 宏
__19_1_81/2007 - 皮質周辺効果を基にした図方向決定モデルの頑健性
渡辺哲次; 西村 悠; 酒井 宏
__19_1_81/2007 - Contrast Modulation by Spatial Attention for the Perception of Figure Directions.
N. Wagatsuma; R. Shimizu; K. Sakai
__8_6_882/2007 - Surrounding modulation in consistent perception of border ownership among various shapes.
K. Sakai; Y. Tsuji; H. Nishimura
____316/2007 - A crucial role of surrounding modulation for border-ownership determination.
H. Nishimura; S. Watanabe; K. Sakai
__36_216_/2007 - Characteristics of surround modulation and stimulus shape for consistent determination of border ownership.
H. Nishimura; Y.Tsuji; K. Sakai
____P3-F04/2007 - Figure/ground segregation in natural images based on surround modulation in early vision.
S. Watanabe; H. Nishimura; K. Sakai
____P2-e28/2007 - Analysis of synaptic transmissions by UV and IR laser photolysis.
H. Kojima; T. Maruo; S. Katsumata; S. Tojou; Y. Nakazato...
____O1P-F09/2007 - Properties of synaptic transmission activated by UV and IR laser photolysis and its analysis.
H. Kojima; T. Maruo; S. Katsumata; S. Tojou; Y. Nakazato...
____360.17/K27/2007 - Surround modulation reproduces the robust perception of border-ownership including Gestalt factors.
K. Sakai; H. Nishimura; N. Wagatsuma; R. Shimizu
Society for Neuroscience, 2007 Annual Meeting/2007 - Population analysis on border-ownership determination.
K. Sakai; H. Nishimura
__18__95/2006 - Simultaneous determination of depth and motion in early vision.
K. Sakai; S. Katsumata; M. Ogiya
____89/2006 - Orientation dependency in border-ownership dependent tilt-aftereffect.
Y. Tsuji; K. Sakai
____/2006 - Shape-from-shading --- facilitation by local contrast.
K. Narushima; K. Sakai
____/2006 - 眼間時差情報から生じる速度知覚
荻谷光晴; 酒井 宏
__18_1_61/2006 - カモフラージュを使った眼間時差による運動方向と奥行きの知覚
谷 浩司; 酒井 宏
__30_21_1-4/2006 - 視覚皮質野における図方向決定メカニズムの解明 -計算論的研究
西村 悠; 酒井 宏
__30_21_33-36/2006 - 図方向知覚における空間的注意の皮質メカニズム
我妻伸彦; 酒井 宏
__30_21_37-40/2006 - 陰影からの3次元知覚 ~輝度変化による促進~
成島和樹; 酒井 宏
__30_22_1-4/2006 - V1における両眼視差と眼間視差の統合符号化の計算論的モデルの検証
勝又詩織; 酒井 宏
__18_1_49/2006 - Spatial attention in early vision for the perception of border ownership.
N. Wagatsuma; K. Sakai
____/2006 - Direction of figure is determined by asymmetric surrounding suppression/facilitation.
H. Nishimura; K. Sakai
____78/2006 - 視覚のメカニズム
酒井 宏
情報メディアコロキウム/2005-06-17 - Surrounding suppression and facilitation evoke border ownership selectivity - A computational study.
K. Sakai; H. Nishimura; Y. Tsuji
__52_S103_S103/2005 - 陰影からの奥行き知覚を促進させる画像中のホワイトノイズ特性の検討
青木奈津子; 酒井 宏
__29_23_1-4/2005 - more...
- Factors for border-ownership detemination evaluated from pseudo white-noize stimuli.