- Conference, etc.
- Neural grouping in early vision for the perception of orientation.
K. Sakai
____285.16/2001 - Neural grouping for the perception of global orientation based on V1 colinear connections and synchronization.
K. Sakai
____84/2000 - Perceptual segmentation and neural grouping in tilt illusion
K. Sakai; S. Tanaka
__27__s56/1998 - A spatial pooling mechanism underlies the second-order structure of V1 complex cell receptive fields:
K. Sakai; S. Tanaka
____453/1997 - A recurrent network for tilt illusions based on retinotopic coding.
K. Sakai; S. Tanaka
__26__s20/1997 - Enhancement of shape-from-texture perception by spatial frequency processing.
K. Sakai; Shih-Cheng Yen; Leif H. Finkel
____171/1996 - Perception of 3D shape from texture –– A model based on characterization and normalization of the spatial frequency spectrum.
K. Sakai; L. H. Finkel
- Neural grouping in early vision for the perception of orientation.