KUNO Takahito
- Affiliation
- Institute of Systems and Information Engineering
- Official title
- Professor
- Research fields
Computational science Social systems engineering/ Safety system - Research keywords
optimization algorithm mathematical programming - Research projects
A study on practical algorithms for solving DM optimization problems 2022-04 -- 2025-03 KUNO Takahito Japan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(C) 3,770,000Yen Construction of practical algorithms for DC/DM global optimization 2019-04 -- 2022-03 KUNO Takahito Japan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(C) 4,290,000Yen Construction of practical algorithms for nonconvex global optimization 2016-04 -- 2019-03 KUNO Takahito Japan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(C) 4,420,000Yen Studies on global optimization -- (current) / Developing deterministic algorithms for solving virtually all nonlinear optimization problems 2010 -- 2012 KUNO Takahito Japan Society for the Promotion of Science(JSPS)/Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Exploratory Research 3,600,000Yen Global Optimization of Mixed Integer Programming Problems via Continuous Programming and Its Applications to Information Technology 2008 -- 2010 KUNO Takahito Japan Society for the Promotion of Science(JSPS)/Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(B) 9,750,000Yen An analysis and restructuring of branch-and-bound algorithms for nonlinear nonconvex programs 2005 -- 2006 KUNO Takahito Japan Society for the Promotion of Science(JSPS)/Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(C) 3,100,000Yen A study on global/heuristic algorithm for nonlinear nonconvex programming problems 2003 -- 2004 KUNO Takahito Japan Society for the Promotion of Science(JSPS)/Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(C) 2,600,000Yen 大域的最適化アルゴリズムとその化学相平衡問題への応用 2001 -- 2002 KUNO Takahito Japan Society for the Promotion of Science(JSPS)/Grant-in-Aid for JSPS Fellows 2,200,000Yen A unified approach to nonconvex programming problems using branch-and-bound algorithms 2001 -- 2002 KUNO Takahito Japan Society for the Promotion of Science(JSPS)/Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(C) 3,500,000Yen more... - Career history
2007-04 -- 2009-02 University of TsukubaAssociate Professor 2009-02 -- (current) University of TsukubaProfessor - Academic background
1979-04 -- 1983-03 Tokyo Institute of Technology Faculty of Engineering 社会工学科 1983-04 -- 1988-03 Tokyo Institute of Technology Graduate School, Division of Science and Engineering 社会工学 - Degree
1989-03 Doctor of Engineering Tokyo Institute of Technology 1985-03 Master of Engineering Tokyo Institute of Technology - Academic societies
2003 -- (current) Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences 1991 -- (current) Mathematical Programming Society 1983 -- (current) THE OPERATIONS RESEARCH SOCIETY OF JAPAN -- (current) The Japan Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics - Honors & Awards
2004-04-01 The Operations Research Society of Japan, Fellow 1999-04-01 The Operations Research Society of Japan, Best Paper Award - Articles
- DC最適化に対する確定的アプローチ
久野 誉人
RAMP数理最適化シンポジウム論文集 第35回/pp.1-14, 2023-11-20 - A revision of the rectangular algorithm for a class of DC optimization problems
Kuno Takahito
JOURNAL OF GLOBAL OPTIMIZATION/Epub, 2021-10 - A-DVM: A Self-Adaptive Variable Matrix Decision Variable Selection Scheme for Multimodal Problems
Mollinetti Marco Antonio Florenzano; Gatto Bernardo Ben...
ENTROPY/22(9), 2020-09 - Deterministic Parameter Selection of Artificial Bee Colony Based on Diagonalization
Molinetti Marco Antonio Florenzano; Neto Mario Tasso Rib...
Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing/923/pp.85-95, 2019-03 - Computing Kitahara–Mizuno’s bound on the number of basic feasible solutions generated with the simplex algorithm
Kuno Takahito; Sano Yoshio; Tsuruda Takahiro
Optimization Letters/12(5)/pp.933-943, 2018-07 - A modified simplicial algorithm for convex maximization based on an extension of omega-subdivision
Kuno Takahito
JOURNAL OF GLOBAL OPTIMIZATION/71(2)/pp.297-311, 2018-06 - Convergence Theorems for Variational Inequalities on the Solution Set of Ky Fan Inequalities
Anh Pham Ngoc; Anh Tran T. H.; Kuno Takahito
ACTA MATHEMATICA VIETNAMICA/42(4)/pp.761-773, 2017-12 - On an extension of the ω-subdivision rule used in the simplicial algorithm for convex maximization
Kuno Takahito
数理解析研究所講究録/2027/pp.167-178, 2017-05 - A simplicial algorithm with
sections and its convergence (Optimization : Theory and Application)
久野 誉人; 石濱 友裕
RIMS Kokyuroku/1879/pp.97-106, 2014-04 - A revision of the conical algorithm with
-bisection and its convergence (The bridge between theory and application in optimization method)
石濱 友裕; 久野 誉人
RIMS Kokyuroku/1829/pp.9-18, 2013-03 - 高速な3次元再構成のための最適化アプローチ (最適化手法の理論と応用の繋がり)
正木 俊行; 久野 誉人
RIMS Kokyuroku/1829/pp.54-63, 2013-03 - A Faster Solution to the Slitherlink Puzzle Using Integer Programming
石濱 友裕; 久野 誉人
IPSJ Journal/54(8)/pp.2103-2108, 2013-08 - A modified GUB algorithm for solving linear minimax problems
T.Kuno; H.Konno; K.Mori; +久野 誉人
Naval Research Logistics/36(03)/p.311-320, 1989-06 - Best piecewise constant approximation of a function of single variable
H.Konno; T.Kuno; +久野 誉人
Operations Research Letters/07(04)/p.205-210, 1989-08 - Generalized linear multiplicative and fractional programming
H.Konno; T.Kuno; +久野 誉人
Annals of Operations Research/25(01-04)/p.147-162, 1990-11 - A linear-time algorithm for solving continuous maximin knapsack problems
T.Kuno; H.Konno; E.Zemel; +久野 誉人
Operations Research Letters/10(01)/p.23-26, 1991-02 - A parametric successive underestimation method for convex multiplicative programming problems
T.Kuno; H.Konno; +久野 誉人
Journal of Global Optimization/01(03)/p.267-285, 1991-09 - Linear multiplicative programming
H.Konno; T.Kuno; +久野 誉人
Mathematical Programming/56(01)/p.51-64, 1992-07 - A parametric successive underestimation method for convex programs with an additional convex multiplicative constraint
T.Kuno; H.Konno; Y.Yamamoto; +久野 誉人
Journal of the Operations Research Society of Japan/35(03)/p.290-299, 1992-07 - 特殊構造をもつ非凸型計画問題の大域的最適化について
第4回RAMPシンポジウム論文集/p.25-34, 1992-11 - Parametric simplex algorithms for a class of NP complete problems whose average number of steps in polynomial
H.Konno; T.Kuno; Y.Yajima; +久野 誉人
Computational Optimization and Applications/01(02)/p.227-239, 1992-11 - Globally determining a minimum-area rectangle enclosing the projection of a higher-dimensional set
Operations Research Letters/13(05)/p.295-303, 1993-06 - An outer approximation method for minimizing the product of several convex functions on a convex set
T.Kuno; Y.Yajima; H.Konno; +久野 誉人
Journal of Global Optimization/03(03)/p.325-335, 1993-09 - Global minimization of a generalized convex multiplicative function
H.Konno; T.Kuno; Y.Yajima; +久野 誉人
Journal of Global Optimization/04(01)/p.47-62, 1994-01 - Convex programs with an additional constraint on the product of several convex functions
T.Kuno; Y.Yajima; Y.Yamamoto; H.Konno; +久野 誉人
European Journal of Operational Research/77(02)/p.314-324, 1994-09 - more...
- DC最適化に対する確定的アプローチ
- Books
- 2.1 線形最適化
久野 誉人
基礎数学IV: 最適化理論/東京化学同人/pp.6-32, 2019-10 - オペレーションズ・リサーチI
森雅夫 他; +久野 誉人
朝倉書店, 1991-10 - Handbook of Global Optimization
R.Horst; P.M.Pardalos; et al.; +久野 誉人
Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1995-08 - Handbook of Optimization
G.L.Nemhauser; M.J.Todd; A.H.G.Rinooy Kan; et al.; +久野 誉人
朝倉書店, 1995-10 - Encyclopedia of Optimization II
C.A.Floudas; P.M.Pardalos; et al.; +久野 誉人
Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2001-08 - Encyclopedia of Optimization III
C.A.Floudas; P.M.Pardalos; et al.; +久野 誉人
Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2001-08
- 2.1 線形最適化
- Conference, etc.
- (2+1)フリーな半順序集合上の半順序マトロイド交叉問題に対する多項式時間アルゴリズム
堤 幸太朗; 佐野 良夫; 久野 誉人
日本オペレーションズ・リサーチ学会 2024年春季研究発表会/2024-03-07--2024-03-08 - An algorithm for the intersection problem on two poset matroids on a (2+1)-free poset
TSUTSUMI Kotaro; SANO Yoshio; KUNO Takahito
The 25th Indonesia-Japan Conference on Discrete and Computational Geometry, Graphs, and Games (IJCDCG^3 2023)/2023-09-22--2023-09-24 - DC最適化に対する確定的アプローチ
久野 誉人
第35回RAMP数理最適化シンポジウム/2023-11-20--2023-11-21 - Deterministic Parameter Selection of Artificial Bee Colony Based on Diagonalization
Molinetti Marco Antonio Florenzano; Neto Mario Tasso Rib...
18th International Conference on Hybrid Intelligent Systems (HIS 2018)/2018-12-13--2018-12-15
- (2+1)フリーな半順序集合上の半順序マトロイド交叉問題に対する多項式時間アルゴリズム
- Teaching
2024-10 -- 2025-02 Computer Science Seminar Af University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2025-02 Computer Science Seminar Bf University of Tsukuba. 2024-04 -- 2024-08 Research in Computer Science Is University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2025-02 Research in Computer Science IIf University of Tsukuba. 2024-04 -- 2024-08 Computer Science Seminar B University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2025-02 Computer Science Seminar B University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2025-02 Research in Computer Science D University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2025-02 Research in Computer Science B University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2025-02 Research in Computer Science f University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2025-02 Research in Computer Science A University of Tsukuba. more... - Talks
- On convergence of the simplicial algorithm with a class of subdivision strategies
田中健一; 久野誉人
日本OR学会「計算と最適化」研究部会 第15回研究会/2009-02-28 - 大域的最適解の見つけ方
日本OR学会北海道支部 平成20年度第1回講演会/2008-10-25
- On convergence of the simplicial algorithm with a class of subdivision strategies
- Professional activities
2019 -- (current) Springer Nature SN Operations Research Forum, Editorial Board 2007 -- 2008 THE OPERATIONS RESEARCH SOCIETY OF JAPAN 研究普及理事 2000-04 -- 2003-03 THE OPERATIONS RESEARCH SOCIETY OF JAPAN 論文誌編集 2001-01 -- (current) Springer Nature Journal of Global Optimization, Editorial Board 2006-01 -- (current) Springer Nature Optimization Letters, Editorial Board 2008-07 -- 2008-07 京都大学数理解析研究所 Mathematical Programming in the 21st Century: Optimization Modeling and Algorithms 2009-07 -- 2009-07 京都大学数理解析研究所 Mathematical Programming in the 21st Century: Algorithms and Modeling 2001-04 -- 2002-03 THE OPERATIONS RESEARCH SOCIETY OF JAPAN 研究部会主査 2007-04 -- 2009-03 THE OPERATIONS RESEARCH SOCIETY OF JAPAN 研究・普及
(Last updated: 2024-10-09)