SATO Akira

Researcher's full information

  • 安全な家庭向けソーシャルルータの実現
    櫻井 孝一; 海沼 直紀; 新城 靖; 佐藤 聡; 須藤 侑一; 肖 焜瑤; 中井 央
    情報処理学会研究報告. EMB, 組込みシステム/2013(3)/pp.1-7, 2013-11
  • A Method for Regional Switching of the Network Booting Environment using Difference of the Latency
    高田 真吾; 佐藤 聡; 中井 央; 杉木 章義; 新城 靖
    IEICE technical report. Internet Architecture/111(485)/pp.65-70, 2012-03
  • A Method for Regional Switching of the Network Booting Environment using Difference of the Latency
    高田 真吾; 佐藤 聡; 中井 央; 新城 靖
    IEICE technical report. Social Implications of Technology and Information Ethics/111(484)/pp.65-70, 2012-03
  • Measures and Issues of Information Infrastructure for University of Tsukuba at Tohoku Region Pacific Coast Earthquake
    佐藤 聡; 杉木 章義; 陳 漢雄; 古瀬 一隆; 片岸 一起; 中井 央; 秡川 友宏; 前田 敦司; 和田 耕一
    IPSJ Journal/54(3)/pp.1038-1049, 2013-03
  • An Implementation of Flexible Access Control for Networks with Advanced User Authentication
    佐藤 聡; 櫻井 孝一; 吉田 健一; 新城 靖
    IPSJ Journal/54(3)/pp.1099-1108, 2013-03
  • An Access Control Model for Web-Services that Supports Delegation and Creation of Authority
    Mitsuhiro Mabuchi; Yasushi Shinjo; Akira Sato; Kazuhiko ...
    The 7th International Conference on Networking (ICN'08)/30(4)/p.213-222, 2008-04
  • A Distributed Memory Allocation Method for Stream - oriented Parallel Database Processing
    村岡正則; 佐藤聡; 清木康
    情報処理学会論文誌/36(12)/p.2831-2843, 1995-12
  • A stream-oriented parallel processing system for continuous media integration
    Akira SATO; Masahide HIROKI; Yasushi KIYOKI
    Proceedings of 14th IASTED International Conference on Applied Informatics/p.123-129, 1996-02
  • An integration methodology for autonomous taxonomy databases using priorites
    H.Kitakami; Y.Mori; M.Arikawa; A.Sato; +佐藤 聡
    Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Database Systems for Advanced Applications(DASFAA'97)/p.243-251, 1997-04
  • A process allocation method for stream-oriented parallel database processing
    Akira SATO; Yasushi KIYOKI
    Proceedings of 16th IASTED Interna-tional Conference on Applied Informatics/p.83-88, 1998-02
  • 地理データ表示のための力学モデルに基づいたレイアウト手法
    有川 正俊; 田中 清高; 佐藤 聡
    第9回データ工学ワークショップ, 1998-03
  • 意味的な異種性を有する生物分類樹データベースの統合化方式
    北上始; 森康真; 有川正俊; 佐藤聡
    電子情報通信学会論文誌/J82-D-I(1)/p.303-314, 1999-01
  • Dynamic Selective Functions Based on Dynamics for Browsing Spatial Data
    佐藤聡; 有川正俊; 伊藤智裕
    IPSJ Transaction (Database)/41(SIG6(TOD7))/p.58-68, 2000-07
  • An impression-based Retrival System of Music Collection
    A.Sato; J.Ogawa; H.Kitakami; +佐藤 聡
    Proceedings of 4th International Conference on Knowledge-based INtelligent Engineering Systems & Allied Technologies./(2)/p.856-859, 2000-08
  • Development of a Specimen Map Browser using a Robust Geo-coding Algorithm
    相良 毅; 松浦 啓一; 佐藤 聡; 志村純子
    DBSJ Letters/1(1)/p.39-42, 2002-10
  • An Impressionistic Metadata Extraction Method for Music Data with Multiple Note Streams
    石橋 直樹; 清木 康; 中神 康裕; 佐藤 聡
    DBSJ Letters/2(2)/p.61-64, 2003-10
  • An anti-spam scheme using capability-based access control
    Yasushi Shinjo Keigo Matsui Takuya Sugimoto and Akira...
    The 34th annual IEEE conference on Local Computer Networks (LCN)/p.907 - 914, 2009-10
  • CapaCon: Access Control Mechanism for Inter-Device Communications through TCP connections
    Mitsuhiro Mabuchi; Yasushi Shinjo; Koji Hasebe; Akira Sato; K...
    ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC2010)/p.706-712, 2010-03
  • Collaboration by passing access rights for personal protected Web resources
    Yashushi Shinjo; Daisuke Kamikawa; Akira Sato
    2010 6th International Conference on Collaborative Computing: Networking, Applications and Worksharing (CollaborateCom)/p.1-10, 2010-10
  • A Method for Analyzing Network Traffic Using Cardinality Information with Firewall Logs
    Satoshi Matsumoto; Akira Sato; Yasushi Shinjo; Hisashi Nakai...
    IEEE-CS and IPSJ International Symposium on Applications and the Internet (SAINT 2010),The First Workshop on Company,Campus and Community Networking (C3NET 2010),/p.241-244, 2010-01
  • A Distributed Web Browser as a Platform for Running Collaborative Applications
    Yasushi Shinjo; Fei Guo; Naoya Kaneko; Takejiro Matsuyam...
    The 7th International Conference on Collaborative Computing: Networking,Applications and Worksharing (CollaborateCom 2011)/p.278-286, 2011-10
  • DNS traffic analysis -- Issues of IPv6 and CDN
    Kazunori Fujiwara; Akira Sato; Kenichi Yoshida
    The 12th IEEE/IPSJ International Symposium on Applications and the Internet(SAINT 2012)/pp.129-137, 2012-07
  • CapaCon: An Access Control Mechanism for Inter-Device Communications through TCP Connections
    M. Mabuchi; Y. Shinjo; K. Hasebe; A. Sato; K. Kato
    25th Symposium on Applied Computing/p.706-712, 2010-03
  • Data Exchange Method for Biodivercity Information Databases
    佐藤 聡; 伊藤 希; 小野 哲; 柁原 宏; 志村 純子
    IEICE technical report. Data engineering/102(208)/pp.103-108, 2002-07
  • Data Exchange Method for Biological Diversity Information Databases
    佐藤 聡; 伊藤 希; 小野 哲; 柁原 宏; 志村 純子
    IPSJ SIG Notes/2002(67)/pp.255-262, 2002-07
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