SHOUNO Kazuhiro
- Articles
- Synthesis of a Complex Filter Using Lossy Transformers
庄野 和宏; 石橋 幸男
電気学会研究会資料. ECT, 電子回路研究会/2008(50)/pp.17-20, 2008-06 - A passive realization of a dissipative complex coefficient filter
天野 悠; 庄野 和宏; 石橋 幸男
電気学会研究会資料. ECT, 電子回路研究会/2009(37)/pp.19-23, 2009-03 - Synthesis of a Complex R^iCR Filter with Inverse-Chebyshev Characteristics
小野 習仁; 庄野 和宏; 石橋 幸男
The Transactions of the Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers. A/92(5)/pp.388-391, 2009-05 - A Note on Synthesis of a Passive Complex Filter Including no Transformers with Reduced Elements
小礒 康正; 庄野 和宏
電気学会研究会資料. ECT, 電子回路研究会/2009(95)/pp.29-34, 2009-10 - Synthesis of a Passive Complex Filter Using Transformers with Dissipation on Both of Primary and Secondary Windings
天野 悠; 庄野 和宏
電気学会研究会資料. ECT, 電子回路研究会/2009(95)/pp.39-43, 2009-10 - Synthesis of a Complex R^iCR Filter Using Grounded Imaginary Resistors with Reduced Passband Gain
小山 秀穂; 庄野 和宏
電気学会研究会資料. ECT, 電子回路研究会/2010(16)/pp.67-72, 2010-01 - Frontier of Meteorology : Meteorological Research Institute
庄野 和宏
The Journal of The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan/130(5)/pp.271-274, 2010-05 - Polarisation control of a loop antenna by PIN diodes
Hiraguri T.; Ojiro Y.; Hirasawa K.; Shouno K.
IET MICROWAVES ANTENNAS & PROPAGATION/1(3)/pp.592-596, 2007-06 - Synthesis of a passive complex filter using transformers
Shouno Kazuhiro; Ishibashi Yukio
IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS I-REGULAR PAPERS/55(7)/pp.1897-1903, 2008-08 - Synthesis of a complex (RCR)-C-i filter based on the real elliptic filter and its active simulation
Kikuchi H; Shouno K; Ishibashi Y
ELECTRONICS AND COMMUNICATIONS IN JAPAN PART III-FUNDAMENTAL ELECTRONIC SCIENCE/89(5)/pp.12-20, 2006-01 - A highly linearized CMOS multiplier with a controlled tail current source
Shouno K; Hori T; Ishibashi Y
- Synthesis of a Complex Filter Using Lossy Transformers