University of Tsukuba
Official title
Professor Emeritus
Birth date
Research fields
Computer system
Research keywords
Data-Driven Computer Architecture
Reuse Oriented Specification Enviroment
Data-Driven Hyper-Distributed Networking Architecture
Research projects
超低消費電力データ駆動プロセッサによる長寿命・高信頼センサーシステムの事業化2016-04 -- 2017-03Hiroaki NISHIKAWAJapan Science and Technology Agency (JST)/研究成果展開事業/大学発新産業創出プログラム/プロジェクト推進型/起業実証支援38,932,400Yen
超低消費電力データ駆動プロセッサによる長寿命・高信頼センサーシステムの事業化2015-04 -- 2016-03Hiroaki NISHIKAWAJapan Science and Technology Agency (JST)/研究成果展開事業/大学発新産業創出プログラム/プロジェクト推進型38,711,400Yen
超低消費電力データ駆動プロセッサによる長寿命・高信頼センサーシステムの事業化2014-12 -- 2015-03NISHIKAWA Hiroaki文部科学省/イノベーションシステム整備事業 大学発新産業創出拠点プロジェクト(プロジェクト支援型)34,993,222Yen
過負荷回避可能なデータ駆動ネットワーキングプラットフォームの研究2013-08 -- 2014-07NISHIKAWA HiroakiSemiconductor Technology Academic Research Center/Industry-University collaboration research2,000,000Yen
Ultra-Low-Power Data-Driven Networking System2007-10 -- 2013-03NISHIKAWA HiroakiJapan Science and Technology Agency (JST)/出資金による受託研究322,016,000Yen
Research and Development on a Data-Driven Networking Processor for Ad Hoc Ubiquitous Communication Environment2006 -- 2008NISHIKAWA HiroakiMinistry of Internal Affairs and Communications/出資金による受託研究93,010,000Yen
無線LAN用メディアアクセス制御に関する研究2006 -- 2006NISHIKAWA HiroakiRenesas Electronics Corporation/Commissioned research1,000,000Yen
Study on data-driven processor for multi-media networking1999 -- 2003NISHIKAWA HiroakiSemiconductor Technology Academic Research Center/Industry-University collaboration research64,480,000Yen
Study on Data-Driven Implementation of Cross-Layer Load Control in Wireless Ad-Hoc Network2011 -- 2013-03NISHIKAWA HiroakiJapan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Exploratory Research3,770,000Yen
Research on Design and Evaluation Environment for Ubiquitous Networking Oriented Data-Driven Realtime Execution Systems2003 -- 2006-03NISHIKAWA HiroakiJapan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)16,300,000Yen
Career history
2018 -- (current)筑波大学特命教授
2016 -- 2017University of TsukubaVice President for Academic Intelligence
2013 -- 2016Provost of School of InformaticsProvost of School of Informatics
2011 -- 2017University of TsukubaFaculty of Engineering, Information and SystemsProfessor
2004 -- 2011University of TsukubaGraduate School of Systems and Information EngineeringProfessor
1998 -- 2004University of Tsukuba電子・情報工学系Professor
1992 -- 1998University of TsukubaElectronics and Information EngineeringAssistant Professor
1992 -- 1992Osaka UniversityEngineering DepartmentAssistant Professor
1985 -- 1992Osaka UniversityEngineering DepartmentResearch Assistant
1984 -- 1985日本学術振興会奨励研究員
Academic background
-- 1984Osaka University Graduate School of Engineering Department of Electronic Engineering
-- 1976Osaka University Faculty of Engineering Department of Electronic Engineering
1984Ph. D. in EngineeringOsaka University
Academic societies
1981 -- (current)Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
1981 -- (current)Information Processing Society of Japan
Honors & Awards
2018-07-30Outstanding Achievement Award
2017-07-17Achievement Award
2016-07-25Leadership & Visionary Award
2015-07-27Achievement Award
2014-07-22Achievement Award
2011-07-18Best Student Paper Award
2010-07-12Outstanding Achievement Award
2007-06-25Ten Best Student Papers
2007-06-25Ten Best Regular Papers
2003-11-03Best Paper Award in the area of Processor Architecture
1987-01-20高柳電子技術振興財団 高柳賞
  • FPGA向け二相束データ式 環状自己同期型パイプライン回路
    木下 優; 三宮 秀次; 吉川 千里; 岩田 誠; 西川 博昭
    情報処理学会研究報告/Vol.2023-ARC-255(No.29)/pp.1-7, 2023-12
  • EDA-oriented FPGA Circuit Design Method for Four-phase Bundled-data Circular Self-timed Pipeline
    Yoshikawa Senri; Sannomiya Shuji; Iwata Makoto; Sato ...
    Journal of Information Processing (JIP)/Vol.31/pp.495-508, 2023-08
  • FPGA向き自己同期型パイプライン回路構成法
    吉川 千里; 三宮 秀次; 岩田 誠; 佐藤 聡; 西川 博昭
    IPSJ SIG Technical Reports/Vol.2021-ARC-243/2021-SLDM-193(No.25)/pp.1-7, 2021-01
  • Pipeline Stage Level Simulation Method for Self-Timed Data-Driven Processor on FPGA
    Yoshikawa Senri; Sannomiya Shuji; Iwata Makoto; Nishikawa...
    Proceedings of International Electrical Engineering Congress (iEECON2020), 2020-03
  • Data-Driven IoT Platform Architecture with Overload Avoidance Capability
    Sannomiya Shuji; Nishida Yukikuni; Nishikawa Hiroaki
    Proceedings of International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications (PDPTA'18)/pp.262-268, 2018-07
  • Abnormal Traffic Detection Circuit with Real-time Cardinality Counter
    Sannomiya Shuji; Sato Akira; 吉田 健一; Nishikawa Hiroaki
    JIP(Journal Information Processing)/26/pp.590-600, 2018
  • FPGA Implementation of Cardinality-Based Abnormal Traffic Detection Algorithm
    Sannomiya Shuji; Sato Akira; Yoshida Kenichi; Nishikawa ...
    Proceedings of International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications (PDPTA'17)/pp.252-258, 2017-07
  • Cardinality Counting Circuit for Real-time Abnormal Traffic Detection
    SANNOMIYA Shuji; SATO Akira; Yoshida Kenichi; NISHIKAWA ...
    Proceedings of 2017 IEEE 41st Annual Computer Software and Applications Conference (COMPSAC 2017)/pp.505-510, 2017-07
  • FPGA Implementation of Cardinality-Based Abnormal Traffic Detection Algorithm
    Sannomiya Shuji; Sato Akira; Yoshida Kenichi; Nishikawa ...
    Proceedings of the 2017 International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications (PDPTA’17)/pp.252-258, 2017-07
  • A Data-Driven Processor Realizing Trillion Sensors Universe
    The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, IEICE Technical Report/116(364)/pp.139-144, 2016-12
  • Data-Driven Sensor Networking Processor Tolerating Instantaneously Excessive Load
    Sannomiya Shuji; Nishida Yukikuni; Iwata Makoto; Nishikaw...
    Proceedings of the 2016 International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications (PDPTA’16)/pp.316-322, 2016-07
  • Greedy Forwarding Prolonging the Network Lifetime Based on Two-hop Information over MANET
    Phonepadith Phounmmavong; Keisuke Utsu; Chee Onn Chow; Nishi...
    Proceedings of the 2016 International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications (PDPTA’16)/pp.303-309, 2016-07
  • A Prototype of Ultra-Low-Power Data-Driven Networking Platform
    三宮秀次; 青木一浩; 宮城桂; 岩田誠; 西川博昭
    The IEICE transactions on information and systems (Japanese edition)/96(10)/pp.2319-2326, 2013-10
  • Efficient Location-aided Route Discovery Mechanism for Ad-hoc networks
    Phonepadith Phounmmavong; Keisuke Utsu; Hiroaki Nishikawa; H...
    Proceedings of the 2015 International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications (PDPTA’15)/pp.551-556, 2015-07
  • Highly-Dependable and Long-Lifetime Data-Driven Networking Processor with Energy Assurance Capability
    Shuji Sannomiya; Nishikawa Hiroaki
    Proceedings of the 2015 International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications (PDPTA’15)/pp.557-563, 2015-07
  • Data-Driven Sensor Networking System Simulator
    Kazuhiro Aoki; Shuji Sannomiya; Nishikawa Hiroaki
    Proceedings of the 2015 International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications (PDPTA’15)/pp.564-570, 2015-07
  • Self-Timed Pipeline with Fine Grain Power Gating and Its Evaluation
    宮城桂; 岩田誠; 三宮秀次; 西川博昭
    The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers/Vol.J97-A(8)/pp.554-564, 2014-08
  • An optimization study on Broadcast Based Information Sharing System (BBISS)
    Sayuri Wada; Hiroshi Ishii; Nishikawa Hiroaki; Keisuke Utsu
    Proceedings of the 2014 International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications (PDPTA’14)/pp.485-489, 2014-07
  • A Safety Information Sharing Application on BBISS
    Tomomi Itoh; Ayami Manaka; Yuuka Sugawara; Hiroshi Ishii; Nis...
    Proceedings of the 2014 International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications (PDPTA’14)/pp.490-495, 2014-07
  • Energy Efficient Data-Driven Networking Processor with Autonomous Load Distribution Capability
    Shuji Sannomiya; Nishikawa Hiroaki
    Proceedings of the 2014 International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications (PDPTA’14)/pp.514-520, 2014-07
  • A Novel Information Sharing Architecture Constructed by Broadcast Based Information Sharing System (BBISS)
    Keisuke Utsu; Chee Onn Chow; Nishikawa Hiroaki; Hiroshi Ishii
    Proceedings of the 2014 International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications (PDPTA’14)/pp.534-540, 2014-07
  • 自己同期型エラスティックパイプラインによる高機能連想機構
    西川博昭; 三宮秀次
    STARCワークショップ2013講演予稿集/pp.76-77, 2013-09
  • A Study on Low-Powered Self-Timed Pipeline Circuit
    岩田誠; 宮城桂; 三宮秀次; 西川博昭
    高知工科大学紀要/Vol.10(1)/pp.95-102, 2013-07
  • Video Streaming Performance of Load and Battery Charge Oriented Flooding over Disaster Tolerant Ad Hoc Network
    Keisuke Utsu; Hiroaki Nishikawa; Hiroshi Ishii
    Proceedings of the 2013 International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications(PDPTA’13)/pp.592-598, 2013-07
  • A Proposal on Broadcast based Information Sharing System over Disaster and Congestion Tolerant Ad Hoc Network
    Keisuke Utsu; Hiroaki Nishikawa; Hiroshi Ishii
    Proceedings of the 2013 International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications(PDPTA’13)/pp.599-603, 2013-07
  • more...
  • センサネットワークの超低消費電力化
    IoT/CPS/M2M応用市場とデバイス・材料技術/S&T出版株式会社/pp.36-45, 2015-04
  • VLSI向きデータ駆動形プロセッサ:Q-x
    寺田浩詔; 西川博昭
    並列コンピュータ・アーキテクチャ/共立出版/pp.104-113, 1989-03
  • オペレーティング・システムの論理設計
    日経BP社, 1989-04
  • ビジュアル・プログラミング
    日経BP社, 1991-06
  • VLSI Design of a One-Chip Data-Driven Processor: Q-v1
    Hiroaki Terada; Hiroaki Nishikawa; Katsuhiko Asada; Satos...
    Albex Publishing Corporation/Data Flow Computing: Theory and Practice, Chapter 17, Ablex Publishing Corporation/pp.423-440, 1992-05
Conference, etc.
  • FPGA向け二相束データ式 環状自己同期型パイプライン回路
    木下 優; 三宮 秀次; 吉川 千里; 岩田 誠; 西川 博昭
  • FPGA向き自己同期型パイプライン回路構成法
    吉川 千里; 三宮 秀次; 岩田 誠; 佐藤 聡; 西川 博昭
  • Pipeline Stage Level Simulation Method for Self-Timed Data-Driven Processor on FPGA
    Yoshikawa Senri; Sannomiya Shuji; Iwata Makoto; Nishikawa...
    2020 8th International Electrical Engineering Congress (iEECON2020)/2020-03-04--2020-03-06
  • Self-Timed Power-Aware Pipeline Chip and Its Evaluation
    Kei Miyagi; Shuji Sannomiya; Makoto Iwata; Hiroaki Nishi...
    The 2011 International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications (PDPTA'11)/2011-07-18--2011-07-21
  • Chip Multiprocessor Platform for Ultra-Low-Power Data-Driven Networking System: ULP-DDNS
    Shuji Sannomiya; Ryotaro Kuroda; Kazuhiro Aoki; Kei Miya...
    The 2011 International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications (PDPTA'11)/2011-07-18--2011-07-21
  • Data-Driven IoT Platform Architecture with Overload Avoidance Capability
    Sannomiya Shuji; Nishida Yukikuni; Nishikawa Hiroaki
    The 2018 International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications (PDPTA'18)/2018-07-30--2018-08-02
  • Energy Efficient Data-Driven Networking Processor with Autonomous Load Distribution Capability
    Shuji Sannomiya; Nishikawa Hiroaki
    PDPTA'14 - The 2014 International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications/2014-07-21--2014-07-24
  • Highly-Dependable and Long-Lifetime Data-Driven Networking Processor with Energy Assurance Capability
    Shuji Sannomiya; Nishikawa Hiroaki
    PDPTA'15 - The 21st International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications/2015-07-27--2015-07-30
  • FPGA Implementation of Cardinality-Based Abnormal Traffic Detection Algorithm
    Sannomiya Shuji; Sato Akira; Yoshida Kenichi; Nishikawa ...
    PDPTA'17 - The 23rd Int'l Conf on Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications/2017-07-17--2017-07-20
  • Performance Estimation and Power Minimizing Scheme for a Mobile Ad hoc Networking Node
    Ben Abderrazak Jihane; Nishida Yukikuni; Nishikawa Hiroaki
    The first International Conference on Communications and Networking (ComNet'09)/2009-11-03--2009-11-06
  • Cardinality Counting Circuit for Real-time Abnormal Traffic Detection
    SANNOMIYA Shuji; SATO Akira; Yoshida Kenichi; NISHIKAWA ...
    COMPSAC 2017/2017-7-4--2017-07-08
  • Performance Estimation and Power Minimizing Scheme for a Mobile Ad hoc Networking Node
    Ben Abderrazak Jihane; Nishida Yukikuni; Nishikawa Hiroaki
    1st International Conference on Communications and Networking/2009-11
  • Architecture of a VLSI-Oriented Data-Driven Processor: the Q-v1
    Hiroaki Nishikawa; Hiroaki Terada; Shinji Komori; Kenji Shim...
    The 1st International Data-Flow Workshop, ACM/1991-01--1991-01
Intellectural property rights
  • 過負荷を回避する超低消費電力化データ駆動ネットワーキング処理装置
    西川博昭; Sannomiya Shuji; 岩田誠; 石井啓之; 宇津圭祐
  • 転送制御素子およびネットワーキングシステム
    三宮 秀次; 吉川 千里; 西川 博昭
  • ネットワーキングシステム
    西川博昭; 三宮 秀次
  • ネットワーキングシステム
    西川博昭; 三宮 秀次
  • 転送制御素子およびネットワーキングシステム
    三宮 秀次; 吉川 千里; 西川 博昭
  • 過負荷を回避する超低消費電力化データ駆動ネットワーキング処理装置
    西川博昭; 三宮 秀次; 岩田誠; 石井啓之; 宇津圭祐
  • ネットワーキングシステム
    西川博昭; 三宮 秀次
  • 過負荷を回避する超低消費電力化データ駆動ネットワーキング処理装置
    西川博昭; 三宮秀次; 石井啓之; 岩田誠; 宇津圭祐
  • 過負荷を回避する超低消費電力化データ駆動ネットワーキング処理装置
    Nishikawa Hiroaki; Sannomiya Shuji; Iwata Makoto; Ishii Hiro...
  • データ駆動型処理装置
    西川博昭; 三宮 秀次
  • 過負荷を回避する超低消費電力化データ駆動ネットワーキング処理装置
    西川博昭; 三宮秀次; 岩田誠; 石井啓之; 宇津圭祐
  • ネットワークシステムおよびネットワークシステムにおける電源制御方法
    西川博昭; 岩田誠; 石井啓之
  • Data processor
    Hiroaki Nishikawa; Hiroshi Tomiyasu; Ryousuke Kurebayash...
  • データ処理装置
    西川博昭; 冨安洋史; 榑林亮介; 伊藤伸也; 野本祥平
  • Emulation system for data-driven processor
    Hiroaki Nishikawa; Yasuhiro Wabiko; Ryousuke Kurebayashi...
  • データ駆動プロセッサのエミュレーションシステム
    西川博昭; 我孫子泰祐; 榑林亮介; 伊藤伸也
  • Program developing system allowing a specification definition to be represented by a plurality of different graphical, non-procedural representation formats
    Hiroaki Terada; Hiroaki Nishikawa; Tetsuo Yamasaki; Yoshi...
  • プログラム開発装置
    寺田浩詔; 西川博昭; 山崎哲男; 稲岡美恵; 嶋憲司; 芳田真一; 日根俊治; 西川洋一郎; 原秀次
  • プログラム開発装置
    寺田浩詔; 西川博昭; 芳田真一; 日根俊治; 西川洋一郎; 原秀次; 嶋憲司; 稲岡美恵; 山崎哲男
  • 図的言語処理システム
    寺田浩詔; 西川博昭; 浅田勝彦; 金倉広志; 柳純一郎; 岩田誠
  • 図的言語処理方式
    寺田浩詔; 西川博昭
  • データベース操作方式
    寺田浩詔; 西川博昭; 作田良夫; 西川洋一郎; 原秀次; 稲岡美恵; 山崎哲男; 嶋憲司; 芳田真一; 日根俊治
  • 論理回路のシミュレーション方法及びシミュレータ
    寺田浩詔; 浅田勝彦; 西川博昭; 原秀次; 明智光夫; 岡本俊弥; 浅野一
  • データ駆動型情報処理装置
    寺田浩詔; 西川博昭; 山崎哲男; 稲岡美恵; 嶋憲司; 小守伸史; 芳田真一; 日根俊治; 西川洋一郎; 原秀次
  • データ伝送装置
    寺田浩詔; 浅田勝彦; 西川博昭; 嶋憲司; 小守伸史; 宮田宗一; 松本敏; 浅野一; 清水雅久; 三浦宏喜
  • more...
2017-10 -- 2018-02Research in Computer ScienceUniversity of Tsukuba.
2017-04 -- 2017-08Research in Computer ScienceUniversity of Tsukuba.
2017-04 -- 2017-08Computer Systems Laboratory AUniversity of Tsukuba.
2017-10 -- 2018-02Computer Science Seminar BUniversity of Tsukuba.
2017-04 -- 2017-08Computer Science Seminar BUniversity of Tsukuba.
2017-04 -- 2017-08Computer Science Seminar AUniversity of Tsukuba.
2017-10 -- 2018-02Computer Science Seminar AUniversity of Tsukuba.
2017-10 -- 2018-02Seminar in Computer ScienceUniversity of Tsukuba.
2017-04 -- 2017-08Seminar in Computer ScienceUniversity of Tsukuba.
2017-04 -- 2017-08Research in Computer Science IIUniversity of Tsukuba.
Professional activities
2015-07 -- 2015-07Associate Editor, The 2015 International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications
2014-07 -- 2014-07Associate Editor, The 2014 International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications
2013-07 -- 2013-07Associate Editor, The 2013 International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications
2012-06 -- 2015-05情報処理学会論文誌シニア査読委員
2013-04 -- 2015-03科学技術振興機構復興促進プログラム(マッチング促進)評価委員会 専門アドバイザー
2011-01 -- 2015-03科学技術振興機構研究成果最適展開支援事業 推進アドバイザー
2011-08 -- 2018-03高知県商工労働部新産業推進課アドバイザリー審査委員
2009-06 -- 2015-03科学技術振興機構研究成果最適展開支援事業 分野別評価委員(情報通信分野)
2009-04 -- 2011-07科学技術振興機構JSTイノベーションサテライト高知 アドバイザー
2007-08 -- 2009-07日本学術振興会特別研究員等審査会専門委員及び国際事業委員会書面審査員
Other activities
2014-04 -- 2016-03情報学群長

(Last updated: 2025-01-24)