KATO Kazuhiko
- Articles
- A comprehension-based database language and its distributed execution
加藤 和彦
Proc. IEEE 10th Int. Conf. on Distributed Computing Systems/p.442-449, 1990-01 - オブジェクト指向データベースシステムの記憶構造
加藤 和彦
情報処理学会誌/32/p.5, 1991-01 - Design of the XERO open distributed operating systems
加藤 和彦
Journal of Information Processing/14(4)/p.384-397, 1991-01 - マルチプロトコルタプルスペースおける分散処理の最適化
加藤 和彦
並列分散処理シンポジウム論文集, 1991-01 - The software architecture of a parallel processing system for advanced database applications
加藤 和彦
Proceedings of IEEE 7th Interanational Conference on Data Engineering, 1991-01 - A thread facility based on user/Kernel cooperation in the XERO operating system
加藤 和彦
Proceedings of IEEE 15th Internatinal Computer Software and Applications Conference, 1991-01 - Design of the XERO open distributed operating system
加藤 和彦
Journal of Information Processing. Information Processing Society of Japan, 1991-01 - Optimization of Distributed Communication in Multiprotocol Tuple Space
加藤 和彦
Proceedings of Third Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing, 1991-01 - A thead facility based on user/kernel cooperation in the XERO operating system
加藤 和彦
Proc. IEEE 15th International Computer Software and Application Conference, 1991-01 - Persistent caching : an implementation technique for complex objects with object identity
加藤 和彦
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering/18(7)/p.631-645, 1992-01 - Exploiting a weak consistency to implement distributed tuple space
加藤 和彦
Proc. of the 12th IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems/p.416-423, 1992-01 - Distributed C language based on a higher-order remote procedure coll technique
加藤 和彦
JSSST Computer Software/9(3)/p.65-82, 1992-01 - An approach to multilanguage pessistent type system
加藤 和彦
Proc. IEEE 25th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences/(2)/p.810-819, 1992-01 - Persistent caching : An implemertation technique for complex objects with objectidentity
加藤 和彦
IEEE Transactionsuon Software Engineering/18/p.7, 1992-01 - Distributed Shared Repository : A Unified Approach to Distribution and Persistency
加藤 和彦
Proc. of IEEE 13th International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems/p.20-29, 1993-01 - Unstable threads kernel interface for minimiying the overhead of thread switching
加藤 和彦
Proc. of the 7th IEEE International Parallel Processing Symposium/p.149-155, 1993-01 - Semantics for communication primitives in a polymorphic language
加藤 和彦
Proc. of 20th ACM Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages/p.99-112, 1993-01 - スマートな遠隔手続き呼出し:遠隔ポインタの分散透明な取り扱い法
加藤 和彦
IEEE主催分散処理に関する第14回国際会議了稿集, 1994-01 - Smart Remote Procedure Calls : Transparene Treatment of Remote Pointers
加藤 和彦
Proc. IEEE 14th International Conference of Distributed Computing Systems, 1994-01 - 仮想記憶管理技術と統合されたRPC技術を用いた移動可能分散オブジェクトの実現法
加藤 和彦
オブジェクト指向プログラミングに関する第10回ヨーロッパ会議論文集, 1996-01 - An Implementation Method of Migratable Distributed Objects Using an RPC Technique Integrated with Virtual Memory Management
加藤 和彦
Proceedings of 10th European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming, 1996-01 - Planetシステムにおける保護と安全性機能のあるモーバイルオブジェクト計算
加藤 和彦
ECOOPワークショップ論文集, 1997-01 - Protected and Secure Mobile Object Computing in PLANET
加藤 和彦
Special Issues in Object-Oriented Programming-Workshop Reader of 10th European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming, 1997-01 - モーバイル・オブジェクトシステムPlanetを用いたワールドワイド・コンポーネント・スクリプティング
加藤 和彦
ワールドワイド・コンピューティングとその応用に関する国際会議, 1998-01 - Implementation of the mobile object system providing both distribution and persistency in a uniform way
加藤 和彦
IPSJ Transactions/39(8)/p.2494-2508, 1998-01 - more...
- A comprehension-based database language and its distributed execution