- Articles
- Constructing a Family Tree of Multilingual Speech Based on Gaussian Mixture Models
朱 世イ; 山本 幹雄; 板橋 秀一
IEICE technical report. Natural language understanding and models of communication/104(540)/pp.67-71, 2004-12 - Constructing a Family Tree of Multilingual Speech Based on Gaussian Mixture Models
朱 世イ; 山本 幹雄; 板橋 秀一
IEICE technical report. Speech/104(543)/pp.67-71, 2004-12 - Constructing a Family Tree of Multilingual Speech Based on Gaussian Mixture Models
朱 世イ; 山本 幹雄; 板橋 秀一
IPSJ SIG Notes/2004(131)/pp.313-317, 2004-12 - The present status, progress, and usage of speech databases in Japan
Kuwabara Hisao; Itahashi Shuich; Yamamoto Mikio; Nakamura...
Acoustical science and technology/26(1)/pp.62-66, 2005-01 - Read document Recognition using document probability
中里 理恵; 貞光 九月; 山本 幹雄; 板橋 秀一
日本音響学会研究発表会講演論文集/2005(1)/pp.47-48, 2005-03 - Constructing a Family Tree of Multilingual Speech Using Gaussian Mixture Models
朱 世イ; 山本 幹雄; 板橋 秀一
日本音響学会研究発表会講演論文集/2005(1)/pp.227-228, 2005-03 - Read Documents Recognition using Generative Text Models
中里 理恵; 貞光 九月; 冨山 良介; 山本 幹雄; 板橋 秀一
IPSJ SIG Notes/2005(69)/pp.19-24, 2005-07 - Topic-Based Language Models Using Dirichlet Mixtures
貞光 九月; 三品 拓也; 山本 幹雄
The transactions of the Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers. D-II/88(9)/pp.1771-1779, 2005-09 - Reordering Priority Decoder for Statistical Machine Translation(Natural Language Processing)
岩越 隼人; 山本 幹雄
Transactions of Information Processing Society of Japan/47(11)/pp.3032-3040, 2006-11 - Machine Translation for Patent Information : Towards the establishment of shared evaluation tasks
内山 将夫; 山本 幹雄; 藤井 敦; 宇律呂 武仁
IPSJ SIG Notes/2007(76)/pp.133-138, 2007-07 - Producing Test Collections for Patent Information Processing : Toward the Fusion of Information Retrieval and Natural Language Processing
藤井 敦; 難波 英嗣; 岩山 真; 神門 典子; 内山 将夫; 山本 幹雄; 宇津呂 武仁; 橋本 泰一
IPSJ SIG Notes/2008(4)/pp.31-36, 2008-01 - Producing Test Collections for Patent Information Processing : Toward the Fusion of Information Retrieval and Natural Language Processing
藤井 敦; 難波 英嗣; 岩山 真; 神門 典子; 内山 将夫; 山本 幹雄; 宇津呂 武仁; 橋本 泰一
IPSJ SIG Notes/2008(4)/pp.31-36, 2008-01 - Discriminative topic-sentiment analysis from unsupervised topic corpora
貞光 九月; 福富 崇博; 山本 幹雄
IEICE technical report. Natural language understanding and models of communication/107(480)/pp.57-62, 2008-01 - 3D-5 Generating Technical Term Bilingual Lexicon from Parallel Patent Documents using a Phase Table and Compositional Translation Estimation
森下 洋平; 宇津呂 武仁; 山本 幹雄
全国大会講演論文集/70(2)/p.81, 2008-03 - 6U-2 Statistical machine translation system using cross trigger model for patent sentences
松本 琴美; 山本 幹雄; 内山 将夫
全国大会講演論文集/70(2)/p.189, 2008-03 - Integrating Phrase Translation Table and a Bilingual Lexicon in Semi-Automatic Acquisition of Technical Term Translation Lexicon from Parallel Patent Documents
森下 洋平; 宇津呂 武仁; 山本 幹雄
IPSJ SIG Notes/2008(90)/pp.91-98, 2008-09 - Integer Programming for a Phrase Alignment Problem on Statistical Machine Translation (Mathematical Programming in the 21st Century : Optimization Modeling and Algorithms)
山本 幹雄; 梅谷 俊治; 越川 満; 松井 知己
RIMS Kokyuroku/1629(0)/pp.87-93, 2009-02 - Automatic Extraction for Blog Posts and Comments using a Set of Blog Pages
吉田 光男; 乾 孝司; 山本 幹雄
IPSJ SIG Notes/2009(20)/pp.1-8, 2009-11 - Automatic Extraction for Blog Posts and Comments using a Set of Blog Pages
吉田光男; 乾 孝司; 山本 幹雄
情報処理学会研究報告. データベース・システム研究会報告/149(20)/p.1, 2009 - N-best Reranking Using Optimal Phrase Alignment for Statistical Machine Translation
越川 満; 内山 将夫; 梅谷 俊治; 松井 知己; 山本 幹雄
Transactions of Information Processing Society of Japan/51(8)/pp.1443-1451, 2010-08 - Estimating Translation of Technical Terms Based on Phrase Translation Table and a Bilingual Lexicon
森下 洋平; 梁 冰; 宇津呂 武仁; 山本 幹雄
The IEICE transactions on information and systems (Japanese edetion)/93(11)/pp.2525-2537, 2010-11 - An automatic extraction method of F-0 generation model parameters
Bu SH; Yamamoto M; Itahashi S
IEICE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION AND SYSTEMS/E89D(1)/pp.305-313, 2006-01 - Structuring Opinions by Relative Characteristics for User-Opinion Aggregation
乾 孝司; 板谷 悠人; 山本幹雄; 新里圭司; 平手勇宇; 山田薫
Journal of Natural Language Processing/20(1)/pp.3-25, 2013-03
- Constructing a Family Tree of Multilingual Speech Based on Gaussian Mixture Models