Cai Dongsheng

Institute of Systems and Information Engineering
Official title
Associate Professor
Research fields
Communication/Network engineering
Aerospace engineering
Educational technology
Space and upper atmospheric physics
Research keywords
Cluster/Paralllel Computing
Large Scale Computation
Space Weather
Nonlinear Sciences
Color Sciences
Art and Media
Research projects
交換型磁気リコネクションの磁場トポロジー2020-04 -- 2022-03渡辺 正和文部科学省/科学研究費助成事業130,000Yen
人と人形のインタラクションデザイン:序破急と文楽人形所作を用いた感情表現設計2020-04 -- 2023-03蔡 東生日本学術振興会/科学研究費助成事業 (基盤研究(C)(一般)4,290,000Yen
現車環境に対応した眠気度推定アルゴリズム閾値の検討2019-07 -- 2020-03蔡 東生国内共同研究/1,100,000Yen
力学系を応用した分散処理に関する研究2018-06 -- (current)蔡 東生富士通研究所(株)/1,000,000Yen
3D コスミックトモグラフィを用いた衛星観測2018-04 -- 2019-03蔡 東生公益財団法人 電気通信普及財団/研究調査助成1,500,000Yen
顔特徴データからの眠気度推定アルゴリズムの研究2017 -- 2018蔡 東生国内共同研究/1,080,000Yen
顔特徴データからの眠気度推定アルゴリズムの研究2015 -- 2016蔡 東生国内共同研究/1,080,000Yen
日本の伝統芸能における技法やコンテンツを先端ロボット産業に活かすUXデザイン研究2017-04 -- 2021-03中川 志信独立行政法人日本学術振興会/課題設定による先導的人文学・社会科学研究推進事業0Yen
人と操り人形のインタラクション:文楽操り人形を用いた感情表現動作デザイン2017-04 -- 2019-03蔡 東生国立研究開発法人科学技術振興機構/戦略的創造研究推進事業(ACT-I)「情報と未来」領域300,000Yen
伝統芸能文楽の技をヒューマンロボットインタラクション技術へ適応させるデザイン研究2016-04 -- 2021-03中川 志信文部科学省/科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(A)656,000Yen
Career history
1994 -- 1995UCLAVisitiong Professor
2001 -- 2002CNRS/University of Paris 6Invited Fellow
2007 -- (current)University of TsukubaDepartment of Computer SciencesAssociate Professor
Academic background
-- 1983The University of Tokyo Faculty of Engineering 航空工学
-- 1989-03The University of Tokyo Graduate School, Division of Engineering 航空学
1983-09 -- 1989-03Stanford University Department of Aero/Astro, Department of Electrical Enginnering Departent of Aeronautics and Astronautcs, Electrical Engineering
1984MSStanford University
1989-12Ph DStanford University
1986-03工学修士The University of Tokyo
1989-03工学博士The University of Tokyo
Academic societies
1990 -- (current)Association for Computing Machinery
-- (current)Asia Oceania Geophysical Society
-- (current)European Geophysical Society
-- (current)Geophysical Annals
-- (current)Journal of Computational Physics
-- (current)Journal of Geophysical Research
-- (current)Physics of Fluids
-- (current)Physics of Plasmas
Honors & Awards
2011-03財団法人電気通信普及財団 平成22年度研究調査助成
2010-10自然に学ぶものづくり 研究助成プログラム
2009Oscar Buneman Award
2009Who’s Who in the World
2009-10第25 回NICOGRAPH 論文コンテスト論文集優秀論文賞受賞
2008Roberval Award Nomination
2008-04Selected, Voir l’invisible
2004Honary Banquet Talk at e-Agenda
2003Best Visualization, Visualization Technology Symposium
2003Honarable Mention, Visualization Technology Symposium
2003Loreal Art and Science Color Prize Finalist
2002ビジュアル・サイエンス・フェスタ2002 優秀賞
2001Honarable Mention, Visualization Technology Symposium
2001honorable mention, Visualization Technology Symposium
2001Best Visualization, Visualization Technology Symposium
  • Kineitc Kelvin-Helmholtz Instability in a Magnetic FIeld
    蔡 東生
  • Interactive Multimedia Education at Distance— Linear Algebra, Center for Digital
    蔡 東生
  • 数値解析入門 (共著)
    蔡 東生
  • Mathematica for the sciences
    伊藤利明; 蔡東生
    アジソヌエスレイ・トッパン情報科学シリーズ18, 1991-01
  • Fractal image compression
    蔡東生; 江守正
    A K ピータース· トッパン, 1995-01
  • Interactive Multimedia Education at Distance— Linear Algebra,
    Ikebe; Y.; D. Cai; Y. Miyazaki; Y. Kikuchi; and N. Asai
    Center for Digital Inovation, UCLA, 2000-01
  • 先進的なIT利用の教授学習システム
    蔡東生; 池辺八洲彦
    5.2 進展する遠隔地教育システムとその将来, 東洋館出版社,, 2004-01
  • voir l'invisible (仏文)
    D.Cai; B.Lembege; W.Li 他; +蔡 東生
    omniscience, 2007-01
Conference, etc.
  • Iterative Refinement Quantum Amplitude Estimation
    Saito Yoshiyuki; Xie Ningyi; Shin Jungpil; Lee Xinwei...
    2023 IEEE 16th International Symposium on Embedded Multicore/Many-core Systems-on-Chip (MCSoC)/2023-12-18--2023-12-21
  • Identification of Magnetic Null on Reconnection 19 September 2015 Event using Magnetospheric Multiscale Mission
    Cai Dongsheng
    URSI GASS 2021/2021-08-28--2021-09-04
  • Evidence of the Alfven Transition Layer in the cusp region: Global 3D PIC simulation of the solar wind - Earth magnetosphere interactio
    Cai Dongsheng
    URSI GASS 2021/2021-08-28--2021-09-04
  • Photonic Rendering for Hair Including Cuticles, Cortex, Medulla using High Accuracy NS-FDTD method
    Cai Dongsheng; Zhuo Hou; Cai. Dongsheng
    SIGGRAPH ’21 Talks/2021-8
  • Interacting with Humanoid Robots: Affective Robot Motion Design with 3D Squash and Stretch Using Japanese Jo-ha-kyu Principles in Bunraku.
    Cai Dongsheng; Dong Ran; He Yuying; Cai Dongsheng; Yamagu...
    SIGGRAPH ’21 Talks/2021-8
  • Evidence of the Alfven Transition Layer in the cusp region: Global 3D PIC simulation of the solar wind - Earth magnetosphere interaction
    Cai Dongsheng; Lembege B.
    URSI GASS 2021/2021-08-28--2021-09-04
  • Fine structures of the Alfven Transition Layer above/around the cusp region: 3D PIC global simulation of the solar wind-terrestrial magnetosphere interaction.
    Cai Dongsheng; Jiang Yao; Lembege Bertrand
    American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2019/2019-12-9--2019-12-13
  • In Situ Identification of 3D Vortex-Cores using Magnetospheric Multiscale Mission
    Cai Dongsheng; Jiang Yao; Lembege Bertrand
    American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2019/2019-12-9--2019-12-13
  • In situ detection of vortex at/around the magnetopause using a tetrahedral satellite system
    Cai Dongsheng; Yao Jiang; Lembege Bertrand
    European Space Agency, Cluster Workshops/2019-10-7--2019-10-11
  • Dynamics and Structures of the Alfven Transition Layer : 3d Pic Global Simulation of the Solar Wind –terrestrial Magnetosphere Interaction.
    Cai Dongsheng
    Asia Oceania Geosciences Society (AOGS) 2019/2018-07
  • Identifying 3-D Vortex using Magnetospheric Multiscale mission
    Cai Dongsheng; Jiang Yao; Hasegawa Hiroshi; Lembege Bert...
    European Geophysical Union 2019/2019-04-07--2019-04-12
  • Impact of the IMF rotation on the dynamics of the Alfven Transition Layer : 3D PIC global simulation of the solar wind–terrestrial magnetosphere interaction.
    Cai Dongsheng; Esmaeili Amin; Lembege Bertrand
    European Geophysical Union 2019/2019-04-07--2019-04-12
  • Impact of the IMF Rotation : 3D Particle Simulations of the Solar Wind-Terrestrial Magnetosphere Interaction
    蔡 東生
    Asia Oceania Geosciences Society (AOGS) 2018/2018-07
  • Coherent Structures of Magnetosphere in 3D Global MHD Simulation
    Cai Dongsheng
    Asia Oceania Geosciences Society (AOGS) 2018/2018-07
  • The Beauty of Breaking Rhythms: Affective Robot Motion Design Using JoHa-Kyu of Bunraku Puppet
    Chen Yang; Dong Ran; Cai Dongsheng; Nakagawa Shinobu; Tom...
    SIGGRAPH 2019/2019-07-28--2019-08-01
  • Impact of the IMF Rotation on the depolarization front : 3D Full Particle Simulations of the Solar Wind-Terrestrial Magnetosphere Interaction
    蔡 東生
    European Geosciences Union General Assembly 201/2018-04-08--2018-04-13
  • 3D Full Particle Simulations of the Solar Wind-Terrestrial Magnetosphere Interaction
    Cai Dongsheng
    13th International School/Symposium for Space Simulations (ISSS-13)/2018-09-04--2018-09-14
  • Identifying 3D Vortices Structures At/Around the Magnetopause Using the Tetrahedral Satellite Configuration
    Cai Dongsheng
    AGU General Assembly/2017-8-6--2017-8-11
  • 3D Full particle simulations of the solar wind-terrestrial magnetosphere interaction: impact of the IMF rotation on the dipolarization process of magnetospheric dynamics
    Cai Dongsheng
    AGU General Assembly/2017-12
  • Impact of the Interplanetary Magnetic Field rotation from North to South on the Alfven Transition Layer: 3D Global PIC Simulation
    Cai Dongsheng
    EGU General Assembly 2017/2017-4
  • Dance motion analysis and editing using hilbert-huang transform
    Dong Ran; Cai Dongsheng; Asai Nobuyoshi
    SIGGRAPH 2017/2017-7-30--2017-08-04
  • Parallel 3D Electromagnetic Particle-In-Cell Simulation for Relativistic Jets
    Cai Dongsheng; Ardaneh Kazem; Nishikawa Ken-Ichi
    6th East-Asia School and Workshop on Laboratory, Space, and Astrophysical plasmas/2016-07-11--2016-07-16
  • "Synchronize" to VR Body : Full Body Illusionin VR Space
    Xiong Peikun; Cai Dongsheng; Sun Chen
    EUROGRAPHICS 2017/2017-04-24--2017-04-28
  • Nonlinear Dance Motion Analysis and Motion Editing using Hilbert-Huang Transform
    Dong Ran; Cai Dongsheng; Asai Nobuyoshi
    Computer Graphics International/2017-06-27--2017-06-30
  • Identification of 3D Vortex structure using Cluster satellite magnetic field data
    Cai Dongsheng
    EGU General Assembly 2015/2015-04-12--2015-04-17
  • more...
Intellectural property rights
  • 波長スプリッタ
    岡田直樹; James B. Cole; 蔡東生
  • 波長スプリッタ
    岡田直樹; James B. Cole; 蔡東生
2023-10 -- 2024-02Research in Computer Science IIfUniversity of Tsukuba.
2023-10 -- 2024-02Research in Computer Science IfUniversity of Tsukuba.
2023-04 -- 2023-08Research in Computer Science IsUniversity of Tsukuba.
2023-04 -- 2023-08Research in Computer Science IIsUniversity of Tsukuba.
2023-04 -- 2023-08Seminar in Computer Science sUniversity of Tsukuba.
2023-10 -- 2024-02Research in Computer Science fUniversity of Tsukuba.
2023-10 -- 2024-02Seminar in Computer Science fUniversity of Tsukuba.
2023-10 -- 2024-02Computer Science Seminar BUniversity of Tsukuba.
2023-04 -- 2023-08Computer Science Seminar BUniversity of Tsukuba.
2023-10 -- 2024-02Computer Science Seminar AfUniversity of Tsukuba.
  • Magnetic Reconnection in Magnetosphere Analyzed by Field Topology: Application to Subsolar Region, Earth-Sun System Exploration
    Cai; D.; B. Lembege; and K.-I. Nishikawa; +蔡 東生
  • Impact of the IMF rotation from Northward to Southward on Cusp Boundary Formation and Particle Entries: large-scale global 3D Full particle simulations.
    Cai; D.; B. Lembege; K-I; Nishikawa; +蔡 東生
    EGU (European Geophysical Union) 2010/2010-04-01
  • Impact of Cusp Boundary Formation and Particle Entries during IMF rotation from Northward to Southward in Large-scale global 3D Full particle simulations
    Cai; D S; Lembege; B; Nishikawa; K; +蔡 東生
    AGU (American Geophysical Union) Fall Meting 2009/2009-12-01
  • Lorenz-like Bifurcation in Magnetotail
    Cai; D.; B. Lembege; and K.-I. Nishikawa; +蔡 東生
    The 9th International School for Space Simula- tions (ISSS-9)/2009-07-01
  • 3D Global electromagnetic full particle simulation of magnetosphere
    Cai; D.; B. Lembege; and K.-I. Nishikawa; +蔡 東生
    The 2nd International Space Weather Conference/2009-08-01
  • Synesthetic Color Scheme in Fantasia
    Cai; D.; S. Goto; T. Shinohara; N. Nagata; J. Kurumisawa; a...
    SIGGRAPH 2010/2010-07-01
  • 3D Full Particle Simulations of the Solar Wind-Terrestrial Magnetosphere Interaction: Impact of the IMF Rotation on the Magnetosphere Dynamics
    DongSheng Cai; Weifeng Tao (University of Tsukuba); Bertr...
    Asia Oceania Geosciences Society (AOGS) 2009/2009-08-01
  • Visual Zen Art: Visual Measurement of Aesthetic Cognitive Dissonance in Japanese Dry-Stone Gardens
    DongSheng Cai; Shigenori Mochizuki; Yun Wang; Nobuyoshi ...
    SIGGRAPH 2009/2009-08-01
  • モルフォチョウの構造色研究の現状
    木下修一; 神戸亮; 朱棟; 蔡東生
  • Hysteresis of the terrestrial magnetosphere as the southward IMF varies : a 3D PIC global simulation analysis,
    Cai; D; Tao; W; Lembege; B; Nishikawa; K; ; +蔡 東生
    AGU Fall meeting 2008,/2008-12-01
  • Signatures of substorm triggering in the magnetotail during IMF
    Lembege B.; Cai D.; Tao W.; Nishikawa K.
    EGU General Assembly 2008./2008-04-01
  • Lorenz-like Bifurcation in Magnetotail
    D. Cai; B. Lembege; and K.-I. Nishikawa
    9th International School for Space Simulations (ISSS-9)/2008-07-01
  • 3D Full particle simulations of the solar wind-terrestrial magnetosphere interaction : impact of the IMF rotation from north to south
    D. Cai; W-F. Tao; B. Lembege; and K.-I. Nishikawa
    Huntsville Workshop 2008:The Physical Processes for Energy and Plasma Transport across Magnetic Boundaries/2008-10-01
  • 3D Full particle simulations of the solar wind-terrestrial magnetosphere interaction  : impact of the IMF rotation on the magnetosphere dynamics
    D.Cai; W-F. Tao; B. Lembege; and K.-I. Nishikawa; +蔡 東生
    Asia Oceania Geosciences Society (AOGS) 2008,/2008-06-01
Professional activities
2009 -- (current)Asia Oceania Geophysical SocietyConvener, ”Multiscale processes at outer natural frontiers of terrestrial and planetary magnetospheres” of AOGS in Singapore, 11-15 August, 2009.
-- (current)Geophysical AnnalsReferee
-- (current)Journal of Computational PhysicsReferee
-- (current)Journal of Geophysical ResearchReferee
-- (current)Physics of Fluidsreferee
-- (current)Physics of PlasmasReferee
University Management
2008-04 -- (current)学園祭委員学園祭の実施、指導
2008-04 -- (current)公務員試験指導委員公務員試験の指導、アドバイス
Other activities
2016-11 -- (current)フジテレビ, 特ダネ, 金、画像解析に関する取材,2016年11月18日
2016-10 -- (current)NHK,「ららら♪クラシック」共感覚に関する取材出演
2016-07 -- (current)フジテレビ新報道2001、豊洲市場に関する画像解析依頼,2016年7月
It is always enjoyable to working with nice people. For innovation, the most important point is the people and how we can conduct them and have a common aim.

(Last updated: 2024-04-25)