- Affiliation
- Center for Computational Sciences
- Official title
- Associate Professor
- )K8;8EFZie:JcKJLBL98c8:cAG
- Research fields
Foundations of mathematics/Applied mathematics - Research keywords
Linear systems Krylov subspace methods Block Krylov subspace methods Eigenvalue problems Parallel computing - Research projects
Development of a fast and high-accuracy hierarchical parallel solver for saddle point problems 2023-04 -- 2026-03 TADANO Hiroto Japan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C) 4,550,000Yen Development of a hierarchical parallel numerical algorithm for saddle point problems 2020-04 -- 2024-03 TADANO Hiroto Japan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C) 4,160,000Yen Development of high accuracy and high performance algorithms for linear systems with multiple right-hand sides 2015-04 -- 2017-03 Hiroto Tadano Japan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B) 2,600,000Yen Development of fast and accurate methods for solving linear systems with multiple right-hand sides and their application to scientific computations 2010 -- 2013-03 TADANO Hiroto Japan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B) 3,120,000Yen Numerical Computation Algorithms for Large-scale Parallel Environment 2010-04 -- 2015-03 TAKAHASHI Daisuke Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS)/Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas (Research in a proposed research area) 450,000Yen Development of Complete Meshless Scheme for Finite Node Method and Boundary Node Method and Technological Application 2010 -- 2013-03 IKUNO Soichiro Japan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) 325,000Yen Development and Application of a Method for Generalized Eigenvalue 2009 -- 2012-03 SAKURAI Tetsuya Japan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A) 1,600,000Yen A development of fast solvers for large-scale linear systems and its application to the parallel eigensolver. 2008 -- 2010-03 TADANO Hiroto Japan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (Start-up) 3,198,000Yen - Career history
2006-04 -- 2007-03 Japan Science and Technology AgencyResearcher 2007-04 -- 2008-02 Kyoto UniversityGraduate School of InformaticsJSPS Research Associate 2008-03 -- 2011-09 Graduate School of Systems and Information EngineeringUniversity of TsukubaAssistant Professor 2011-10 -- 2016-03 University of TsukubaFaculty of Engineering, Information and SystemsAssistant Professor 2016-04 -- 2024-11 University of TsukubaCenter for Computational SciencesAssistant Professor 2024-12 -- (current) University of TsukubaCenter for Computational SciencesAssociate Professor - Academic background
1997-04 -- 2001-03 Yamagata University Faculty of Engineering Department of Electrical and Information Engineering 2001-04 -- 2003-03 University of Tsukuba Graduate School, Division of Science and Engineering 理工学専攻 2003-04 -- 2006-03 University of Tsukuba Graduate School of Systems and Information Engineering Department of Computer Science - Degree
2006-03 Ph. D. in Engineering University of Tsukuba - Academic societies
2019-02 -- (current) JAPAN SOCIETY FOR SIMULATION TECHNOLOGY 2012-10 -- (current) Information Processing Society of Japan 2002 -- (current) The Japan Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics - Honors & Awards
2023-12 The 42nd JSST Annual International Conference on Simulation Technology (JSST2023) Outstanding Presentation Award 2011-04-27 日本応用数理学会 第7回 若手優秀講演賞 2008-01-18 2008年ハイパフォーマンスコンピューティングと計算科学シンポジウム(HPCS2008)最優秀論文賞 - Articles
- GH200の予備性能評価
塙 敏博; 建部 修見; 中島 研吾; 朴 泰祐; 三木 洋平; 下川辺 隆史; 山崎 一哉; 住元...
研究報告ハイパフォーマンスコンピューティング(HPC)/2024-HPC-195(4)/pp.1-11, 2024-08 - Parallel calculations of the extremely large number of MPI processes in Fugaku
NAKANO Hiroki; TODOROKI Norikazu; TADANO Hiroto
Proc. of The 42nd JSST Annual International Conference on Simulation Technology (JSST2023)/pp.21-24, 2023-08 - Development and performance evaluation of the Block GPBiCGrQ method with variable grouping strategy
Tadano Hiroto
Proc. of The 42nd JSST Annual International Conference on Simulation Technology (JSST2023)/pp.55-58, 2023-08 - Memory Consumption of Highly Process-Parallel Jobs in Fugaku
中野 博生; 轟木 義一; 多田野 寛人
Transaction of the Japan Society for Simulation Technology/15(2)/pp.56-63, 2023-09 - Development and performance evaluation of the Block-product type iterative methods with the variable grouping strategy
Tadano Hiroto
Journal of Advanced Simulation in Science and Engineering/11(1)/pp.32-53, 2024-03 - Implementation of a hierarchical parallel solver for saddle point problems on a GPU cluster
Tadano Hiroto
Proc. of The 41st JSST Annual International Conference on Simulation Technology (JSST2022)/pp.220-223, 2022-08 - Implementation and performance evaluation of a hierarchical parallel solver for saddle point problems on a GPU cluster,
Tadano Hiroto
Journal of Advanced Simulation in Science and Engineering/10(1)/pp.116-131, 2023-04 - Application and performance evaluation of a method using block structures for saddle point problems appearing in image reconstruction problems
Ishikawa Shota; Tadano Hiroto; Saitoh Ayumu
JSIAM Letters/14/pp.115-118, 2022-08 - The Haldane Gap of the S=1 Heisenberg Antiferromagnetic Chain
Nakano Hiroki; Tadano Hiroto; Todoroki Norikazu; Sakai Toru
JOURNAL OF THE PHYSICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN/91(7), 2022-07 - A Numerical Study on the Acceleration of Solution of Saddle Point Problems by Using Block Krylov Subspace Methods
Tadano Hiroto; Ishikawa Shota
Proc. of 19th Biennial IEEE Conference on Electromagnetic Field Computation/pp.259-259, 2020-11 - Parallelized GPU Code of City-Level Large Eddy Simulation
Tsuji Daisuke; Boku Taisuke; Ikeda Ryosaku; Sato Takuto; ...
Proceedings of Int. Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Computing (ISPDC) 2020, 2020-07 - Accuracy Improvement of Approximate Solutions Generated by the Method for Solving Saddle Point Problems Using Block Structure
Tadano Hiroto; Shota Ishikawa
Proc. of IEEE 19th Biennial Conference on Electromagnetic Field Computation (CEFC 2020), 2021-06 - An efficient approach for solving saddle point problems using block structure
Tadano Hiroto; Ishikawa Shota
Journal of Advanced Simulation in Science and Engineering/8(1)/pp.114-127, 2021-04 - Accuracy Improvement of the Block Product-type Iterative Methods for Linear Systems with Multiple Right-Hand Sides
倉本 亮世; 多田野 寛人
Transactions of the Japan Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics/30(4)/pp.290-319, 2020-12 - 都市気象コードCity-LESの並列GPU実装の最適化と性能評価
朴 泰祐; 辻 大亮; 多田野 寛人; 池田 亮作; 佐藤 拓人; 日下博幸
情報処理学会研究報告ハイパフォーマンスコンピューティング(HPC)/2019-HPC-170(5)/pp.1-9, 2019-07 - Development of the Block BiCGGR2 method for linear systems with multiple right-hand sides
Tadano Hiroto
JAPAN JOURNAL OF INDUSTRIAL AND APPLIED MATHEMATICS/36(2)/pp.563-577, 2019-07 - Accuracy improvement of the Block BiCGSTAB method for linear systems with multiple right-hand sides by group-wise updating technique
Tadano Hiroto; Kuramoto Ryosei
Journal of Advanced Simulation in Science and Engineering/6(1)/pp.100-117, 2019-03 - 局地気象シミュレーションで現れる線形方程式に対する前処理の評価
平野光・多田野寛人・櫻井鉄也・池田亮作・日下博幸; 多田野寛人; 櫻井鉄也; 池田亮作; +日下 博幸
日本応用数理学会2011年度年会予稿集, 2011-09 - Accuracy improvement of the Shifted Block BiCGGR method for linear systems with multiple shifts and multiple right-hand sides
Tadano Hiroto; Saito Shusaku; Imakura Akira
Proceedings of International Workshop on Eigenvalue Problems: Algorithms; Software and Applications, in Petascale Computing (EPASA)/117/pp.171-185, 2017-10 - Development of the Shifted Block BiCGSTAB(l) Method and Improvement of Its Accuracy
齋藤 周作; 多田野 寛人; 今倉 暁
Transactions of the Japan Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics/26(3)/pp.318-352, 2016 - Application of block Krylov subspace algorithms to the Wilson-Dirac equation with multiple right-hand sides in lattice QCD
Sakurai T.; Tadano H.; Kuramashi Y.
COMPUTER PHYSICS COMMUNICATIONS/181(1)/pp.113-117, 2010-01 - A method for estimating a distribution of eigenvalues using the AMLS method
先崎 健太; 多田野 寛人; 櫻井 鉄也
Transactions of the Japan Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics/17(4)/pp.511-521, 2007-12 - A Krylov subspace method for shifted linear systems and its application to eigenvalue problems
小笠原 匡; 多田野 寛人; 櫻井 鉄也; 伊藤 祥司
Transactions of the Japan Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics/14(3)/pp.193-205, 2004-09 - A Moment-Based Method for Large-Scale Generalized Eigenvalue Problems
Tetsuya SAKURAI; Hiroto TADANO; Yuichi INADOMI; Umpei NA...
Applied Numerical Analysis and Computational Mathematics/1(3)/p.516-523, 2004-12 - A Stabilization of the CGS Method by Avoiding Near-Breakdown
Hiroto TADANO; Tetsuya SAKURAI
Proceedings of International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics 2005 (ICNAAM 2005)/p.510-513, 2005-09 - more...
- GH200の予備性能評価
- Books
- 1.2 反復法, 1.2.1 定常反復法, 1.2.2 クリロフ部分空間反復法
多田野 寛人
数値線形代数の数理とHPC/共立出版/pp.31-50, 2018-08 - A Method for Finding Zeros of Polynomial Equations using a Contour Integral Based Eigensolver
Sakurai Tetsuya; Asakura Junko; Tadano Hiroto; Ikegami T...
SNC'09: PROCEEDINGS OF THE 2009 INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON SYMBOLIC-NUMERIC COMPUTATION/ASSOC COMPUTING MACHINERY/pp.143-147, 2009-01 - A method for avoiding breakdown in product-type iterative methods and its behavior for Toeplitz linear systems
Tadano H; Sakurai T
ICNAAM 2004: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON NUMERICAL ANALYSIS AND APPLIED MATHEMATICS 2004/WILEY-V C H VERLAG GMBH/pp.384-387, 2004-01 - A moment-based method for large scale eigenvalue problems
Sakurai T; Tadano H; Inadomi Y; Nagashima U
- 1.2 反復法, 1.2.1 定常反復法, 1.2.2 クリロフ部分空間反復法
- Conference, etc.
- Preliminary Performance Evaluation of Grace-Hopper GH200
Hanawa Toshihiro; Nakajima Kengo; Miki Yohei; Shimokaw...
IEEE Cluster 2024/2024-09-24--2024-09-27 - GH200の予備性能評価
塙 敏博; 建部 修見; 中島 研吾; 朴 泰祐; 三木 洋平; 下川辺 隆史; 山崎 一哉; 住元 真司; 高橋...
第195回ハイパフォーマンスコンピューティング研究発表会(SWoPP2024)/2024-08-08--2024-08-09 - Parallel calculations of the extremely large number of MPI processes in Fugaku
Nakano Hiroki; Todoroki Norikazu; Tadano Hiroto
The 42nd JSST Annual International Conference on Simulation Technology (JSST2023)/2023-08-29--2023-08-31 - Development and performance evaluation of the Block GPBiCGrQ method with variable grouping strategy
多田野 寛人
The 42nd JSST Annual International Conference on Simulation Technology (JSST2023)/2023-08-29--2023-08-31 - 鞍点型連立一次方程式の階層並列型解法に対する漸化式動的グループ化反復法の適用と性能評価
多田野 寛人
日本応用数理学会 第20回研究部会連合発表会/2024-03-04--2024-03-06 - 富岳における大規模並列化による量子スピン系シミュレーション
中野 博生; 轟木 義一; 多田野 寛人; 坂井 徹
日本物理学会第78回年次大会/2023-09-16--2023-09-19 - Implementation of a hierarchical parallel solver for saddle point problems on a GPU cluster
Tadano Hiroto
The 41st JSST Annual International Conference on Simulation Technology (JSST2022)/2022-08-31--2022-09-02 - 漸化式の可変的グループ化によるBlock GWBiCGSTAB法の性能改善
齋藤 颯人; 多田野 寛人
【非線形問題の高性能解法と可視化技術に関する研究会】2022年度第1回研究会/2023-03-14--2023-03-15 - 鞍点型連立一次方程式に対する階層並列型数値解法のGPUによる高速化
多田野 寛人
【非線形問題の高性能解法と可視化技術に関する研究会】2022年度第1回研究会/2023-03-14--2023-03-15 - 複数右辺連立一次方程式に対するブロック・グローバル混合型反復法の構築と性能評価
菅沼 夏樹; 多田野 寛人
日本応用数理学会2022年度年会/2022-09-08--2022-09-10 - GPUクラスタにおける鞍点型連立一次方程式に対する階層並列型解法の実装と性能評価
多田野 寛人
日本応用数理学会2022年度年会/2022-09-08--2022-09-10 - 富岳を用いた量子スピン系の大規模並列数値対角化計算の現状
中野 博生; 轟木 義一; 多田野 寛人; 坂井 徹
日本物理学会2022年秋季大会/2022-09-12--2022-09-15 - 画像再構成問題で現れる鞍点型連立一次方程式に対するブロック構造を利用した前処理の適用と性能評価
石川 翔大; 多田野 寛人; 齋藤 歩
日本応用数理学会2021年度年会/2021-09-07--2021-09-09 - Group-wise更新によるBlock GPBiCG法の近似解精度改善
多田野 寛人; 倉本 亮世
日本応用数理学会2021年度年会/2021-09-07--2021-09-09 - A parallelization strategy for incomplete decomposition-based preconditioning for solving linear systems
Yamashita Taiga; Itoh Taku; Tadano Hiroto
The 40th JSST Annual International Conference on Simulation Technology (JSST2021)/2021-09-01--2021-09-03 - Parallel implementation of the approach for solving saddle point problems using block structure
Tadano Hiroto
The 40th JSST Annual International Conference on Simulation Technology (JSST2021)/2021-09-01--2021-09-03 - Parallelized GPU Code of City-Level Large Eddy Simulation
Tsuji Daisuke; Boku Taisuke; Ikeda Ryosaku; Sato Taku...
19th International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Computing (ISPDC)/2020-07-05--2020-07-08 - 3次元モデル再構成問題に現れる鞍点型連立一次方程式の求解高速化
石川 翔大; 多田野 寛人; 齋藤 歩
【非線形問題の解法と可視化に関する研究会】2020年度第1回研究会/2021-03-23--2021-03-24 - 3次元モデル再構成問題に現れる鞍点型連立一次方程式に対する前処理付き反復法の性能評価
石川 翔大; 多田野 寛人; 齋藤 歩
日本応用数理学会 第17回研究部会連合発表会/2021-03-04--2021-03-05 - 3次元モデル再構成問題に現れる鞍点型連立一次方程式に対する前処理付き反復法の開発
石川 翔大; 多田野 寛人; 齋藤 歩
日本応用数理学会「行列・固有値問題の解法とその応用」研究部会 第30回研究会/2020-12-07--2020-12-07 - A Numerical Study on the Acceleration of Solution of Saddle Point Problems by Using Block Krylov Subspace Methods
Tadano Hiroto; Ishikawa Shota
19th Biennial IEEE Conference on Electromagnetic Field Computation (CEFC 2020)/2020-11-16--2020-11-18 - Saddle Point Problemに関する一考察と高速解法への展望
多田野 寛人
【非線形問題の解法と可視化に関する研究会】2019年度第1回研究会/2019-09-25--2019-09-26 - 漸化式動的グループ化によるBlock GWBiCGSTAB法の収束性・近似解精度改善
多田野 寛人
日本応用数理学会2019年度年会/2019-09-03--2019-09-05 - ブロック積型反復解法の近似解精度劣化の原因解析と高精度化
倉本 亮世; 多田野 寛人
日本応用数理学会2019年度年会/2019-09-03--2019-09-05 - Block GWBiCGSTAB法における漸化式動的グループ化の性能評価
多田野 寛人
2019年並列/分散/協調処理に関する『北見』サマー・ワークショップ(SWoPP2019)/2019-07-24--2019-07-26 - more...
- Preliminary Performance Evaluation of Grace-Hopper GH200
- Teaching
2024-10 -- 2025-02 Computer Science Seminar Af University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2025-02 Computer Science Seminar Bf University of Tsukuba. 2024-04 -- 2024-08 Research in Computer Science Is University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2025-02 Research in Computer Science IIf University of Tsukuba. 2024-04 -- 2024-08 Computer Science Seminar B University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2025-02 Computer Science Seminar B University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2025-02 Research in Computer Science D University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2025-02 Research in Computer Science B University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2025-02 Research in Computer Science f University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2025-02 Research in Computer Science A University of Tsukuba. more... - Professional activities
2022-07 -- (current) JAPAN SOCIETY FOR SIMULATION TECHNOLOGY 理事 2021-12 -- 2023-08 10th International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics (ICIAM2023): Local Scientific Program Committee 2022-11 -- 2023-09 JAPAN SOCIETY FOR SIMULATION TECHNOLOGY The 42nd JSST Annual International Conference on Simulation Technology (JSST2023): Committee Member 2022-01 -- 2022-09 JAPAN SOCIETY FOR SIMULATION TECHNOLOGY The 41st JSST Annual International Conference on Simulation Technology (JSST2022): Publication Co-Chair 2023-04 -- (current) JAPAN SOCIETY FOR SIMULATION TECHNOLOGY 「非線形現象の高性能数値解析技術研究委員会」運営委員 2019-10 -- 2023-03 JAPAN SOCIETY FOR SIMULATION TECHNOLOGY 「非線形現象の高性能数値解析技術研究委員会」副委員長 2021-03 -- 2021-09 JAPAN SOCIETY FOR SIMULATION TECHNOLOGY The 40th JSST Annual International Conference on Simulation Technology (JSST2021): Publication Co-Chair 2020-01 -- 2020-04 JAPAN SOCIETY FOR SIMULATION TECHNOLOGY The 39th JSST Annual International Conference on Simulation Technology (JSST2020): Publication Co-Chair 2018-10 -- 2019-08 48th International Conference on Parallel Processing (ICPP2019): Deputy Chair 2019-01 -- 2019-11 JAPAN SOCIETY FOR SIMULATION TECHNOLOGY The 38th JSST Annual International Conference on Simulation Technology (JSST2019): Publication Co-Chair more... - University Management
2024-04 -- (current) 総合学域群クラス担任 2023-06 -- 2023-12 ホームカミングデー委員 2023-04 -- (current) 情報工学域計算機運用委員会 2023-04 -- (current) 情報理工学位P広報委員会 2023-04 -- (current) 情報理工学位Pカリキュラム委員会 2022-04 -- 2024-03 学生生活支援室室員 2021-09 -- 2022-06 情報科学類教育用計算機仕様策定委員会 WG 委員 2021-04 -- 2023-03 情報科学類情報特別演習世話人 2021-04 -- 2023-03 情報理工学位P・CS専攻英語プログラム推進室 2019-04 -- 2021-03 CS専攻カリキュラム委員会 more...
(Last updated: 2025-02-13)