AMAGASA Toshiyuki
- Refereed academic journal/Refereed international conference paper
- On Two Query Interfaces for Genome XML Databases
Masatoshi Yoshikawa; Toshiyuki Amagasa; Dao Dinh Kha; Ken...
IEEE Workshop on XML-Enabled Wide Area Search in Bioinformatics (XEWA), 2000-12 - A Framework for Sharing Personal Annotations on Web Resources using XML
Takeshi Sannomiya; Toshiyuki Amagasa; Masatoshi Yoshikaw...
Workshop on Information Technology for Virtual Enterprises (ITVE)/p.40-48, 2001-01 - The L-index: An Indexing Structure for Efficient Subsequence Matching in Time Sequence Databases
Yuu Morinaka; Masatoshi Yoshikawa; Toshiyuki Amagasa; and...
International Workshop on Mining Spatial and Temporal Data/p.51-60, 2001-04 - Realizing Temporal XML Repositories using Temporal Relational Databases
Toshiyuki Amagasa; Masatoshi Yoshikawa; and Shunsuke Uemura
3rd International Symposium on Cooperative Database Systems for Advanced Applications (CODAS'2001)/p.63-67, 2001-04 - XRel: A Path-Based Approach to Storage and Retrieval of XML Documents using Relational Databases
Masatoshi Yoshikawa; Toshiyuki Amagasa; Takeyuki Shimura...
ACM Transactions on Internet Technology (TOIT)/1(1)/p.110-141, 2001-06 - Digest Creation of Video Data recorded by Wearable Cameras using Locational and Geographical Information
Takamasa Ueda; Toshiyuki Amagasa; Masatoshi Yoshikawa; an...
First International Workshop on Wireless Information Systems (WIS-2002)/p.94-105, 2002-04 - A System for Retrieval and Digest Creation of Video Data Based on Geographic Objects
Takamasa Ueda; Toshiyuki Amagasa; Masatoshi Yoshikawa; an...
13th International Conference on Database and Expert Systems Applications (DEXA 2002)/p.768-778, 2002-09 - A Data Model for Reconstructable Kanji Documents using XML
Masatoshi Ishikawa; Kenji Hatano; Toshiyuki Amagasa; Shun...
IASTED International Conference on Information Systems and Databases (ISDB 2002)/p.258-263, 2002-09 - QRS: A Robust Numbering Scheme for XML Documents
Toshiyuki Amagasa; Masatoshi Yoshikawa; and Shunsuke Uemura
19th International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE 2003)/p.705-707, 2002-09 - XML木のための更新に強い節点ラベル付け手法
江田毅晴; 天笠俊之; 吉川正俊; 植村俊亮
日本データベース学会Letters/1(1)/p.35-38, 2002-10 - ウェアラブルコンピューティング環境におけるMPEG-7出版を利用した映像検索システム
兵清弘; 天笠俊之; 吉川正俊; 植村俊亮
日本データベース学会Letters/1(2)/p.28-30, 2003-03 - Broadcasting Geographic Information with Levels-of-details to Moving Objects
Yong Luo; Toshiyuki Amagasa; Masatoshi Yoshikawa; and Sh...
2003 IEEE Pacific Rim Conference on Communications, Computers and Signal Processing (PACRIM '03)/p.891-894, 2003-08 - An Indexing Scheme for RDF and RDF Schema based on Suffix Array
Akiyoshi Matono; Toshiyuki Amagasa; Masatoshi Yoshikawa; ...
First International Workshop on Semantic Web and Databases (SWDB)/p.151-168, 2003-09 - 歴史的文献画像のための電子スクラップブックシステム
石川正敏; 波多野賢治; 天笠俊之; 植村俊亮; 勝村哲也
情報処理学会論文誌:データベース/44(SIG 12 (TOD 19))/p.110-122, 2003-09 - An Efficient Pathway Search using an Indexing Scheme for RDF
Akiyoshi Matono; Toshiyuki Amagasa; Masatoshi Yoshikawa; ...
14th International Conference on Genome Informatics (GIW2003)/p.374-375, 2003-12 - A System for Visualizing Gene Expressions using Metabolic Networks
Ryoko Tamaru; Toshiyuki Amagasa; Masatoshi Yoshikawa; and...
14th International Conference on Genome Informatics (GIW2003)/p.340-341, 2003-12 - 地理情報の詳細度を考慮した移動オブジェクト群への情報配信
羅勇; 天笠俊之; 吉川正俊; 植村俊亮
日本データベース学会Letters/2(1)/p.7-10, 2003-01 - An Access Control Model for Geographic Data in an XML-based Framework
Bat-Odon Purevjii; Toshiyuki Amagasa; Sayaka Imai; and Y...
2nd Int'l Workshop on Security In Information Systems (WOSIS-2004)/p.251-260, 2004-04 - A Predicate Based Query Language for User-Specified Document Organization
Kenji Hanakawa; Toshiyuki Amagasa; Kenji Hatano; Jun Miy...
8th World Multiconference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics (SCI 2004)/1/p.154-159, 2004-07 - リージョンディレクトリを用いた関係データベースによる大規模XMLデータ処理
天笠俊之; 植村俊亮
日本データベース学会Letters/3(2)/p.33-36, 2004-09 - Analyzing the Properties of XML Fragments Decomposed from the INEX Document Collection
Kenji Hatano; Hiroko Kinutani; Toshiyuki Amagasa; Yasuhir...
INEX 2004/p.168-182, 2004-12 - Temporal Versioning of XML Documents
Vilas Wuwongse; Masatoshi Yoshikawa; and Toshiyuki Amaga...
7th Int'l Conf. of Asian Digital Libraries (ICADL 2004)/p.419-428, 2004-12 - A Method for Comparing Microarray Data of Different Species
Kenji Hagimoto; Jun Miyazaki; Shigehiko Kanaya; Naotake ...
15th International Conference on Genome Informatics (GIW2004)/p.77-1-77-2, 2004-12 - Dynamic Range Labeling for XML Trees
Takeharu Eda; Yasushi Sakurai; Toshiyuki Amagasa; Masatos...
Current Trends in Database Technology - EDBT 2004 Workshops/p.230-239, 2004-01 - A Path-based Relational RDF Database
Akiyoshi Matono; Toshiyuki Amagasa; Masatoshi Yoshikawa; Shu...
The Sixteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC 2005)/pp.95-103, 2005-01 - more...
- On Two Query Interfaces for Genome XML Databases