- Conference, etc.
- Moving Object Detection by a Moving Mobile Robot with Stereo Vision
田所; 森川; 坪内; +坪内 孝司
2011 JSME Conf. on Robotics and Mechatronics____1P1-M09/2011-05 - Extraction of Rocks by Image Processing in Primary Crushing Room of Mine
川部; 坪内; 皿田; +坪内 孝司
2011 JSME Conf. on Robotics and Mechatronics____1A1-C05/2011-05 - Autonomous Navigation of a Small Bike Robot in Indoor Hallway Environment
中林; 竹囲; 坪内; 奥村; +坪内 孝司
The 16th Robotics Symposia____544-550/2011-03 - An approach of Okugai-gumi in the Intelligent Robot Lab. at U. of Tsukuba for Tsukuba Challenge 2010
坪内; 森川; I.Anusorn; 岡田; 椎名; 阪東; 木下; 識名; 清水; 谷垣; 木村; 田所; +坪内 孝司
11th SICE System Integration Division Annual Conference (SI2010)____3A2-3/2010-12 - Experiment of Navigation in Indoor Environment by an Autonomous Unicycle Robot with Wide-Type Wheel
竹囲; 奥村; 坪内; 清水; +坪内 孝司
The 28th Annual Conference of the Robotics Society of Japan____2Q2-7/2010-09 - Three-dimensional map building for forest structure analysis applying ICP
近藤; 塩沢; 望月; 坪内; 富村; 望月; 佐々木; 速水; +坪内 孝司
The 28th Annual Conference of the Robotics Society of Japan____3I3-8/2010-09 - Defining a Search Tree for Rescue Robot Navigation in Random Step Environment: Translation Step
E.Magid; T.Tsubouchi; +坪内 孝司
2010 JSME Conf. on Robotics and Mechatronics____1A1-B23/2010-06 - Three-dimensional map building for forest structure analysis using SOKUIKI sensor
近藤; 塩沢; 坪内 孝司; 富村; 望月; 佐々木; 速水
2010 JSME Conf. on Robotics and Mechatronics____1A1-D16/2010-06 - The indoor localization of mobile robot that uses Ceiling joint pattern
岡田; 坪内 孝司; 細田; 一野瀬
2010 JSME Conf. on Robotics and Mechatronics____1A2-E12/2010-06 - Indoor autonomous navigation of a small sized bike robot
中林; 竹囲; 坪内; 鶴田; +坪内 孝司
2010 JSME Conf. on Robotics and Mechatronics____2P1-E22/2010-06 - Developement of Autonomous Unicycle Robot withWide-Type Wheel
竹囲; 奥村; 坪内 孝司
2010 JSME Conf. on Robotics and Mechatronics____2P1-F13/2010-06 - Study on Autonomous Navigation of a Mobile Robot Using Stereo Vision In Outdoor Environment
森川 直樹; 坪内 孝司
2010 JSME Conf. on Robotics and Mechatronics____2P1-G03/2010-06 - Autonomous Re-alignment of Multiple Table Robots
Y.Sawada; T.Tsubouchi; +坪内 孝司
____1098-1099/2010-05 - Probabilistic Localization with Scan Matching and Determining Likelihood Distribution based on Normal Direction Constraints of a Point Cloud
原; 坪内; 油田; +坪内 孝司
The 15th Robotics Symposia____270-275/2010-03 - Synchronization Phenomena from an Extremely Simplified Piecewise-Constant Driven Oscillator
坪根; 稲葉; 坪内; 吉永; +坪内 孝司
The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers (IEICE) Technical Report(NLP2009-167)__109_458_53-58/2010-03 - Mobile Robot Test Run Experiments in Public Streets -Tsukuba Challenge-
Proceedings of The 2010 Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers (IEICE) General Conf.____DP-1-1/2010-03 - An approach of Okugai-gumi in the Intelligent Robot Lab. at U. of Tsukuba for Tsukuba Challenge 2009
坪内; 森川; 澤田; A.Chand; 阪東; 岡田; 椎名; 腰原; 識名; 木下; Y.Morales; +坪内 孝司
10th SICE System Integration Division Annual Conf. (SI2009)____3B2-6/2009-12 - Visual Approach of "Okugaigumi" in Tsukuba Challenge 2009
森川; A.Chand; 木下; 坪内; +坪内 孝司
____3B2-4/2009-12 - A development of a small-sized pole mounted Stereo camera system for confined space search
桑野; 坪内; 土井; +坪内 孝司
10th SICE System Integration Division Annual Conf. (SI2009)____2M2-5/2009-12 - Development of the advanced search and rescue tools driven with water pressure and compressed air
土井; 青木; 広瀬; 鈴森; 坪内; +坪内 孝司
10th SICE System Integration Division Annual Conf. (SI2009)____2M1-4/2009-12 - Vehicle 3D Localization in Mountainous Woodland Environments.
Morales Yoichi; Tsubouchi Takashi; Yuta Shin'ichi
IEEE RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems/2009-10-10--2009-10-15 - 会議室机型ロボットによる複数台自動整列のための動作計画
澤田; 坪内; +坪内 孝司
____1Q1-01/2009-09 - 狭隘空間探査のための小型左右完全同期ステレオカメラシステムの開発
桒野; 坪内; +坪内 孝司
____1G2-06/2009-09 - スキャン点群の接線方向に基づく尤度分布決定モデルを用いた確率的スキャンマッチングによる自己位置推定
原; 坪内; 油田; +坪内 孝司
____1F3-03/2009-09 - 小割作業の自動化のための実験室環境における岩石の認識と操作
並木; 坪内; 皿田; 小柳; +坪内 孝司
____2R1-01/2009-09 - more...
- Moving Object Detection by a Moving Mobile Robot with Stereo Vision