KAMEDA Yoshinari

Researcher's full information

  • Read-the-game: System for skill-based visual exploratory activity assessment with a full body virtual reality soccer simulation
    Ferrer Cesar Daniel Rojas; Shishido Hidehiko; Kitahara I...
    PLoS ONE/15(3), 2020-03
  • Method of Multiview Video Switching for Soccer Game Analysis in Large Scale Space
    Shishido Hidehiko; Okada Yosuke; Kameda Yoshinari; Koido ...
    ITE Transactions on Media Technology and Applications,/8(2)/pp.70-80, 2020-04
  • スマートシェアードスペースの実現に向けた取り組み
    山本 早里; 伊藤誠; 岡瑞起; 亀田能成; 矢野博明; 川本雅之
    IEICE Human Communication Group Symposium/A2, 2018-12
  • A Virtual Reality System Simulating Being on Board an Autonomous Vehicle to Investigate the Effect of an AR Display on Passenger Comfort
    Sakamura Yuki; Tomita Akitoshi; Shishido Hidehiko; Mizuta...
    Proceedings of International Workshop on Comfort Intelligence with AR for Autonomous Vehicle, 2018-10
  • Generation Method for Immersive Bullet-Time Video Using an Omnidirectional Camera in VR Platform
    Takeuchi Oto; Shishido Hidehiko; Kameda Yoshinari; Kim H...
    Proceedings of ACM MM2018 Workshop on Audio-Visual Scene Understanding for Immersive Multimedia/pp.19-26, 2018-10
  • An On-site Visual Feedback Method Using Bullet-Time Video
    Nagai Takasuke; Shishido Hidehiko; Kameda Yoshinari; Kita...
    Proceedings of ACM MM2018 First International Workshop on Multimedia Content Analysis in Sports/pp.39-44, 2018-10
  • A Method to Collect Multi-view Images of High Importance Using Disaster Map and Crowdsourcing
    Kobayashi Koyo; Shishido Hidehiko; Kameda Yoshinari; Kita...
    Proceedings of The Second IEEE Workshop on Human-in-the-loop Methods and Human Machine Collaboration in BigData (IEEE HMData2018), 2018-12
  • A Calibration Method of Floor Projection System for Learning Aids at School Gym
    Xie Chun; Shishido Hidehiko; Oki Mika; Kameda Yoshinari; ...
    Proceedings of 3rd IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, Applications and Systems (IPAS 2018), 2018-12
  • Development of Multi-View Video Browsing Interface Specialized for Developmental Child Training
    Kitamura Nobuyuki; Shishido Hidehiko; Kameda Yoshinari; E...
    Proceedings of Asia Pacific Workshop on Mixed and Augmented Reality (APMAR2019), 2019-03
  • Smooth Switching Method for Asynchronous Multiple Viewpoint Videos Using Frame Interpolation
    Shishido Hidehiko; Harazaki Aoi; Kameda Yoshinari; Kitaha...
    International Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation/62/pp.68-76, 2019-07
  • Swimmer Position Estimation by Lane Rectification
    Tsumita Takayuki; Shishido Hidehiko; Kitahara Itaru; Kame...
    Proceedings of The 2019 Joint International Workshop on Advanced Image Technology, 2019-01
  • Xth Person View Video for Observation from Diverse Perspectives
    Shimura Naoki; Shishido Hidehiko; Kameda Yoshinari; Suzuk...
    Proceedings of 2018 Joint 7th International Conference on Informatics, Electronics & Vision (ICIEV) and 2018 2nd International Conference on Imaging, Vision & Pattern Recognition (icIVPR), 2018-06
  • H-3-12 VR Re-experience from Recorded Soccer Displacement Data
    張 欣博; 北原 格; 亀田 能成; 大田 友一
    Proceedings of the IEICE Engineering Sciences Society/NOLTA Society Conference/2016/p.305, 2016-03
  • H-3-13 Players Displacement based on Captured Data in a VR Soccer Training Simulation
    Daniel Cesar; Ferrer Rojas; Kitahara Itaru; Kameda Yoshinari...
    Proceedings of the IEICE Engineering Sciences Society/NOLTA Society Conference/2016/p.306, 2016-03
  • D-12-65 Multiple Camera Calibration Using Mobile Camera Images
    宍戸 英彦; 亀田 能成; 北原 格; 大田 友一
    Proceedings of the IEICE General Conference/2016(2)/p.134, 2016-03
  • D-12-83 A method to interpolate images capturing a fast-moving object
    原崎 葵; 亀田 能成; 北原 格; 大田 友一
    Proceedings of the IEICE General Conference/2016(2)/p.152, 2016-03
  • On-site Visual Feedback System with Multi-View Video Contents
    永井 隆昌; 宍戸 英彦; 亀田 能成; 北原 格
    Eizo Joho Media Gakkaishi/72(9)/pp.J119-J124, 2018
    Ferrer Cesar Daniel Rojas; Kitahara Itaru; Kameda Yoshinari
    3DTV Conference 2017: Research and Applications in Future 3D (3DTV-CON), 2017-06
    Imai Kenta; Kitahara Itaru; Kameda Yoshinari
    3DTV Conference: The True Vision - Capture, Transmission and Display of 3D Video (3DTV-CON 2017), 2017-06
  • モーションブラーを活用したバドミントン競技のシャトル追跡手法
    宍戸 英彦; 北原 格; 亀田 能成; 大田 友一
    月刊「画像ラボ」/27(7)/pp.12-19, 2016-07
  • Xth Person View Video for Observation from Diverse Perspectives
    Shimura Naoki; Shishido Hidehiko; Kameda Yoshinari; Suzuk...
    7th International Conference on Informatics, Electronics & Vision (ICIEV), 2018-06
  • Realization of a full-body immersive VR system for READ-THE-GAME skill development
    Ferrer Cesar Daniel Rojas; Shishido Hidehiko; Kitahara I...
    The 2nd Asia-Pacific Workshop on Mixed and Augmented Reality (APMAR), 2018-04
  • Bullet-Time Book: Augmentation of Visual Information in Figures by Bullet-Time Video Display
    Yi Qiu Xin; Shishido Hidehiko; Kameda Yoshinari; Kitahara...
    The 2nd Asia-Pacific Workshop on Mixed and Augmented Reality (APMAR), 2018-04
  • A Calibration Method for Large-Scale Projection Based Floor Display System
    Xie Chun; Shishido Hidehiko; Kameda Yoshinari; Suzuki Ke...
    The 25th IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces (IEEE VR 2018), 2018-03
  • Method to Generate Disaster-Damage Map using 3D photometry and Crowd Sourcing
    Kobayashi Koyo; Shishido Hidehiko; Kameda Yoshinari; Kita...
    The First IEEE Workshop on Human-Machine Collaboration in BigData (HMData2017)/pp.4397-4399, 2017-12
  • more...