MORITA Masahiko

Researcher's full information

  • Smooth recollection of a pattern sequence by nonmonotone analog neural networks
    Morita M.
    Proceedings of the 1994 IEEE International Conference on Neural Networks/2/p.1032-1037, 1994-01
  • Recognition of spatiotemporal patterns by nonmonotone neural networks
    Morita; M.; Murakami; S.; +森田 昌彦
    Proceedings of the 1997 International Conference on Neural Information Processing/1/p.6-9, 1997-01
  • Recognition of spatiotemporal patterns using a nonmonotone neural network with hidden neurons
    Murakami; S.; Morita; M.; Sakamoto; N.; +森田 昌彦
    Proceedings of the 1998 International Conference on Neural Information Processing/1/p.287-290, 1998-01
  • Top-down and bottom-up processing of spatiotemporal patterns in a fully recurrent network of nonmonotonic neurons
    Murakami; S.; Morita; M.; +森田 昌彦
    Proceedings of the 1999 International Conference on Neural Information Processing/3/p.1118-1122, 1999-01
  • A neural network model of pair-association memory in the inferotemporal cortex
    Suemitsu; A.; Morita; M.; +森田 昌彦
    Proceedings of the 1999 International Conference on Neural Information Processing/2/p.790-794, 1999-01
  • A model of memory formation in the pair-association task
    Suemitsu; A.; Morita; M.; +森田 昌彦
    Proceedings of the 2000 International Conference on Neural Information Processing/2/p.915-919, 2000-01
  • Computational examination on the dynamics of recall activity in the inferior temporal cortex
    Suemitsu; A.; Morokami; S.; Murata; K.; Morita; M.; +森田 昌彦
    Proceedings of the 2002 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks/p.136-141, 2002-01
  • A model of implicit association learning based on plasticity in the perirhinal cortex
    Morokami; S.; Suemitsu; A.; Morita; M.; +森田 昌彦
    Proceedings of the 2002 International Conference on Neural Information Processing/p.1135-1139, 2002-01
  • Context-dependent sequential recall by a trajectory attractor network with selective desensitization
    Morita; M.; Murata; K.; Morokami; S.; +森田 昌彦
    Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Neural Networks and Artificial Intelligence/p.235-238, 2003-01
  • Two-attribute hypothesis in human visual feature integration
    Morokami; S.; Morita; M.; +森田 昌彦
    Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Man-Machine Symbiotic Systems/1/p.173-180, 2004-01
  • Neural network model of context-dependent neuronal activity in inferotemporal cortex
    Suemitsu; A.; Morita; M.; +森田 昌彦
    Proceedings of the 2006 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks/p.685-690, 2006-01
  • Inference based on distributed representations using trajectory attractors.
    Yamane; K.; Hasuo; T.; Morita; M.; +森田 昌彦
    Neural Informations Processing (Part Ⅱ), Lecture Notes in Computer Science/4985/p.1065-1074, 2008-07
  • Context-dependent processing of spatiotemporal patterns based on intraction between neurodynamical systems.
    Hasuo; T.; Yamane; K.; Morita; M.; +森田 昌彦
    Advances in Cognitive Neurodynamics/p.231-236, 2008-11
  • Model of the activity of the hippocampal neurons based on the theory of selective desensitization.
    Suemitu; A.; Miyazawa; Y.; Morita; M.; +森田 昌彦
    Advances in Neural Information Processing (Part I), Lecture Notes in Computer Science/5506/p.383-390, 2009-08
  • 統計的検定を用いたパルス状雑音の低減法 - 雑音検出アルゴリズムの改良
    森田昌彦; 花泉弘; 藤村貞夫; 椿広計
    計測自動制御学会論文集/23/p.89-91, 1987-01
  • 連想記憶の海馬モデル
    電子情報通信学会論文誌(D-II)/J72-D-II/p.279-288, 1989-01
  • 自己相関連記憶の想起過程とその改良
    森田昌彦; 吉澤修治; 中野馨
    電子情報通信学会論文誌(D-II)/J73-D-II/p.232-242, 1990-01
  • 側頭葉短期記憶力学系の神経回路モデル
    電子情報通信学会論文誌(D-II)/J74-D-II/p.54-63, 1991-01
  • 非単調ダイナミクスを用いた構造をもつパターンの連想記憶
    森田昌彦; 吉澤修治; 中野馨
    電子情報通信学会論文誌(D-II)/J75-D-II/p.1884-1891, 1992-01
  • Associative memory with nonmonotone dynamics
    Morita M.
    Neural Networks/6/p.115-126, 1993-01
  • Capacity of associative memory using a nonmonotonic neuron model
    Yoshizawa; S.; Morita; M.; Amari; S.; +森田 昌彦
    Neural Networks/6/p.167-176, 1993-01
  • 非単調ダイナミクスを用いた時系列パターンの学習
    日本神経回路学会誌/1/p.69-74, 1994-01
  • 非単調ダイナミクスを用いた時系列パターンの連想記憶
    森田昌彦; 吉澤修治; 中野馨
    電子情報通信学会論文誌(D-II)/J78-D-II/p.679-688, 1995-01
  • Computational study on the neural mechanism of sequential pattern memory
    Morita M.
    Cognitive Brain Research/5(1-2)/pp.137-146, 1996-01
  • Memory and learning of sequential patterns by nonmonotone neural networks
    Morita M.
    Neural Networks/9(8)/pp.1477-1489, 1996-01
  • more...