- Articles
- Improving Safety and Reducing Size in Multicopters by Adjusting Propeller Height and Its Applications to Remote Sensing
張 鶴鳴; 李 宏陽; 廣中 直; 河合 新; 延原 肇
Agricultural Information Research/28(4)/pp.157-167, 2019 - Scalable Blockchain Protocol Based on Proof of Stake and Sharding
Gao Yuefei; Kawai Shin; Nobuhara Hajime
Journal of Advanced Computational Intelligence and Intelligent Informatics/23(5)/pp.856-863, 2019 - Stepwise PathNet: Transfer Learning Algorithm to Improve Network Structure Versatility
Nobuhara Hajime
Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics 2018, 2018-10 - A study on High Scalable Blockchain
Nobuhara Hajime
Proceedings of 47th APAN (the Asia Pacific Advanced Network), 2019-02 - Listwise Collaborative Filtering with High-Rating-Based Similarity and Simple Missing Value Estimation
Nobuhara Hajime
Journal of Japan Society for Fuzzy Theory and Intelligent Informatics/31(1)/pp.501-507, 2019-01 - On/off-policy Hybrid Deep Reinforcement Learning and Simulation in Control Tasks
王 伯楠; 河合 新; 延原 肇
Proceedings of the Annual Conference of JSAI/2019/pp.1Q2J205-1Q2J205, 2019 - L1 Regularization based Learning Method for Capsule Network
太田 望; 河合 新; 延原 肇
Proceedings of the Annual Conference of JSAI/2019/pp.1Q3J201-1Q3J201, 2019 - Recommendation System based on Generative Adversarial Network with Graph Convolutional Layers
笹川 天斗; 河合 新; 延原 肇
Proceedings of the Annual Conference of JSAI/2019/pp.1J2J601-1J2J601, 2019 - Deep learning based on GAIN for mimesis
友野 海; 延原 肇; 河合 新
Proceedings of the Annual Conference of JSAI/2019/pp.4I2J202-4I2J202, 2019 - Designing a safe drone with the Coanda effect based on a self-organizing map
Shimomura Ryo; Kawai Shin; Nobuhara Hajime
Proceedings of the 2018 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC)/pp.4171-4177, 2018-10 - Proposed Safety Drone for Agricultural Use and Optimization of Its Propulsion by Self-Organizing Map
霜村 瞭; 延原 肇
Agricultural Information Research/27(4)/pp.83-94, 2018 - Listwise Collaborative Filtering with High-Rating-Based Similarity and Simple Missing Value Estimation
Journal of Japan Society for Fuzzy Theory and Intelligent Informatics/31(1)/pp.501-507, 2019 - Three-dimensional position estimation method via AM pulse light modulation and an application to control multiple UAVs
Sukisaki Seita; Shimomura Ryo; Nobuhara Hajime
ADVANCED ROBOTICS/32(19:::SI)/pp.1023-1036, 2018-10 - 画像特徴量を利用したユーザプロファイルの拡張とローカルショップ推薦への応用
井 源; 延原 肇; 横石 圭介; 大東 佑太
Proc. of JSAI/2016/pp.1C21-1C21, 2016 - ライフログ利用履歴とユーザ群クラスタリングを用いた非Twitterユーザのプロファイリング
望月 佑樹; 延原 肇; 横石 圭介
Proc. of JSAI/2016/pp.2H54-2H54, 2016 - ビットコインのトランザクションデータベースの可視化と その為替相場分析への応用
張 丘平; 前川 廣太郎; 延原 肇
Proc. of JSAI/2014/pp.3L3OS26a3-3L3OS26a3, 2014 - 様々なデータ圧縮を用いた多言語に対応するtweetsの話題分類法の精度比較
王 駿キ; 佐藤 栄一; 延原 肇
Proc. of JSAI/2014/pp.3M43-3M43, 2014 - Proposal on Drone Control Device with Tactile Display
Sugiura Takumi; Shimomura Ryo; Nobuhara Hajime
Nobuhara Hajime
日本ロボット学会/34(2)/pp.123-126, 2016-04 - Superresolution for UAV Images via Adaptive Multiple Sparse Representation and Its Application to 3-D Reconstruction
Haris Muhammad; Watanabe Takuya; Fan Liu; Widyanto Muham...
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing/55(7)/pp.4047-4058, 2017-04 - First-order derivative-based super-resolution,
Haris Muhammad; Widyanto M. Rahmat; Nobuhara Hajime
Signal, Image and Video Processing/11(1)/pp.1-8, 2016-03 - 学生のグループ特性を考慮した群衆歩行シミュレーションと教室配置最適化への応用
延原 肇
情報処理学会論文誌/57(3)/pp.1040-1048, 2016-03 - Realization and the stability analysis simulation of the variable arm in a quad-rotor(Aerial Robot and Mechatronics (1))
杉浦 巧美; 劉 子揚; ムハマド ハリス; 苗 キ; 石井 健登; 延原 肇
ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集/2014/pp.2A1-A02(1)-2A1-A02(4), 2014-05 - 冗長性排除を考慮したTwitter上の観光地評判情報の集約と地理情報の統合視覚化
佐藤 裕也; 豊田 哲也; 延原 肇
全国大会講演論文集/2012(1)/pp.263-265, 2012-03 - The visualization and spatiotemporal analysis of lattice structure of the Diet Record based on formal concept analysis
澤勢 一史; 延原 肇
電子情報通信学会技術研究報告. SIS, スマートインフォメディアシステム/112(465)/pp.17-19, 2013-02 - more...
- Improving Safety and Reducing Size in Multicopters by Adjusting Propeller Height and Its Applications to Remote Sensing