UTSURO Takehito
- Conference, etc.
- Detecting Japanese Functional Expressions based on a Large Scale Hierarchical Lexicon
長坂 泰治; 宇津呂 武仁; 土屋 雅稔
Proceedings of the 14th Annual Conference of the Association for Natural Language Processing_Association for Natural Language Processing___837-840/2008-03 - Collecting/Analyzing Splogs based on Characteristics of Keywords
佐藤 有記; 宇津呂 武仁; 福原 知宏; 河田 容英; 村上 嘉陽; 中川 裕志; 神門 典子
Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Conference of The Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence,_The Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence___/2008-06 - Blog Distillation from Multilingual Wikipedia Entries and Japanese/English Cross-Lingual Blog Analysis
川場 真理子; 中崎 寛之; 宇津呂 武仁; 福原 知宏
Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Conference of The Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence,_The Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence___/2008-06 - Estimating Topic Distribution of Japanese Blogosphere by Linking Wikipedia Entries to Blog Feeds
川場 真理子; 中崎 寛之; 宇津呂 武仁; 福原 知宏
Information Processing Society of Japan SIG Notes_Information Processing Society of Japan_2008_2008-NL-187_83-90/2008-09 - Integrating Phrase Translation Table and a Bilingual Lexicon in Semi-Automatic Acquisition of Technical Term Translation Lexicon from Parallel Patent Documents
森下 洋平; 宇津呂 武仁; 山本 幹雄
Information Processing Society of Japan SIG Notes_Information Processing Society of Japan_2008_2008-NL-187_91-98/2008-09 - Estimating Topic Distribution of Japanese Blogosphere based on Wikipedia Topic Hierachy
川場 真理子; 中崎 寛之; 宇津呂 武仁; 福原 知宏
The Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence SIG Notes, SIG-SWO-A803-12_The Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence___/2009-01 - 大規模な共通基盤による機械翻訳システムの比較評価: NTCIR特許翻訳タスク最新事情
藤井 敦; 内山 将夫; 山本 幹雄 宇津呂 武仁; +宇津呂 武仁
Proceedings of the 15th Annual Conference of the Association for Natural Language Processing_Association for Natural Language Processing___204-207/2009-03 - Linking Topics of News and Blogs with Wikipedia as Fundamental Knowledge Source
佐藤 由紀; 中崎 寛之; 川場 真理子; 宇津呂 武仁; 吉岡 真治; 福原 知宏; 中川 裕志; 神門 典子
Proceedings of the 15th Annual Conference of the Association for Natural Language Processing_Association for Natural Language Processing___300-303/2009-03 - Analizing Japanese Functional Expressions based on a Large Scale Hierarchical Lexicon
長坂 泰治; 宇津呂 武仁; 松吉 俊; 土屋 雅稔
Proceedings of the 15th Annual Conference of the Association for Natural Language Processing_Association for Natural Language Processing___328-331/2009-03 - Machine Translation of Japanese Functional Expressions into English through Canonical Expressions
坂本 明子; 宇津呂 武仁; 松吉 俊
Proceedings of the 15th Annual Conference of the Association for Natural Language Processing_Association for Natural Language Processing___654-657/2009-03 - Assisting Comparative Analysis of Japanese/English Blogs based on Cross-Lingual Gaps between Keyword Distributions
中崎 寛之; 川場 真理子; 山崎 小有里; 宇津呂 武仁; 福原 知宏
Proceedings of the 15th Annual Conference of the Association for Natural Language Processing_Association for Natural Language Processing___701-704/2009-03 - Generating Technical Term Bilingual Lexicon from Parallel Patent Documents: Integrating Phrase Translation Table and a Bilingual Lexicon by Machine Learning
森下 洋平; 宇津呂 武仁; 山本 幹雄
Proceedings of the 15th Annual Conference of the Association for Natural Language Processing_Association for Natural Language Processing___877-880/2009-03 - Estimating Topic Distribution of Japanese Blogosphere with Wikipedia as a Topic Hierarchy
川場 真理子; 中崎 寛之; 宇津呂 武仁; 福原 知宏
Proceedings of the 15th Annual Conference of the Association for Natural Language Processing_Association for Natural Language Processing___913-916/2009-03 - Utilizing Wikipedia Topic Hierarchy in Estimating Topics of Blog Sites and Topic Distribution of Blogsphere
川場 真理子; 中崎 寛之; 宇津呂 武仁; 福原 知宏
The First Forum on Data Engineering and Information Management_Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers/The Database Society of Japan/Information Processing Society of Japan___/2009-03 - Semi-Automatic Discovery of Cross-Cultural Gaps through Japanese/English Blog Distillation
中崎 寛之; 川場 真理子; 山崎 小有里; 宇津呂 武仁; 福原 知宏
Proceedings of The First Forum on Data Engineering and Information Management_Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers/The Database Society of Japan/Information Processing Society of Japan___/2009-03 - Complementary Navigation of News and Blogs with Wikipedia as Fundamental Knowledge Source
佐藤 由紀; 中崎 寛之; 川場 真理子; 宇津呂 武仁; 福原 知宏
Proceedings of The First Forum on Data Engineering and Information Management_Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers/The Database Society of Japan/Information Processing Society of Japan___/2009-03 - Estimating Confidence in Machine Learning for Splog Detection
片山 太一; 佐藤 有記; 宇津呂 武仁; 芳中 隆幸; 河田 容英; 福原 知宏
Proceedings of The First Forum on Data Engineering and Information Management_Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers/The Database Society of Japan/Information Processing Society of Japan___/2009-03 - Semi-Automatic Discovery of Cross-Cultural Gaps from Japanese/English Blogs with Wikipedia as Fundamental Knowledge Source
中崎寛之; 川場真理子; 宇津呂武仁; 福原知宏
Proceedings of the 23rd Annual Conference of The Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence,_The Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence___/2009-06 - Progress Report of the Year 2009: `Japanese Functional Expressions' Group
宇津呂 武仁; 長坂 泰治; 坂本 明子; 松吉 俊; 土屋 雅稔
Proceedings of the 2009 General Meeting of the MEXT Grant-in-aid for Scientific Research Priority Area Program "Japanese Corpus"____67-74/2009-09 - Utilizing Semantic Equivalence Classes in Machine Translation of Japanese Functional Expressions
坂本 明子; 宇津呂 武仁; 長坂 泰治; 松吉 俊
Proceedings of the 2009 General Meeting of the MEXT Grant-in-aid for Scientific Research Priority Area Program "Japanese Corpus"____111-118/2009-09 - Analysis of Japanese Functional Expressions in News Corpus based on a Hierarchical Lexicon
長坂泰治; 坂本明子; 宇津呂武仁; 森下洋平; 松吉俊; 土屋雅稔
Proceedings of the 4th NLP Symposium for Young Researchers____/2009-09 - Splog Detection using Similarities of HTML Structures
片山太一; 宇津呂武仁; 芳中隆幸; 河田容英; 福原知宏
Proceedings of the 4th NLP Symposium for Young Researchers____/2009-09 - Utilizing Similarities of HTML Structures in Splog Detection by Machine Learning
片山太一; 芳中隆幸; 宇津呂武仁; 河田容英; 福原知宏
Collection of Technical Reports of the 12th Workshop on Information-Based Induction Sciences (IBIS 2009)____/2009-10 - Analysis on Wikipedia Entries in Linking Topics of News and Blogs through Wikipedia
佐藤由紀; 横本大輔; 中崎寛之; 宇津呂武仁; 吉岡真治; 福原知宏; 神門典子; 中川裕志; 清田陽司
Information Processing Society of Japan SIG Notes_Information Processing Society of Japan_2009_2009-NL-194_/2009-11 - Collecting/Analyzing/Categorizing Japanese and English Blogs with Specific Topics: A Case Study
中崎寛之; 阿部佑亮; 宇津呂武仁; 河田容英; 福原知宏; 神門典子; 吉岡真治; 中川裕志; 清田陽司
Information Processing Society of Japan SIG Notes_Information Processing Society of Japan_2009_2009-NL-194_/2009-11 - more...
- Detecting Japanese Functional Expressions based on a Large Scale Hierarchical Lexicon