Researcher's full information

Conference, etc.
  • Interpersonal Vibrotactile Feedback via Waves Transmitted through the Skin: Mechanics and Perception
    Hachisu Taku; Readon Gregory; Shao Yitian; Suzuki Kenji; ...
    Proceedings of 2020 IEEE Haptics Symposium/2020-03-28--2020-03-31
  • Wearable Kinesthetic I/O Device for Sharing Muscle Compliance
    Nishida Jun; Suzuki Kenji
    31st Annual ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology (UIST)/2018-10-14--2018-10-17
  • Smart Bracelets to Represent Directions of Social Touch with Tactile Apparent Motion
    Hachisu Taku; Suzuki Kenji
    3rd International Conference on AsiaHaptics/2018-11-14--2018-11-16
  • モーションキャプチャーと筋電図を用いた経鼻内視鏡手術中の上肢の動きの科学的解析:熟練者の動きとは?.
    木野弘善; 阿久津博義; 門根秀樹; 原 拓真; 石川栄一; 石井雄道; 鈴木健嗣; 松村 明
  • ウェアラブルデバイスを用いた自閉症児の注視点情報と対人距離変化の計測と利用〜運動支援効果の定量計測〜
    関根悟; 辻愛里; 松田 壮一郎; 鈴木健嗣; 山本淳一
  • ウェアラブルデバイスを用いた注視点情報と距離感変化の計測と利用
    辻愛里; 関根悟; 松田 壮一郎; 山本淳一; 鈴木健嗣
  • Modeling and Quantitative Measurement Method of the Tripartite Interpersonal Distance Dynamics for Children with ASD
    Tsuji Airi Y.; Enomoto Takuya; Matsuda Soichiro; Yamam...
    16th International Conference on Computers Helping People with Special Needs (ICCHP)/2018-07-11--2018-07-13
  • EnhancedTouch: A Smart Bracelet for Enhancing Human-Human Physical Touch
    Suzuki Kenji; Hachisu Taku; Iida Kazuki
    2016 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems/2016-05-07--2016-05-12
  • Computational Modeling of Head-Eye Coordination in Face-to-Face Behavior
    Pan Yadong; Hachisu Taku; Suzuki Kenji
    2017 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics/2017-10-05--2017-10-08
  • Tactile Apparent Motion through Human-Human Physical Touch
    Hachisu Taku; Suzuki Kenji
    EuroHaptics 2018/2019-06-13--2019-06-16
  • EnhancedTouchX: Smart Bracelets for Augmenting Interpersonal Touch Interactions
    Hachisu Taku; Bourreau Baptiste; Suzuki Kenji
    2019 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems/2019-05-04--2019-05-09
  • Designing Interactive Visual Supports for Children with Special Needs in a School Setting
    Takahashi Issey; Oki Mika; Bourreau Baptiste; Suzuki ...
    Designing Interactive Systems (DIS) Conference/2018-06-09--2018-06-13
  • Egocentric Smaller-person Experience through a Change in Visual Perspective
    Nishida Jun; Matsuda Soichiro; Oki Mika; Takatori Hik...
    CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI)/2019-05-04--2019-05-09
  • Social imaging for autism research: Advances in computational behavioral scienc
    Matsuda Soichiro; Yamamoto Junichi; Suzuki Kenji
    12th Autism-Europe International Congress/2019-09-13--2019-09-15
  • A Calibration Method of Floor Projection System for Learning Aids at School Gym
    Xie Chun; Shishido Hidehiko; Oki Mika; Kameda Yoshinari; ...
    3rd IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, Applications and Systems (IPAS)/2018-12-12--2018-12-14
  • Hetrotopic triggered HAL method for patients with complete quadriplegia
    Shimizu Yukiyo; H Kadone; S Kubota; K Suzuki; T Abe; T U...
    The 12th World Congress of the International Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine (ISPRM 2018)/2018-07-08--2018-07-12
  • 下肢麻痺者の立位移動を支援するパーソナルモビリティ Qolo による起立着座動作補 助効果の検討と改良開発
    門根 秀樹; 清水 如代; 久保田 茂希; パエズ ディエゴ; 上野 友之; 羽田 康司; 鈴木 健嗣; 山崎 正志
  • Feasibility and Efficacy of Heterotopic Triggered HAL method for patients with complete Quadriplegia or Paraplegia due to chronic spinal cord injury
    Shimizu Yukiyo; Kadone Hideki; Kubota Shigeki; Suzuki Ke...
  • Gait phase dependent joint motion deceleration system for mitigation of crouch gait in children with cerebral palsy
    Yamada Takumi; Kadone Hideki; Shimizu Yukiyo; Ueno Tomoy...
  • Voluntary gait assistance for post stroke hemiparetic patients based on upper-lower limbs coordination using cane
    Hassan Modar; Kadone Hideki; Ueno Tomoyuki; Hada Yasushi...
  • Clinical assessment of stand-up and sit-down motion assist by personal standing mobility Qolo in people with spinal cord injury
    Kadone Hideki; Shimizu Yukiyo; Kubota Shigeki; Paez Dieg...
  • Real-Time EMG Sonification System for Gait
    Nakagawa Ryousuke; Kadone Hideki; Matsubara Masaki; Suzuk...
    International Conference on Auditory Display (ICAD2018)/2018-06
  • Early robotic intervention promoted bilateral reshaping of gait coordination in hemiparetic stroke patients
    Puentes Sandra; Kadone Hideki; Watanabe Hiroki; Sankai Y...
    13th International Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine World Congress (ISPRM 2019)/2019-06-09--2019-06-13
  • Enhancement of gait coordination through robotic therapy in myelopathy patients with residual motor disturbances after decompression surgery
    Puentes Sandra; Kadone Hideki; Kubota Shigeki; Abe Tetsu...
    13th International Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine World Congress (ISPRM 2019)/2019-06-9--2019-06-13
  • Xth Person View Video for Observation from Diverse Perspectives
    Shimura Naoki; Shishido Hidehiko; Kameda Yoshinari; Suzuk...
    Proceedings of 2018 Joint 7th International Conference on Informatics, Electronics & Vision (ICIEV) and 2018 2nd International Conference on Imaging, Vision & Pattern Recognition (icIVPR)/2018-06
  • more...