- Articles
- An Integrated Communicative Robot - BUGNOID -
Masataka Doi; Kenji Suzuki; Shuji Hashimoto
International Journal of Humanoid Robotics/1(1)/p.127-142, 2004-01 - Humanization, Personalization and Authentication Issues in the Design of Interactive Service System
Hiroshi Yamaguchi; Kenji Suzuki; and Chittoor V. Ramamoo...
Journal of Integrated Design & Process Science/7(4)/p.1-11, 2003-12 - Sound database retrieved by sound
Qi Hai; Pitoyo Hartono; Kenji Suzuki; Shuji Hashimoto
Acoustical Science and Technology/23(6)/p.293-300, 2002-06 - Development of an Autonomous Humanoid Robot, iSHA, for Harmonized Human-Machine Environment
Kenji Suzuki; Riku Hikiji; Shuji Hashimoto
Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics/14(5)/p.324-332, 2002-05 - EyesWeb - Toward Gesture and Affect Recognition in Dance/Music Interactive Systems
Antonio Camurri; Shuji Hashimoto; Matteo Ricchetti; Andre...
Computer Music Journal/24(1)/p.57–69, 2000-04 - マルチモーダル移動ロボットを用いた仮想音楽環境
鈴木 健嗣; アントニオ カムリ; 橋本 周司
日本バーチャルリアリティ学会論文誌/5(1)/p.763-769, 2000-01 - ニューラルネットワークを用いた感性情報の数量化
鈴木 健嗣; 橋本 周司
電子情報通信学会論文誌/J-82-D-II(4)/p.677-684, 1999-04
- An Integrated Communicative Robot - BUGNOID -