- Articles
- Robotic Ankle-Foot orthosis With a Variable Viscosity Link Using MR Fluid
Oba Takahiro; Kadone Hideki; Hassan Modar; Suzuki Kenji
IEEE-ASME TRANSACTIONS ON MECHATRONICS/24(2)/pp.495-504, 2019-04 - Muscle Synergies During Repetitive Stoop Lifting With a Bioelectrically-Controlled Lumbar Support Exoskeleton
Tan Chun Kwang; Kadone Hideki; Miura Kousei; Abe Tetsuya...
FRONTIERS IN HUMAN NEUROSCIENCE/13/p.142, 2019-04 - Robot-assisted voluntary initiation reduces control-related difficulties of initiating joint movement: A phenomenal questionnaire study on shaping and compensation of forward gait
Grüneberg Patrick; Kadone Hideki; Kuramoto Naomi; Ueno T...
PloS one/13(3), 2018-03 - Mealtime Assistance and Caregivers' Frequency of Checking the Residents in Nursing Homes: A Questionnaire Survey
Kuramoto Naomi; Suzuki Kenji; Watanabe Shinobu; Hidaka k...
Jpn J Compr Rehabil Sci/9/pp.34-42, 2018-10 - 飲料の物性による嚥下音の変化と飲み込みやすさの関係性
倉本 尚美; 下柿元 智也; Dushyantha Jayatilake; 日高紀久江; 鈴木健嗣
嚥下医学/6(1)/pp.34-39, 2017-02 - Robot-assisted voluntary initiation reduces control-related difficulties of initiating joint movement: A phenomenal questionnaire study on shaping and compensation of forward gait
Grüneberg Patrick; Kadone Hideki; Kuramoto Naomi; Ueno T...
PloS one, 2018-03 - User Characteristics for Latency of Vibration Feedback Designing an Experiment on Choice Behavior during a Button Pressing Task
蜂須 拓; 松田 壮一郎; 鈴木 健嗣
The Proceedings of JSME annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (Robomec)/2018/pp.1A1-K16, 2018 - Exoskeleton robot control for assisting voluntary locomotion based on spinal cord mapping of bioelectric signals
石川 松太郎; 門根 秀樹; 鈴木 健嗣
The Proceedings of JSME annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (Robomec)/2018/pp.1A1-F08, 2018 - Assisting of lifting motion with a passive exoskeleton by the use of own body weight
山内 智史; 門根 秀樹; 鈴木 健嗣
The Proceedings of JSME annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (Robomec)/2018/pp.2A1-D16, 2018 - An Exoskeleton Brake Unit for Children Supporting Knee Extension During Stance
山田 拓実; 門根 秀樹; パエズ ディエゴ; 鈴木 健嗣
The Proceedings of JSME annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (Robomec)/2018/pp.2A2-E04, 2018 - Passive Exoskeleton for Assisting Sitting-Standing Transition with a Lumbar Support Mechanism
The Proceedings of JSME annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (Robomec)/2018/pp.2A2-F06, 2018 - A Wearable Sensor Suit for Measuring Inter-limb Coordination in Swimming:The 2nd Report
廣川 暢一; 言上 智洋; 高木 英樹; 鈴木 健嗣
The Proceedings of JSME annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (Robomec)/2018/pp.2P2-F10, 2018 - An Empathic Design Approach to an Augmented Gymnasium in a Special Needs School Setting
Takahashi Issey; Oki Mika; Bourreau Baptiste; Kitahara...
INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF DESIGN/12(3)/pp.111-125, 2018-12 - Smiles of Children with ASD May Facilitate Helping Behaviors to the Robot
Kim SunKyoung; Hirokawa Masakazu; Matsuda Soichiro; Funah...
Social Robotics/11357/pp.55-64, 2018-11 - Design of a Huggable Social Robot with Affective Expressions Using Projected Images
Nunez Eleuda; Hirokawa Masakazu; Suzuki Kenji
APPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL/8(11), 2018-11 - REPLY TO GRONWALD ET AL.: Exercise intensity does indeed matter; maximal oxygen uptake is the gold-standard indicator
Suwabe Kazuya; Byun Kyeongho; Hyodo Kazuki; Reagh Zac...
PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA/115(51)/pp.E11892-E11893, 2018-12 - Visualization of walking speed variation-induced synchronized dynamic changes in lower limb joint angles and activity of trunk and lower limb muscles with a newly developed gait analysis system.
Miura Kousei; Kadone Hideki; Koda Masao; Nakayama Kei...
Journal of orthopaedic surgery (Hong Kong)/26(3)/pp.2309499018806688-2309499018806688, 2018-08 - Mealtime assistance and caregivers’ frequency of checking the resident in nursing homes: a questionnaire survey
Kuramoto Naomi; Suzuki Kenji; Watanabe Shinobu; Hidaka K...
Japanese Journal of Comprehensive Rehabilitation Science/9/pp.34-42, 2018-10 - Perceptual and Kinetic Characteristics by Egocentric Child Experience
西田 惇; 松田 壮一郎; 大木 美加; 高鳥 光; 佐藤 綱祐; 鈴木 健嗣
Transactions of the Virtual Reality Society of Japan/23(3)/pp.149-158, 2018 - Reshaping of Bilateral Gait Coordination in Hemiparetic Stroke Patients After Early Robotic Intervention
Puentes Sandra; Kadone Hideki; Watanabe Hiroki; Ueno Tom...
Frontiers in Neuroscience/12/p.719, 2018-10 - Rapid stimulation of human dentate gyrus function with acute mild exercise
Suwabe Kazuya; Byun Kyeongho; Hyodo Kazuki; Reagh Zac...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America/115(41)/pp.10487-10492, 2018-09 - Effect of Sensory Feedback on Turn-Taking Using Paired Devices for Children with ASD
Nunez Eleuda; Matsuda Soichiro; Hirokawa Masakazu; Yamamo...
Multimodal Technologies and Interaction/2(4)/p.61, 2018-09 - An approach to facilitate turn-taking behavior with paired devices for children with Autism Spectrum Disorder
Nunez Eleuda; Matsuda Soichiro; Hirokawa Masakazu; Yamamo...
Proc. of The 25th IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN 2016)/pp.837-842, 2016-11 - A Smart Clothe for ECG Monitoring of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders
Takahashi Kanako; Matsuda Soichiro; Suzuki Kenji
Computers Helping People with Special Needs/pp.555-562, 2016-07 - Interpersonal Distance and Face-to-face Behavior During Therapeutic Activities for Children with ASD
Tsuji Airi; Matsuda Soichiro; Suzuki Kenji
Computers Helping People with Special Needs/pp.367-374, 2016-07 - more...
- Robotic Ankle-Foot orthosis With a Variable Viscosity Link Using MR Fluid