- Articles
- Humanoid Robot Assisted Training for Facial Expressions Recognition based on Affective Feedback
Nunez Eleuda; Matsuda Soichiro; Hirokawa Masakazu; Suzuki...
Social Robotics/pp.492-501, 2015-10 - Paired robotic devices to mediate and represent social behaviors
Nunez Eleuda; Matsuda Soichiro; Hirokawa Masakazu; Yamamo...
Proc. of The 24th IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN 2015)/pp.722-727, 2015-11 - Standing Mobility Device With Passive Lower Limb Exoskeleton for Upright Locomotion
Eguchi Yosuke; Kadone Hideki; Suzuki Kenji
IEEE-ASME TRANSACTIONS ON MECHATRONICS/23(4)/pp.1608-1618, 2018-08 - A Wearable Sensor Suit for Measuring Inter-limb Coordination in Swimming
廣川 暢一; 高木 英樹; 鈴木健嗣
The Proceedings of JSME annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (Robomec)/2017, 2017-05 - Gait measurement by a mobile humanoid robot as a walking trainer
Piezzo Chiara; Leme Bruno; Hirokawa Masakazu; Suzuki Kenji
Proceedings of the 26th IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication/pp.1084-1089, 2017-08 - 摩擦特性に起因するダイナミクスの不連続性を利用したパワーフロー制御
矢木 啓介; 相山康道; 鈴木健嗣; 望山 洋
第35回日本ロボット学会学術講演会講演論文集, 2017-09 - Tarsusmeter: 装着型デバイスによるヒトの足関節のインピーダンス推定
ハサン モダル; 矢木 啓介; 望山 洋; 鈴木健嗣
第35回日本ロボット学会学術講演会講演論文集, 2017-09 - 剛性と柔軟性を融合させるスマートメカニクス
望山 洋; 矢木 啓介; ハサン モダル; 蕭 凱文; 安藤潤人; 相山康道; 鈴木健嗣
第35回日本ロボット学会学術講演会講演論文集, 2017-09 - Smart Mechanics for Fusion of Soft and Rigid Robotics
望山 洋; 矢木 啓介; ハサン モダル; 蕭 凱文; 安藤 潤人; 江尻 啓太; 相山康道; 鈴木 健嗣
The Proceedings of JSME annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (Robomec)/2017/pp.2A2-L01, 2017-05 - Tarsusmeter: Development of a wearable device for ankle joint impedance estimation
Hassan Modar; Yagi Keisuke; Hsiao Kaiwen; Mochiyama Hiro...
Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), 2017 39th Annual International Conference of the IEEE/pp.3293-3296, 2017-07 - Human Joint Impedance Estimation With a New Wearable Device Utilizing Snap-Through Buckling of Closed-Elastica
Yagi Keisuke; Suzuki Kenji; Mochiyama Hiromi
IEEE ROBOTICS AND AUTOMATION LETTERS/pp.1506-1513, 2018-01 - Modeling and Quantitative Measurement Method of the Tripartite Interpersonal Distance Dynamics for Children with ASD
Tsuji Airi; Enomoto Takuya; Matsuda Soichiro; Yamamoto J...
Computers Helping People with Special Needs/pp.523-526, 2018-06 - FaceLooks: A Smart Headband for Signaling Face-to-Face Behavior
Hachisu Taku; Pan Yadong; Matsuda Soichiro; Bourreau ...
Sensors/18(7)/p.2066, 2018-06 - On the Evaluation of a Huggable Interface to Mediate Remote Affective Communication
Nunez Eleuda; Koyama Shinichi; Suzuki Kenji; Igarashi Hi...
Tsukuba Global Science Week 2017 Art & Design Session Proceedings/pp.15-18, 2017-09 - FUTUREGYM: A gymnasium with interactive floor projection for children with special needs
Takahashi Issey; Oki Mika; Bourreau Baptiste; Kitahara I...
International Journal of Child-Computer Interaction, 2017-12 - Xth Person View Video for Observation from Diverse Perspectives
Shimura Naoki; Shishido Hidehiko; Kameda Yoshinari; Suzuk...
7th International Conference on Informatics, Electronics & Vision (ICIEV), 2018-06 - A Calibration Method for Large-Scale Projection Based Floor Display System
Xie Chun; Shishido Hidehiko; Kameda Yoshinari; Suzuki Ke...
The 25th IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces (IEEE VR 2018), 2018-03 - A wearable device for fast and subtle spontaneous smile recognition
Persquía-Hernández Monica; Hirokawa Masakazu; Suzuki Kenji
IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing/8(4)/pp.522-533, 2017-09 - Robotic device to mediate human-human hug-driven remote communication
Nunez Eleuda; Hirokawa Masakazu; Suzuki Kenji
Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Social Robotics/pp.198-208, 2017-11 - Robot compliant behaviour with mixed-initiative interaction in an obstacle avoidance scenario
Piezzo Chiara; Leme Bruno; Hirokawa Masakazu; Suzuki Kenji
Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Social Robotics/pp.718-727, 2017-11 - A Visual Environment for Reactive Robot Programming of Macro-level Behaviors
Erich Floris; Hirokawa Masakazu; Suzuki Kenji
Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Social Robotics/pp.577-586, 2017-11 - Spontaneous and posed smile recognition based on spatial and temporal patterns of facial EMG
Perusquía-Hernández Monica; Hirokawa Masakazu; Suzuki Kenji
Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction (ACII)/pp.23-26, 2017-10 - Design of a cloud-based robotic platform for accompanying and interacting with humans
Leme Bruno; Hirokawa Masakazu; Suzuki Kenji
Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Social Robotics/pp.262-271, 2017-11 - Gait measurement by a mobile humanoid robot as a walking trainer
Piezzo Chiara; Leme Bruno; Hirokawa Masakazu; Suzuki Kenji
Proceedings of the 26th IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication/pp.1084-1089, 2017-08 - スマートメカニクスとロボット支援機器への応用
鈴木 健嗣
Journal of the Society of Biomechanisms/41(2)/pp.85-89, 2017 - more...
- Humanoid Robot Assisted Training for Facial Expressions Recognition based on Affective Feedback