- Articles
- Comparative Effects of Auditory Electromyographic Biofeedback for Participants Who Are Blind and Sighted
Iguchi Masaki; Matsubara Masaki; Kadone Hideki; Terasa...
Perceptual and motor skills/125(4)/pp.732-748, 2018-05 - Modeling of the Chasing Behaviors for Developmental Program of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders
Airi Tsuji; Satoru Sekine; Takuya Enomoto; Soichiro Mats...
Proc. of the 2017 IEEE 16th International Conference on Cognitive Informatics & Cognitive Computing (ICCI*CC 2017), 2017-07 - 飲料の物性による嚥下音の変化と飲み込みやすさの関係
倉本 尚美; 下柿本 智也; Jayatilake Dushyantha; 日高 紀久江; 鈴木 健嗣
嚥下医学/6(1)/pp.34-39, 2017-02 - Lateral Symmetry of Synergies in Lower Limb Muscles of Acute Post-stroke Patients After Robotic Intervention
Tan Chun Kwang; Kadone Hideki; Watanabe Hiroki; Marushima...
FRONTIERS IN NEUROSCIENCE/12, 2018-04 - Reshaping of gait coordination by robotic intervention in myelopathy patients after surgery.
S Puentes; H Kadone; S Kubota; T Abe; Y Shimizu; A Marus...
Front Nsurosci./12/p.99, 2018 - Successful detection of postoperative improvement of dynamic sagittal balance with a newly developed three-dimensional gait motion analysis system in a patient with iatrogenic flatback syndrome: A case report
Miura Kousei; Koda Masao; Kadone Hideki; Abe Tetsuya; ...
Journal of Clinical Neuroscience/53/pp.241-243, 2018-05 - Feasibility of Synergy-based Exoskeleton Robot Control in Hemiplegia
Hassan Modar; Kadone Hideki; Ueno Tomoyuki; Hada Yasushi...
IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, 2018-05 - 複数人による双方向の対面行動を計量する頭部装着型デバイス
蜂須 拓; 潘 雅冬; 松田 壮一郎; ブロー バティスト; 鈴木 健嗣
IEICE TRANSACTIONS on Information and Systems D, 2018-02 - A Dynamical Modeling of Interpersonal Distances for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders
辻 愛里; 松田 壮一郎; 山本 淳一; 鈴木 健嗣
IEICE TRANSACTIONS on Information and Systems D, 2018-02 - Facilitating Social Play for Children with PDDs: Effects of Paired Robotic Devices
Matsuda Soichiro; Nunez Eleuda; Hirokawa Masakazu; Yamamo...
FRONTIERS IN PSYCHOLOGY, 2017-06 - Feasibility Study of a Socially Assistive Humanoid Robot for Guiding Elderly Individuals during Walking
Piezzo Chiara; Suzuki Kenji
FUTURE INTERNET/9(3), 2017-09 - A Wearable Device for Fast and Subtle Spontaneous Smile Recognition
Perusquia-Hernandez Monica; Hirokawa Mazakasu; Suzuki ...
IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AFFECTIVE COMPUTING/8(4)/pp.522-533, 2017-10 - bioSync: Wearable Kinesthetic I/O Device for Blending Kinesthetic Experience
西田 惇; 鈴木 健嗣
Transactions of the Virtual Reality Society of Japan/22(1)/pp.51-60, 2017 - Wearable Device for Measuring Face-to-Face Behavior via Infrared Communication
蜂須 拓; Yadong Pan; 利根 忠幸; Baptiste Bourreau; 鈴木 健嗣
Transactions of the Virtual Reality Society of Japan/22(1)/pp.11-18, 2017 - Large Scale Interactive AR Display Based on a Projector-Camera System
Xie Chun; Kameda Yoshinari; Suzuki Kenji; Kitahara Itaru
SUI'16: PROCEEDINGS OF THE 2016 SYMPOSIUM ON SPATIAL USER INTERACTION/pp.179-179, 2016-10 - A Deformable Smart Skin for Continuous Sensing Based on Electrical Impedance Tomography
Visentin Francesco; Fiorini Paolo; Suzuki Kenji
SENSORS/16(11), 2016-11 - EnhancedTouch: A Smart Bracelet for Enhancing Human Human Physical Touch
Suzuki Kenji; Hachisu Taku; Iida Kazuki
34TH ANNUAL CHI CONFERENCE ON HUMAN FACTORS IN COMPUTING SYSTEMS, CHI 2016/pp.1282-1293, 2015 - 1P2-L03 Clinical Application of a Control Method for Wearable Robot based on Upper and Lower Limbs Synergies
ハサン モダル; 門根 秀樹; 上野 友之; 鈴木 健嗣; 山海 嘉之
ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集/2015/pp.1P2-L03(1)-1P2-L03(2), 2015-05 - A Personal Mobility Vehicle with Adaptive Postural Change for Assisting Upright Locomotion(Welfare Robotics and Mechatronics(3))
江口 洋丞; 門根 秀樹; 鈴木 健嗣
ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集/2013/pp.2P1-C12(1)-2P1-C12(2), 2013-05 - Design of a Wearable Device for Reading Positive Expressions from Facial EMG Signals
Gruebler Anna; Suzuki Kenji
IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AFFECTIVE COMPUTING/5(3)/pp.227-237, 2014-07 - 装着型表情識別インタフェースによる表情知覚支援への応用
鈴木 健嗣; 高野 裕士
電子情報通信学会論文誌/J99(D1)/pp.67-75, 2016-01 - Smartphone-Based Real-time Assessment of Swallowing Ability From the Swallowing Sound
Jayatilake D.; Ueno T.; Teramoto Y.; Nakai K.; Hidaka K....
IEEE Journal of Translational Engineering in Health and Medicine, 2015-11 - On the Reaction to Robot's Speech in a Hotel Public Space
Pan Yadong; Okada Haruka; Uchiyama Toshiaki; Suzuki K...
International Journal of Social Robotics/7(5)/pp.911-920, 2015-11 - Voluntary Initiation of Movement: Multifunctional Integration of Subjective Agency
Grüneberg P.; Kadone H; Suzuki K.
Frontier in Psychology/6(688)/p.688, 2015-05 - Wearable Auditory Biofeedback Device for Blind and Sighted Individuals
Matsubara Masaki; Oba Takahiro; Kadone Hideki; Terasaw...
IEEE MultiMedia/22(1)/pp.68-73, 2015-01 - more...
- Comparative Effects of Auditory Electromyographic Biofeedback for Participants Who Are Blind and Sighted